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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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8111 results found

  1. Card was plotted instead of cast

    Hello, in todays Arena Open I wanted to cast a card, but instead it was plotted - this lead to me losing the game. I am attaching a screenshot, where the board state makes it obvious I would not have plotted the card. please look into this, thank you

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  2. Evolving Adaptive not working with ***** Against Humanity

    Play Evolving Adaptive (enters as 1/1)
    Play ***** Against Humanity (Creats a 2+x/2+x Ooze)
    As SAH creates a 2/2, the 1/1 Evolving Adaptive SHOULD gain an oil counter and become a 2/2, but does not.

    Playing on PC.

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  3. Imp’s Mischief stalls out when targeting counterspell

    Imp’s Mischief should be able to redirect counterspells to target it, but can’t; if Imp’s Mischief is cast on a counterspell with nothing but the original spell being countered and the counterspell on the stack, Imp’s Mischief will cast, but when it resolves, Arena can’t see any valid new targets for the counterspell, so no action can be taken.

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  4. You can Discard cards exiled with Expensive Taste

    Opponent used Expensive Taste to exile two cards from my library
    They then used Bitter Triumph to discard one of the exiled cards as part of the cost (putting the exiled card in their graveyard), which they shouldn't be able to do.

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  5. Stuck on "waiting for server" after every match

    Beginning a couple of days ago, every time I finish a match (doesn't matter if won or lost or which kind of match e.g. limited, ranked or unranked) the client remains stuck on "waiting for server" and the only think that I can do is force close it and restart to play another match. Rewards etc are assigned correctly but it's annoying to not be able to play more than one game without restarting the client. Also the same thing happens if I try to go to the shop. Every other menu entry works as intended.
    I'm on android 14.

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  6. Bug with Vraska, the Silender and Annie Flash, the Veteran

    on my 7th match of premier draft, I used Vraska, the Silencer's ability to create a treasure out of my opponent's Annie Flash, the veteran, it keeps Annie Flash's abilities. I used the tap ability of the treasure expecting to trigger Annie Flash's second ability to exile cards from my library. But it did not trigger. I then lost the match a few turns later and ended my draft as it was my third loss.

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  7. Can’t Saddle/Crew

    Whenever I try to Saddle or Crew on iOS mobile, the app crashes. At the beginning I thought this was a single card or Sparky issue, but has now happened with every Saddle/Crew cards I try to activate and in every match format.

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  8. Rite of Harmony still triggers when I have Elesh Norn Mother of Machines on the board

    Rite of Harmony allows player to draw hen a creature enters the battlefield. Elesh Norn should stop it.

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  9. Gonti, Canny Acquisitor Bug

    On Arena, Gonti, Canny Acquisitor does not reduce the cost of 1 mana cards exiled with it to zero. For example, when exiling an opponents 1 mana Esper Sentinel, the cost for me to play that card should be 0 (due to Gonti's first effect), but remained 1.

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  10. "Territory Forge"

    Incorrect rules interactions: Territory Forge exiled Mobile Homestead.
    It has activated ability to crew. But when I did it went to my graveyard.

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  11. Calamity

    Had Calamity sattled with a creature. when i went to attack a battle, only 1 token was produced. noticed it also happened when attacking player and they had a planeswalker out.

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  12. Block

    Cannot block or closely look at specific creature called Mephidross *****. During fight, the card could not be looked at closely, I could not block it with ANY creatures, and it did eventually block and die at the end of the game. At the end of the game when I looked back at their graveyard, that was the only time I could look more closely at it.

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  13. [Bug] Change target of spell with proliferate still killed me with proliferating of poison.

    It was Standart ranked game.
    I had 9 poison counters. Enemy have played a card on my creature with proliferate "Drown in Ichor". Instead I have played "Return the Favor" changing the targets to his creature. His creature died and without asking anything it has proliferated me and I died.

    Please fix it!

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  14. RNG of deck draws.

    Can someone take a look at the RNG of this game. I have a deck with an average of 2.6 CMC and most of the cards are 3 CMC or lower. Why in multiple games back to back do I get the only 3-7 cards in the deck that are 4 or more? and then i'm land/mana screwed the entire game.

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  15. What the actual

    [edit] does this even mean? YEAH I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS. Why am getting draws so much more frequently? And if this is how you answer someone then get [edit].
    Also your timer mechanics are all but broken at this point when I get a draw warning and my timer hasn’t even popped up but someone can I infi cycle one card then grapeshot without a draw warning you guys clearly don’t get it. Get [edit].

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  16. Bug

    Both parts of Getaway Glamer did not resolve even though I had legal targets. I couldn't answer my opponents bomb due to the glitch. I would like a refund for the draft if possible.

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  17. Gix Command and Brutal Cathar interaction

    I control a Brutal Cathar and the game state is Night Time.
    The Cathar is a 3/3 creature

    Opponent casts Gix Command choosing to destroy all creatures power 2 or less. The Brutal Cathar is destroyed even though the current state is 3/3.

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  18. Satorou, the infiltrator

    Satorou, the Infiltrator is not coded correctly. It should see other creatures enter the battlefield with it when you flicker your entire board, but it does not.

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  19. Step 2 of Kiora Bests the Sea Goods doesn't resolve

    Lore 1 resolves properly,
    lore 2 nonland permanents are not tapped or stunned

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  20. Desertion 2nd ability did not trigger

    Was playing OTJ quick draft. Opponent played Riku of Many Paths, and I countered with Desertion. The counter worked but the creature went to the graveyard instead of the battlefield under my control.

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