MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
8116 results found
Tutorial don't block android
I can't go pass the blocking in the tutorial because it don't let me block
41 votes -
I've been disconnected without notice while i was playing premier draft because servers were under maintenance
I've been disconnected without notice while i was playing premier draft because servers were under maintenance. The game picked random cards and now it's impossiible for me to play. Please, give me my 1500 gems/10000 coins back
5 votes -
Enable banning players that abuse rope
Some players abuse the roping system, clearly to annoy the opponent. It's extremely detrimental to the experience and to the community. Yes, you can report players but frankly no one know if anything happens at all after that.
There should be a feature that if a player ropes every single priority more than 10 times on a game it allows you to ban that player so you don't ever play against that player again.
13 votes -
Network Error
Network Error on both Mac and IOS system dated 31 Aug 2021 from Canada. Gme start but when trying start a match of any kind an error appears, like Network error or unable to resign event. tried both with wifi and 4g, internet is working just fine
31 votes -
Disable enemy card hovering
Do you approve of the annoyance caused by an opponent constantly swirling there mouse over cards and highlighting / flashing / whatever you call it?
The feature has no value in the game.
Please add a switch to DISABLE MOUSE OVER FUNCTION that causes card animation.37 votes -
Not earning XP for wins
So I bought the mastery pass thinking I would actually be able to unlock the whole thing by playing, but I'm not earning ANY XP for wins.
I managed to unlock a grand total of 1 level today and now I am getting 0 xp.
If this is not a bug I want my money back. Its either a bug or a scam. I'm hoping its a bug.
14 votes -
sick to death of Arena freezing on me, having to ctrl alt del then the game restarting with me losing a turn. It is happening twice daily before I decide I have had enough and stop playing. You need to get your act together MTGA is ceasing to be an enjoyable play experience.
12 votes -
16 lands in a row
72 cards, 29 lands. Drawing 16 lands in a row and nothing else should never happen in a shuffled deck.
11 votes -
Brawl Friend Challenge
Can't play Brawl game with people on my friend list. The moment whe try whe always have the '' invalide deck '' message and the oder player all is brawl deck have a red ! on it!
8 votes -
Mobile game constant crashing
Since the release of Neon Dynasty my game constantly crashes during gameplay. I am playing on mobile iOS. It happens every other game and has caused me to lose countless games effecting my ability to climb the ranked ladder. It’s very difficult to keep playing when I can’t make any progress from the game closing and not letting me rejoin games.
9 votes -
Emotes not work, and i pay for that!
12 votes -
Turn skipped post combat
Post Combat main was completely skipped. I had attacked and had mana available and cards to play.
6 votes -
can't enter any matches,not even a bot match. stuck on loading/matchmaking screen indefinitely.
can't enter any matches,not even a bot match. stuck on loading/matchmaking screen indefinitely.
17 votes -
Flash Bug?
Why can I not cast a flash based card in response to my opponent's spell? There was no other card on field with flash , and I had the correct amount and type of mana. Can you please fix this game, inbetween random crashes, and all other sort of ****, this is why I would never recommend or spend any money on this "game" in it's current state, probably lose some friends over this if I did.
7 votes -
Add people to friends with whom you recently played with
It would be nice to add people to friends and interact more with people with whom we play. Otherwise it feels onesided and quite lonely. I know you can go to discord groups but having an option to rewatch your last match and play again with the person of similar or higher skill.
9 votes -
paradox engine still not banned
you need to start reading these complaints. paradox engine should not be a legal card, ban it immediately.
21 votes -
Can't see challenges or friend list
After yesterday (Apr, 16th) update, the bar that appears on the bottom of the initial screen has disappeared. It is show when the game is loaded, but after I won a game, it won't appear anymore, so I can't see daily challenges or my friend lists. Trying to reboot application didn't work, but rebooting the machine works (Windows PC).
64 votes -
Constructed rank not changing after matches since last update
Playing standard ranked on Android, My constructed rank hasn't gone up or down since the last update.
14 votes -
Opponent's onhover event handling causing timeout
I lost a match because of a timeout from my side. However, it looked very strange and the way how the timeout occurred looked more like a MTGA application bug or a foul play from opponent's side (or both).
The story is quite simple. I played on the Bo1 limited ladder a VOW quick draft match against Ozon#26468. Quite in the beginning, I noticed considerable flickering of my cards in play and in my hand. It looked like if the opponent was looking at my cards hovering their mouse over them, but selected cards changed very rapidly. It stopped from…10 votes -
Can't Concede
I can't offer the opinions of others, but not being able to concede is absolutely ridiculous! You are effectively wasting my time by not allowing this. I don't care if my opponent wants to see his/her win. I don't want to have to sit and wait to start another game or to stop playing because of all of the horrible features you have put in the game that aren't there in table-top magic. You've already done enough to ruin the game, why push it?
10 votes
- Don't see your idea?