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7894 results found

  1. Only 1 Copy Made with Calamity

    After bringing back Calamity with mourner's surprise and while they had a Jace reawakened out in Premier draft, it stopped making a second copy of the creature that saddled it. I was playing on PC. I have a 17lands replay but can't seem to upload the link for you to view so I uploaded a photo of the first time it only made 1 copy.

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  2. Bug with Rakdos Joins Up and Abuelo's Awakening

    Playing on PC. I was playing against a deck that had Rakdos Joins Up in their graveyard. They played Abduelo's Awakening on it and returned it to play as a 1/1 creature. The issue is that they later played a Hulking Metamorph and copied the Rakdos Joins up creature. This then caused the legendary rule to apply and the metamorph was sent to the graveyard. They proceeded to infinitely loop this process. The issue is that the legend rule is a state based action and no creature dies, so this should not cause the dying trigger on Rakdos Joins Up!…

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  3. Bug

    Hello, PC player via Steam, I found a bug with the card "Invasion of New Capenna": if I play it and then try to destroy the battle on board to get the "Holy Frazzle-Cannon", a free token which I obtain at 0 mana cost, when I have unspent mana I can cast the usually free reward, but I can't when I have all the lands tapped/no way to get more mana. I don't know if it's a bug valid only for this battle or if all battles are affected by this.

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  4. Time going opponents turn, triggers nullified

    The player barneysenders is hacking system somehow my time going on his turn, and my triggers not happening. I have always beat this player before. I don't know if he is hacking or if it's your bug.

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  5. Hideaway - Collector's Cage not working as intended with Eldrazi

    The Hideaway ability from Collector's Cage is not working as intended with the eldrazi creatures that have a trigger when cast.

    In my particular case I experienced that bug with Decimator of Provinces, I casted it with the Collector's cage Hideaway but did not get the Trigger (When you cast this spell, creatures you control get +2/+2 and gain trample until end of turn.)

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  6. Primal Command not applying.

    During a premier draft, I cast Primal Command, choosing to "Put a non-creature permanent on top of your library" and "Add a creature from your library to your hand." The first effect was applied, but the second was not.

    If there was no error in the selection of the activation effect but the effect was not activated due to technical reasons, I would like compensation.

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  7. option browser missing options

    options browser on titan of industry vanished after checking battlefield to see opponents enchantments causing me to lose the game

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  8. rush of dread

    I lost a game where my opponent cast "Rush of Dread" while I was at 1 life. I should lose half my life rounded up - ie, stay at 1 life. Instead I went to 0 and died. I'm pretty sure this is a bug. Pic shows the end game state, with Rush of Dread in my opponent's graveyard.

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  9. VERY! Incorrect damage calculation

    I believe I was at 17 life. One creature with no trample was blocked, 2 unblocked creatures that should have totaled 3 damage. I was left with -431 life. ??????

    The entire time my opponent was spamming "Your go" messages causing some lag in the game. I think they were aware of a bug and utilized it.

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  10. Thoughtseize doesn't wortk

    I select Thoughtseize to cast it and the pointer appears to select the target, but when I try to select the opponent or myself I couldn't.

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  11. bristly bill landfall in draft

    Each time me or my opponent played Bristly Bill and the landfall mechanic should worked out, my game crashed hard and had to log again which costs me both games in draft in the end. if guess my draft is dead but if this can be fixed or issued it would be nice :) thanks in advance ( i'm on PC)

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  12. Interaction between Tawnos Endures and Geralf, the Fleshwright

    An opponent controlled Geralf, the Fleshwright. They cast a spell which would trigger the zombie token creation by targeting Geralf. I cast Tawnos Endures on the Geralf, removing it from combat. I believe that should have caused the spell to fizzle, as the only target it had was put into exile. However, the zombie was still created, despite Geralf being out of play.

    Do I have a fundamental misunderstanding how how "fizzling" works, or is this a bug?

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  13. Large stack can cause timeouts while all triggered actions are resolving. For all players.

    This morning I was playing a life/counter deck and my opponent was playing a "Scute Swarm" deck. I had 3 creatures on the battlefield along with an "Authority of the Consuls". Whenever my opponent played a land we both timed out while the creature creation and life gaining/counter triggers were happening. This should not happen.

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  14. 勝利確定後の進行不能のバグ



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  15. shuffler broken

    when are you going to stop directly interfering with games. Some of us do not have the time to play best of 3 and I would really like to play without hand smoothing. It is the absolute worse thing MTG has ever done and having been with MTG since the beginning , I do know what I am talking about. Add the fact that I have been tracking my games since before hand smoothing I can honestly tell you mana *****/flood was less of an issue with the old shuffler. So either your development dept has no clue what they…

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  16. Sagas not getting there counters

    Fable of the mirror breaker not getting counters making the card unusable. Hav it out for 4 turns and never got a counter on it

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  17. 試合時間カウントダウンのあとカウントアップしはじめた


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  18. Awful use of timer against non-active player

    Forced use of my time outs on my opponents stacked triggers while I have no response or play to make but have a hard lock on board to prevent loss. Arena is flawed and this issue needs to be fixed because it prevents the ability to play certain cards or strategies, many cards are being invalidated because arena forces game loss.

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  19. Game crashes all the time

    Guys, this is becoming very, very annoying. I don't even report all the crashes, but now I really had enough. All good with the connection, all good within the game, and then all of a sudden - a big bawl of nothing. After couple of mins, I restart the game, and I see that I lost. This is my third draft in a row that this happened. On a new Samsung phone, with 5g internet. So please, refund would be in order, since I am paying hundreds of dollars for your products every month. Thanks

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  20. Rebel salvo not doing damage to creatures with Ward after paying Ward price

    The Spell “Rebel Salvo” doesn’t do any damage to a creature who has Ward, after paying the Ward price.

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