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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


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8112 results found

  1. Sparky Challenge

    I am a new player and are therefore playing sparky challenge for the first time. I've beaten her a dozen or so times but for some reason I am stuck at 2/3 wins.
    I'm enjoying the game but am getting tired of only being able to do the color & sparky challenges.
    I've Uninstalled and reinstalled already with no luck

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  2. XP not counting toward Mastery

    Today I received the correct advancement toward Mastery level 78, then XP stopped counting after winning games. Both Daily and Weekly XPs were shown yet not added to my total. I can't get to level 79.

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  3. 5 votes

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  4. Palantir of Orthanc

    Palantir of Orthanc is currently bugged with Narset, Parter of Veils. The ability describes that the player may let them draw a card, which would be prevented through Narset's ability to not draw more than one card per turn. Arena preempts this by not giving the player the choice, it will automatically force the choice of mill and lose life.

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  5. draft loss

    was in cue to start a match and canceled to go do something. was fine stayed on for 2 minutes and then cue again only to cancel again because i had to leave was 2-0 in the draft. Came back on around 6pm to find i have a loss........

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  6. My timer ran out during my opponents stack

    I lost due to my opponent flooding the stack with the scurry oak/heliod combo and My timer ran out due to their stack. it passed through my turn and would not let me interact with any of my cards in hand or on field

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  7. I did not receive experience from 3 wins and one daily quest. Total experience was 1250.

    I did not receive experience from 3 wins and one daily quest. Total experience was 1250. My mastery tree remained at 450/1000 experience the whole time.

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    holy ******* **** i am so enraged at wizards....THE FACT THAT I CAN'T ENJOY THE ******** GAME CAUSE EVERYONE HAS THIS CANCER CARD. Like FIRE your game designer who made this bulsh1t. The fact is i lose games because of this card, and ANYONE can splash it into their deck. LIKE I LITERALLY LOSE THE GAME CAUSE OF THIS ONE CARD?! HOW IS THAT OKAY!!!???? Wizards of the coast is the most autistic enemy of MTG. Ya'll keep ruining this game for the past 3 years, idk what happened to this company, one moment, good quality fun cards, the next…

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  9. Running Timer Down Exploit

    Please add a timer for players who are abusing certain effects to make their turns last indefinitely or until they have ran out your timer so they can skip your turn. It's not fair that you can't even skip over responses if you have a spell that can be cast. It forces your timer to run down while the opponents just keeps tap/untap for 13 minutes - 42 minutes.

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  10. Game Freezes

    Playing on M2 MacBook Pro TouchBar. Game Freezes every 5 games. Pretty sick and tired of it. Fix it.

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  11. Emrakul

    On mobile I cannot cast spells from my opponent’s hand while controlling their turn with Emrakul. I can look at their hand but the UI doesn’t even reorient the screen for use. In short, it is completely unusable.

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  12. draft loss after victory

    finished game with a victory in draft, immediately exited to find the victory did not register on the wins progression at the bottom of the screen, and I had instead been given my third loss.

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  13. Ban the one ring

    NOT LIKE THIS WILL EVER BE SEEN! BUT BAN THAT BULLSH!T CARD THE ONE RING PLS! That card is one of if not the most toxic ******* card wizards has made holy ******* **** the advantage you get from adding that into your deck is stupid insane.

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  14. Timer vs infinite combo

    I just play game with monogreen land-creature life gain deck. I played infinite one turn combo deck. Oponent had more than 100 lives when i played the combo. The combo is based on activated abilities do its manual. Opponent didn't accept that s\he SAW one turn win combo and keep on playing. The timer pass my turn do i lose more than 10 rounds after i won. Čan you improve the timer or somehow automatize this this type of combos. Thx

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  15. tutorial is broken

    tutorial stage is broken. Cards stuck all over the screen so I cant even read them or see what creatures are on the board

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  16. Server

    È da più di un'ora che non mi si collega il gioco ai server. Forse c'è qualche problema ai vostri server.

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  17. Venerated rotpriest bug

    Venerated rotpriest didn’t trigger for an entire game. Managed to get all 4 onto the board and played multiple single mana spells to phase out, hexproof, untap, etc. nothing triggered the venerated rot proof poison counter effect

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  18. Game freezes everygame

    I suggest u fire all IT guys
    Obviously they r incompetent
    Wtf, how is that the game freezes every game?

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  19. Sméagol the helpful guide and Boromir creating an infinite card drain loop.

    When Sméagol the helpful guide and Boromir plus one other spirit from the new lord of the rings set all work in combination they infinitely draw from the opponents deck and cause the opponent to lose the game.

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  20. Ban Ragavan

    Ban Ragavan in historic brawl. He plagues the format along with golos (which is banned in real commander) and the prismatic bridge.

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