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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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8111 results found

  1. Game Freezes during match

    During opponents turn timer counts down to zero then match freezes.

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  2. Timer stopped

    I was playing a game in ranked, and the opponents timer began to run out. It got to the end and simply stopped. The hourglasses didn't disappear and I was locked on the screen. I eventually had to log out of the account entirely. Any idea on what occurred?

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  3. App crashing constantly in iPad iOS

    App is crashing constantly in my iPad iOS. had not played in 1 or 2 months and now I'm back and out of 7 games I played in the last 4 days, 4 have crashed the app. This is absoluteley unplayable. It didn't use to be so bad. I don't know what you released but it's crashing to a point of leaving the game.

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  4. Active Matches Check Failed

    Had game 1 of my draft well in hand. Arena crashed and restarted quickly. When it checked for Active Matches it failed to remember my game, and proceeded to load the initial scene. Counted it as a Loss. The whole process took less time than two ropes.

    Your Active Matches check doesn't work. This isn't the first time. Crashing is out of our control, and your programming is out of our control. Is this just a game of wishing and hoping that my time and efforts aren't wasted? My resources are valuable, and losing draft games for no reason is…

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  5. The game crashes constantly on my iPad

    The game crashes constantly on my iPad. It used to at least load in time to return to a match, but that hasn’t happened for weeks now, and I always get match losses when it happens.

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  6. Infinite loop Green and white

    Infinite loops are ridiculous. Using Scurry Oak, Prosperous Innkeeper and Heliod Sun Crowned. This creates an infinite amount of tokens, infinite health and a giant creature that is infinity/infinity

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  7. MTGA freezing

    Arena freezes during game (standard ranked). After a while opponent seems to be roping out but never does, hourglass stays. Can't concede the game so have to force shut.
    Second time in 20 minutes... Unplayable atm.

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  8. Better Timer

    Faster Game time mode, or fix your timer. Currently, I find in standard play frequently my games run past 15 minutes. That is 100% purely people not paying attention to the game and running the clock. Probably on purpose. There is 0 reason why someone with a single action that can be taken, should be allowed to sit for almost a full minute before extra time kicks in.

    The current system is garbage and needs to be addressed. Either with a pure 30 second time mode, no bonus time, no nothing. Play fast or lose rest of your turn. Or…

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  9. March of Reckless Joy Bugged

    The cards exiled by March of Reckless Joy are not playable on the next turn but only on the turn cast, contrary to the card text.

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  10. March of Swirling Mist

    During a sealed event for neon dynasty, the card 'March of Swirling Mist' failed to do anything, costing me a game. I selected a value for x, paid the mana, and it didn't let me pick creatures to phase out.

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  11. Tutorial

    Wont let me complete the very last games of the colour play tutorial

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  12. the wandering emperor

    Blinking the wandering emperor with yorion passes priority without giving you a chance to use it at end step, even when there is another trigger on the stack

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  13. Lost match while waiting for opponent

    I received my last loss of the draft after a minute-plus "Waiting for Opponent" screen, followed by a restart, followed by a five-minute "Waiting for Opponent" screen that wouldn't end until a hard reboot. I would appreciate a refund; was really enjoying playing that deck.

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  14. Game Crash - Automatic Loss Issued Upon Restart

    I was playing the second game of the first match of my traditional sealed event when the game crashed while I was attacking my opponent in a favorable board state. I restarted the game but I was not allowed to return to the game. Instead of that, I saw neither the win nor the loss in my event score. However, after restarting the game a second time I could not enter the game and a loss had been added to my score.

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  15. Forced concede because opponent took too long

    Opponent was playing the scurry oak infinite life gain tokens combo and repeated it 170 times. While waiting there was nothing I could do, no instant response I could play. While waiting for the opponent to do their thing, waiting to draw a board wipe, I got a warning "You haven't acted recently. Act soon or you'll concede the game" although there was nothing I could do. When my opponent finally timed out and finished their turn, right when my turn started the game conceded for me, even though I could have drawn my board wipe. There is no reason…

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  16. Issue Challenging Friends

    [PC] Game has been bugged at minimum since Crimson Vow's release, leaving the Direct Challenge to a friend for friendly brawl unusable. When challenging a friend and selecting the friendly brawl option, one or both of the parties will only see a 60-card challenge available (with only 60+ card, non-brawl decks in their collection available to select), and cannot select brawl decks to participate. Additionally, the game will allow the challenger to have their last brawl deck used selected, but give an error stating the deck is incompatible with the format This happens regardless of who issues the challenge. The…

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  17. Solemnity bug

    While I’m a match my opponent played nine live then solemnity. On subsequent turns he played faceless haven and book of exalted deeds, he was able to put the books counter on faceless haven when solemnity should have cancelled it out.

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  18. Bug Gravelighter

    A creature had died the turn i cast gravelighter but the "otherwise" triggered. That way I didnt draw my card and had to sacrifice a creature, resulting in loosing the game

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  19. Mobile game constant crashing

    Since the release of Neon Dynasty my game constantly crashes during gameplay. I am playing on mobile iOS. It happens every other game and has caused me to lose countless games effecting my ability to climb the ranked ladder. It’s very difficult to keep playing when I can’t make any progress from the game closing and not letting me rejoin games.

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  20. Life gain + Heliod, Sun Crowned + Scurry Oak time bug

    I guess everyone knows about this shame combo, but it is still permitted. Today i was facing this combo and i had the opportunity to exile all opponent's creatures on my next turn (had 50+ health points and "Ajani, strength of the pride" in my hand) and win the game quick after...the problem is, Wizard of the Coast, that this almost unending combo consumes not only my opponent's time but also ALL MY TIME BANK...the result obviously is that i couldn't play my turn and i lost the game. This is really unfair and annoying, please fix it.

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