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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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8065 results found

  1. Timer run down while actively making plays

    My timer kept running down durning a storm combo I had the ability to win and was not taking long to cast my spells I was continuously casting spells and my timer kept running down causing my grapeshot to not allow me to target opponent and instead it auto targeted me killing me. The timer should not be running while players are active in making plays

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  2. Not receiving credit for daily quest or XP

    Not getting credit for daily quest or XP no tics for casting colored spells nothing. Zippo, nada!!

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  3. Avatar bug

    I am using my android phone to play mtga.
    I have the Halana and Alena Avatar. It shows before and after the match, but during match it shows Vivian

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  4. lose rank point when win

    Hopefully this a bug and not a feature... When I win a game in bo3 and my opponent conceides the match I only win one rank point instead of the usual two. This happened a couple times and today my opponents won game one and conceided the match and I LOST RANK!!! My opponent conceided the match and I lost points... I put the screenshot of the match history and victory sign with -1 point...

    So now if I play against a deck I hate I can just conceide so they don't get their fullrank great feature!...

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  5. Constructed play is not changing after any play.

    My Constructed ranking is not changing/not registering after I play any type of Constructed play with it. My Limited Ranking seems to be working fine though. Any suggestions?

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  6. Cheating

    Quit dictating how I play the game just because you want me to play a card because I can doesn't mean I have to or should. It's ridiculous when the game does this you can tell it wants you to play this way because when you don't it gives you trash that isn't useful until you have to discard or it swamps you with land cards until your opponent has so many creatures on the field you don't stand a chance. This game is rigged it cheats and crashes to make you lose and spend money which I will not.…

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  7. Alchemy affecting Historic is bad

    Cant play Historic without rebalanced Alchemy cards? -> Won't play MTGA since I only played Historic.
    Additionally, creating randomly generated cards never was a good idea in any digital TCG.

    How about making changes the players actually want, like actual multiplayer? I guess whales are more profitable than salmon...

    Suggestion1: Delete alchemy and refund,lol. Or make it Alchemy/Standard/Historic. With historic being "non-rotating", like you told your lies ;-).

    Suggestion 2: Make less product, but review it before release.

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  8. Friendly Brawl not playable

    Whenever I try to challenge my friends to Friendly Brawl, it switches to 60 card Alchemy and won't let me select any of my decks. This happens with me challenging them, them challenging me, and challenging other random people.

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  9. Sparky escape

    Sparky takes extra time to play spells that have targets (ex. Murder, or more applicably, Raise Dead), so it would be easy to assume that multiple targets is even harder.
    Sparky obtains a copy of Kroxa, titan of death's hunger via Gutmorn, pactbound servant, with myself having discard kroxa, thinking that only the opponent discarded a card.
    I play Elderfang disciple, making sparky discard its kroxa. I get another copy, and sparky's goes to graveyard, still showing as playable with escape, cost of (4) and the required exileing of five cards in graveyard. Sparky has 1 kroxa, along with 8…

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  10. Constructed rank stuck at gold rank tier 4

    IOS. Play is buggy. I have to exit program to get gp and constructed rank doesn’t”t change regardless of wins.

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  11. Game sucks

    The ******* game is ****. Tired of playing against nothing but goblins, elves and life gain.

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  12. Broken Cruel Witness Surveil Leading to Frozen Game (Illegal Blocks)

    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. My opponent attacked me with a Voldaren Epicure among others.
    2. I blocked the Epicure with my Kessig Wolfrider.
    3. The opponent cast Sure Strike on their Epicure.
    4. I cast Rending Flame on their Epicure in Response, which triggers my Cruel Witness.
    5. The surveil interface from the Cruel Witness trigger shows a face-down card and cannot be interacted with (see Screenshot 1).
    6. After clicking "Done", the game states "Illegal blocks. Try again" and does not advance, nor allow any interaction. Restarting Arena resumed the game.

    Platform: Windows PC

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  13. Opponent's onhover event handling causing timeout

    I lost a match because of a timeout from my side. However, it looked very strange and the way how the timeout occurred looked more like a MTGA application bug or a foul play from opponent's side (or both).
    The story is quite simple. I played on the Bo1 limited ladder a VOW quick draft match against Ozon#26468. Quite in the beginning, I noticed considerable flickering of my cards in play and in my hand. It looked like if the opponent was looking at my cards hovering their mouse over them, but selected cards changed very rapidly. It stopped from…

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  14. Game freezing up

    Sometimes when im in a game i start a match and my phone freezes up causing me to lose the game, also when i reboot my game it changes my avatar and no longer allows me to use emotes.

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  15. Infinite Loop

    Was about to win a match when my opponent used Marauding Blight-Priest + Exquisite Blood to exploit a loop where if I lose a life the opponent gains a life, but if the opponent gains life then I lose life and so on. Opponent was at 6 life and I had over 20 but I still lost because of the loop. Also, while the loop was in process I was unable to concede, so I had to just sit and watch as I lost life one at a time.

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  16. Phases Not Visible

    Unable to see the Phase display. Pressing "L" does not show Phase display.

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  17. halvar bug confirm


    during the game, before the attack phase, halvar did not offer me to do his ability.
    When it was the turn of the follower, halvar offered to move my equipment but it was impossible to select it or to cancel the action or even to confirm (0).
    The only solution was to quit the game.

    Thanks for looking at this bug.

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  18. Alchemy cards in Historic format

    I chose the historic format when creating my deck, I chose the historic gameplay mode when queuing up, I do not include any alchemy cards in my deck, but I still get matched against people with Alchemy cards in their decks. It seems the alchemy set is incorrectly included in the historic playable list.

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  19. Game removes the BO3 half of the sideboard when playing a friend.

    On PC
    Playing a BO3 Standard match with a friend via direct challenge
    after the first game only had the BO1 sideboard cards available even though it was a BO3 game.

    After the game was over my deck's sideboard had been altered without any input from me to only have the BO1 sideboard cards, the other sideboard cards had been removed and had to be put back in again after each of our games.

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  20. Timers

    These timers are ******. If I have double the amount of scute swarms than tokens and my opponent all out attacks, I shouldn't be penalized by assigning my blocks. Situation- opponent attacks with 150 tokens +a handful of creatures, I have 240 scute swarms on the field, enough to block and attack back for the win. Opponent all out attacks and my * timers run out before getting all my creatures to block. Why am I getting penalized for assigning blockers. The same with my opponent, if he had a source to double his tokens, block my swarm and…

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