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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


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7926 results found

  1. Bug Moved to damage without being able to cast instant

    Had a huge board but the client moved to damage two turns in a row without me being able to cast an instant combat trick to win the game. Was My last loss in the double feature event too. Played on android.

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  2. timeout

    Your opponent's stacking ability is over 100, and your opponent clicks on a creature each time to put a + 1 / + 1 counter on it. The other party's time should have been consumed, but my time was consumed and I lost the timeout.

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  3. ゲームの途中に勝手に敗北処理された





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  4. magic Arena is SCRIPTED

    Most scripted game of all time.

    best of three is best of mulligan.. 100% of the time you get no land, or you draw 20 lands in first 20 cards..
    every time a get diamond tier1 and I'm 1 game far away from mithyc, the MAGIC happens and I start loosing every f**kin game..
    all my favorite cards... BANNED... uro, teferi, fires.. even brainstorm!!!!!
    this game is all aggro and thoughtseize... this is magic on Arena in hystoric.
    No way I'm going to spend money or resources on standard because you ban cards every week ...

    you will never have…

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  5. Friends list broken, cannot challenge friend

    Friend on iOS can add me as a friend but I disappear immediately, as if I'm offline. Earlier it just said he had no friends, which is rude

    Anyways, we've tried direct challenge through friendslist with identical settings but it won't start. Just gives us cancel button

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  6. Unable to log in: Attach failed to drop other attach

    In the login screen, I get either :Unable to log in: “ Attach failed to drop other attach” or “authentication failed due to timeout”. I have reinstalled the app and used both iOS and Android devices but am still unable to login after more than half an hour. Arena status webpage indicates no issues at the moment. Please provide a fix for the issue.

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  7. Servers are still down after maintenance.

    Still can't log in after maintenance from 1/27.

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  8. Incorrect rules interactions or bug

    Why I couldn't exile Rahilda, Feral Outlaw with Vanishing Verse?
    Isn't it mono colorued?

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  9. Black screen with cursor

    Black screen with cursor again!
    Why does this issue happen every update?

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  10. Timeout

    Since the new patch (09.02) been having extreme timeout issues. One long game ended in an infinite timeout with no resolution and had to quit the app (ios). Next game same thing happened immediately, no lands were even played. Switch modes from ranked to play and was able to start a game but the timeouts were slower than normal (several times thought I was stuck in a loop again because the timeout counter wasn't starting). That game finally ended in an infinite timeout. No defeat or victory screen on any of these

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  11. Lands not untapping

    1. Lost connection (during opponent's second main phase)
    2. Regained connection (for my turn)
    3. Lands did not untap
    4. Had no other play than to pass the turn
    5. Opponent played turn, passed
    6. My lands did not untap again so I had to Concede
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  12. Card description vanishes instantly from right click

    We would like to report a problem when checking the details of the card by right-clicking during the match.
    If you press the right click during a match, the explanation of the card will be displayed for a moment as if you had hit repeatedly, and the explanation screen will disappear instantly, so you will not be able to read the explanation.
    I had no such symptoms until a few weeks ago.
    I tried exchanging the mouse, exchanging the right-click and left-click decision functions in the Windows mouse settings, and installing clickcancelar (an app that automatically cancels abnormal double-clicks), but…

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  13. Stalling People

    There are a few people who are not that good, but stall whenever they lose, so they do not have it count as a loss. The first time I encountered one, I waited 50 minutes until it timed out (I got up and did things while I waited, I wasn't just sitting there.) I found yet another stalling person. It is obnoxious. Please stop this kind of extreme stalling! Thanks!

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  14. Did not receive daily quest reward of 750 gold

    1. Played Historic Brawl after which I should have completed my daily quest. Instead got the "waiting for server" screen.
    2. PC Windows 10
    3. After restarting the game, my gold collection was not updated even though before restarting, I got 750 gold.
    4. The 750 gold from the daily quest, namely "Kill 25 of your opponent's creatures", should have been added to my gold collection after completing the quest.
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  15. Opponent Did Not Lose With Negative Health

    I was playing in the ranked ranks and I came across an opponent who did not lose the game after the hit points were below 0, he continued playing as if nothing had happened.

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  16. Cannot play "Friendly Brawl" mode with friend.

    Cannot play "Friendly Brawl" mode with friend. Even though both decks are valid, we're both recieving the error message "3 cards invalid". This appears to be a common problem with other PC and Mac users for the last month.

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  17. 5 votes

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  18. Matchmaking too difficult

    The matchmaking is ******, always no funny games, when I change my deck, the opponent change too and no funny game too, you are creepy moneymaker...

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  19. 9 votes

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  20. matchmaking

    i'm really sorry about that but magic sucks.
    the matchmaking is something really idiot ... if you play a certain type of deck you will fight against the same fricking deck .. i mean controll stupid deck .
    do something about it .. do it randomly ... because i can't believe that the people just play those ****** deck

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