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7961 results found

  1. urborg scavengers

    Urborg Scavengers' abilities don't work when gained on attack.

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  2. Please ban Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx from Explorer and Pioneer

    This card ruined the Explorer format for me ever since it was released in Explorer Anthology 2. The Mono Green Deck abuses it too easily.

    It needs to be banned NOW!!!!!

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  3. infinite loop

    Players use the infinite loop to win the game, using for examples usin the card all will become one (in Italian "tutto diverra uno") and Ob nixilis, capo prigioniero", the game automatically is lost without possibility of actions

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  4. Bugged interaction with Yedora, Grave Tender and Defiler of Vigor

    When Defiler of Vigor is returned to the battlefield as a land, its abilities should be removed but it isn't being removed correctly. Because of this, the creatures in my hand were still showing that they could be played with one phyrexian mana in the cost but since there was no defiler actually on the board (this was in brawl), trying to play any creatures in my hand caused the game to freeze and prevent me from making any actions at all until my turn ended and the creature was returned to my hand. I lost the game because I…

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  5. starter deck duel

    when you make an event called starter deck duels and then make people play decks that people have made instead of pitting 2 starter decks against each other it kinda takes the fun out of playing considering youre getting smacked around by way better decks that you have no chance of beating so you can never get the decks or more cards

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  6. Bad Shuffle fix

    Every time the game shuffles a deck it begins with the deck in alphabetical order so that identically named cards are stacked together. Once the game shuffles using the algorithm you most likely bought, it then locates those similarly named cards closer together in the deck than they would be in the real world. You fix it by having it shuffle from the order they were played. My email is Feel free to email me to elaborate further.

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  7. Exquisite Blood

    Someone played this and swung and I lost immediately before any damage happened.

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  8. Auto-shuffler not working properly

    Starting a game, I mulliganed down to 5 cards, so had to put 2 cards ON THE BOTTOM OF MY LIBRARY. On my second turn, I drew one of those cards, Zurgo & Ojutai, of which I only had one in the deck. This is proof the shuffler is not working as the game is intended, and instead makes you draw cards based on an algorithm. Fix the shuffler.

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  9. Identical Mulligan

    This bug submission UI is really confusing. I just played a game where I did a mulligan on my starting hand.. and I GOT THE EXACT SAME HAND, even the order of the cards was identical ? What the heckers ? I will try to upload the log or something but I am baffled by what I just witnessed.
    Also that was the final game of my limited quick draft, which barely lost thanks to that nonsense :/

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  10. Just scrap poison already or give us an option to opt out of the mechanic

    Poison is a broken, unbalanced mechanic. That's not an opinion. In context it's like shock, two damage, except it can't be prevented or healed. So if you were playing a lifegain deck, sorry, we're not using that mechanic. And these days it's strapped onto anything. Counterspell, get poisoned, sacrifice a creature and get poisoned. And don't get me started on the design oversight that is the venerated rotpriest. There's no way to prevent it or block it, except for one creature, and she doesn't neuter the strategy like she used to. Poison counters were always a bad idea, but you…

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  11. commander dissapearing while playing historic brawl *BUG*.

    1. i played a game of friendly brawl against my brother using the challenge feature.
    2. i cast the card invasion of new phyrexia
    3. i dealt lethal damage to my battle triggering it to flip
    4. the game asked me weather i would like to cast my commander(chromium the mutable) without paying its mana cost or my teferi planeswalker. i was very confused.
    5. i selected the teferi planeswalker to cast, after it resolved my commander was nowhere to be seen, i could no longer see my command zone and i could not cast my commander for the rest of the game.
    6. weirdly enough…
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  12. Kasmina, Enigma Sage and Teferi, Master of Time lets you activate abilities of all planeswalkers at instant speed

    Only teferi should be able to activate abilities at instant speed but all planeswalkers can when these cards are out

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  13. Game is BROKEN

    Aside from the OBVIOUS fact that this game is so **** rigged and broken, I'm not sure why I even post about this bug, but MAYBE the hackers can have a better game if it gets fixed. Whenever I close out of this terrible excuse of Magic, it freezes, Now, I know most people quit out by ALT+f4 of this trash, but it still should not lock up EVERY **** TIME.

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  14. Sheoldred

    Could you please stop matching me against Sheoldred the Apocalypse? It's incredibly boring to play against.

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  15. lost match draft won

    I just played a quick draft match and won (the other player clicked surrender).
    Then got the feedback: "did you have fun?" - i clicked smile.
    Next screen my losses added +1 instead of wins adding +1

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  16. lightshield array

    Light Shield Array - Not adding counters to Adeline token. I'm not sure if the counters would have been added after the first turn the Adeline token came into play. But for sure it did not work on the first turn as can be seen in the video.

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  17. "Destroyed" creatures not going to the graveyard

    When I was playing Arena after the new announcement for May went live I noticed that when I would destroy creautures of my opponent or when they would destroy creautures of mine they would still stay on the battlefield. If something with summoning sickness was destroyed the turn it came in it would still remain visually as though it had that the next turn, tapped creatures stayed tapped etc. No other counter spells or specific abilities came into play that would make it so stuff stays on the field either, destroyed creatures (might be artifacts and enchantments as well haven't…

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  18. Invasion of Tarkir and discarding the revealed card

    Invasion of Tarkir should lock in the damage value after revealing the cards, but as it is, if you discard a revealed card in response to the reflexive trigger (perhaps due to Graveyard Trespasser's ward cost), the revealed card does not count towards the damage.

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  19. march of swirling

    March of swirling mist sometimes goes directly to the graveyard without allowing targets.
    Its not a constant bug, but it happens often, id say 1/3 times

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  20. Arena Bolster Bug

    I was playing Anafenza, Kin-tree Spirit on Arena on a gaming laptop (so pc version). When I had 3 creatures that were tied for the Bolster effect, no counters were put on anything and I never got a prompt to choose a creature, it just skipped over the Bolster trigger when it resolved. This didn't happen in previous games, but just started today. Only difference was I had a Twinblade Paladin and life gain and the Twinblade triggered first and after that I never received a Bolster trigger. When Paladin was removed after boardwipe I got one trigger when there…

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