MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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7960 results found
Instant speed spell un-castable on opponent's turn
I believe I encountered some sort of bug just now. I am playing on PC. The game in question was a ranked alchemy match in diamond ranking. During my opponent's turn, I was attacked by a Rahilda, which is a mono-red card. I had two Vanishing Verses in my hand, with all the necessary mana available to cast them, but was unable to cast the spells. I paused between attack steps, in order to stop the Rahilda from triggering, but was not able to cast any spells. There was nothing on the board, or any apparent effect, which would prohibit…
6 votes -
Destroy land cards should be banned
The purpose of the game is to see who can build a better deck. Destroying lands destroys the game balance. The only counter to a destroy land deck is a counter deck or mana ramp. We shouldnt have to be pidgeonholed into a deck to win.
Moreover destroying lands is an unspoken taboo that mtg players avoid. If the players hate it so much then why allow it. Come on people, back me up here.
10 votes -
The guy I was playing went infinite using Heliod, Sun Crowned, Scurry Oak, and Ajani's Welcome. As the combo continued, my timeouts were used even though I never had priority. When my opponent timed out and the combo finally ended, the game instantly killed me.
11 votes -
Enable banning players that abuse rope
Some players abuse the roping system, clearly to annoy the opponent. It's extremely detrimental to the experience and to the community. Yes, you can report players but frankly no one know if anything happens at all after that.
There should be a feature that if a player ropes every single priority more than 10 times on a game it allows you to ban that player so you don't ever play against that player again.
13 votes -
Loss suffered during matchmaking
I was in Quick Draft waiting for a game to match. The "cancel" button disappeared as if I had matched. I waited for about a minute, then the "cancel" button reappeared. I cancelled the matchmaker only to find out that a loss had been accrued to that Quick Draft. Can I get my gold/gems back for this?
17 votes -
Can't Concede
I can't offer the opinions of others, but not being able to concede is absolutely ridiculous! You are effectively wasting my time by not allowing this. I don't care if my opponent wants to see his/her win. I don't want to have to sit and wait to start another game or to stop playing because of all of the horrible features you have put in the game that aren't there in table-top magic. You've already done enough to ruin the game, why push it?
10 votes -
Rank Bug
I am not gaining rank when I win games, but I am losing rank when I lose, the ranking system is completely broken. This seemed to start when I first played BO3 in Mythic, until then I had only been playing BO1 and everything seemed to be working as expected.
12 votes -
Not earning XP for wins
So I bought the mastery pass thinking I would actually be able to unlock the whole thing by playing, but I'm not earning ANY XP for wins.
I managed to unlock a grand total of 1 level today and now I am getting 0 xp.
If this is not a bug I want my money back. Its either a bug or a scam. I'm hoping its a bug.
14 votes -
Land bug
Land I played wasn’t actually counted as played. The land was on the table but didn’t give any mana. So I wasn’t able to play spells I needed. After reloading app during the same match I found this land in my hand. Lost Premier draft game because of this :(
15 votes -
While I realize I'm far from the only one complaining about the matchmaking, I'm still utterly sick of being the butt of this particularly stupid joke. I am playing an Izzet Dragons deck in standard which, due to a lack of sweepers, was particularly vulnerable to mono white aggo. I accept that 25% loss rate and move on... except I'm matched against mono white far more than 25% of the time. Fine... I swap out single target removal for small creature sweepers and immediately stop seeing mono white entirely and suddenly see just as much mono green... the color best…
8 votes -
CPU usage at 95%
Ever since the last update, the game has been unplayable. It freezes and glitches and skips turns and is using almost 100% of my CPU on Windows.
I can't play the game and won't be able to until this problem is resolved.
I've tried the suggestions for freezing and have uninstalled/reinstalled and the issue remains.
5 votes -
Game randomly skips turn?
I was playing a game on PC. On one turn, I blocked one of their creatures then countered a spell during their main phase. Immediately after, the game skipped to the start of their next turn, allowing them to attack and win the game. None of my lands had untapped, so it seemingly completely skipped my entire turn. They had also not cast any spells allowing them a second turn. Does anyone know why this could happen?
12 votes -
Double Strike dealing damage when blocked.
Double strike without trample dealt damage twice after being blocked. If it's blocked, it's not supposed to then hit player, unless trample, and even then only trample from first strike.
5 votes -
Friendly brawl not functioning
Since the new update, when I try to make a friendly brawl on Android, my screen shows friendly brawl but my friend shows 60 card deck, and when I select a brawl deck it says invalid deck option. And vice versa, when they send one to me. This will then bug the game and will have to close the app fully.
33 votes -
Daily wins providing incorrect rewards
Daily win rewards providing ICR instead of gold at 4/15 wins.
14 votes -
Stop with Alchemy in Historic please!!
Please, PLEASE stop putting Alchemy and other digital only cards cards in Historic (or other non-alchemy formats for that matter..)
It's such a dumb format now, just as Alchemy itself is just horrible.If you want to have Alchemy/Jumpstart on Arena, fine, but please leave Historic alone! If I wanted something where cards get made out of nothing I'd be playing heartstone or Eternal.
Jumpstart Horizons and Alchemy should not exist.
26 votes -
Unable to log in: Attach failed to drop other attach
In the login screen, I get either :Unable to log in: “ Attach failed to drop other attach” or “authentication failed due to timeout”. I have reinstalled the app and used both iOS and Android devices but am still unable to login after more than half an hour. Arena status webpage indicates no issues at the moment. Please provide a fix for the issue.
6 votes -
27 votes
Direct Challenge Brawl Broke
Direct Challenge brawl will give invalid deck prompt and then lock out of all deck selection.
38 votes -
Friendly brawl challenge going through as 60-card
Friendly brawl challenge going through as 60-card
24 votes
- Don't see your idea?