MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
1314 results found
Game just quit on its own
Two turns into a Brawl game the game just faded out like at the end of a match, didn't have an end card and just took me to the home screen
2 votes -
Hide Alert dot when alert is invalid
The alert ping on menu icons is appearing even when there is nothing available to open. Sure, an item is available to VIEW but it is not available to open until 11/12/2024. Therefore, I shouldn't see an alert that something is available to open because I can't open it. Likewise, you guys keep showing me alerts for the store even after I've viewed the store.
Basically, if I can't open it, afford it, or I've already viewed it... then it isn't something new any more, is it? I shouldn't see alerts for things I can't open or I've already viewed.
4 votes -
Cards not moving from the stack to the correct places on the board and other visual bugs
I had numerous issues in my most recent game.
- After attacking my Invasion of Gobakhan and casting the back side Lightshield Array, an infinitely cascading number of blue "1" indicators for the single +1/+1 counter on my creature appeared after the Array's trigger.
- Creatures cast from hand stopped leaving the stack area. Additionally, lands stopped moving from where I dropped them after dragging them from my hand.
3 votes -
iPhone Not Enough Storage Bug
iPhone Not Enough Storage Bug with hundreds of gigs available. Tried restarting, reinstalling, and nothing works.
8 votes -
entire application unuseable on mac - all of the UI is glitching and all actions are delayed
entire application unuseable on mac after the Oct 1 update - all of the UI is glitching/flashing and not working
5 votes -
Unable to report a bug
Also, when I came to customer support to report this bug, every time I selected the "report a bug" option in the dropdown menu I would be automatically redirected to your bug fix FAQ with no chance to actually fill out a report.
2 votes -
Graphical issues preventing stack, hand, and field from displaying or interacting
During ranked play stack disappeared allowing the opponent to cast cards without me knowing what was resolving. Additionally hand disappeared preventing me from being able to interact with my hand. Could not select blockers during opponents attack due to them not being displayed. Cards stuck in odd locations. Artifacts from previous plays on the battlefield
2 votes -
Match had a display bug that rendered game unplayable
I was playing the Cascade midweek event on my iPad Pro 13-Inch (M4, Wi-Fi) running iOS 18.1.1, on the just-updated app, and cards once played would display on the right but not animate down to the battlefield, and instead overlapped in a weird display error. I quit the app and went back in twice, which both times cleared the display bug but it immediately recurred. This visual error made the match unplayable, so I quit out.
2 votes -
Meteorite token is incorrect. It should read "When Meteorite enters...", instead it reads "When Roxanne, Starfall Savant enters...".
3 votes -
Sarkhan unbroken is broken
I was playing Brawl on iOS Arena, My commander was Sarkhan Unbroken. in three separate games I went to cast Sarkhan from the command zone, and Sarkhan froze mid transition, not allowing further game action without restarting the app. in the second game, after restarting the app, I went to activate the -8 loyalty ability and the game rushed the timers and targeted me with all of the damage based enter the battlefield effects including the ones triggered by the second group of dragons entering from Lathliss. the third game, after restarting from the cast, skipped the rest of my…
2 votes -
Game freezes constantly after duskmourn update. extremely slow. have to restart after every game
Since the 9.7gb update, the game is very slow and/or freezes constantly. after every game i have to completely restart my computer. a mac.
5 votes -
Rewards not granted
Upon claiming those 5000Xp you gave today from the "magiccon Vegas inbox" I didn't receive any rewards from the "unlocked" part of the mastery pass.
4 votes -
Error Updating Duskmourn
After updating duskmourn preorder patch my client is much more slower in pc. I cant play and it showes me the cards like this. Also in mobile version is slower and i cant side in cards betwen games.
please help
Marios4 votes -
huge lag since last update, can't play at all
We can't not play with my son since last update and we try since 3 days without succes.
We are on windows 10
We have try to put most basic graphsim and screenview but no change.
We can't even open a booster or the play menu.
Except mailbox all try to get open with a huge huge lags and finally freeze ...Help us please,
Zak.3 votes -
Since the Duskmourn update, the Mac version of the game does not work. It will glitch out when trying to choose a new daily, open the orbs menu of mastery, open any packs, etc. The screen just "vibrates" for lack of a better word. Tried uninstalling/reinstalling but no dice. Would like to see this fixed so I can play again!
4 votes -
Gaming pass
I don t receive my level reward of gaming pass since i have buy it.
4 votes -
1 vote
Hundreds of Users Unable to Connect, MTG Arena Status site shows everything OK --> clearly everything is not OK
Today 1/16/2025 hundreds of users cannot connect to MTGA-- and yet the MTG Arena Status site shows everything operational.
Everything is not operational.
1 vote -
Disconnect from game when using mobile hotspot
Almost in every game I play using a hotspot made via a mobile phone, unless I win/lose quick enough it ends abruptly going back to the main screen.
I am then awarded a loss with a slight delay, but I can immediately enter a NEW game. Tested this with a Quick Draft where I could start a fourth game after the third crash!Game is therefore totally unplayable with my current home connectivity that is mobile based. Everything worked fine when I was connecting with landline, or when I am playing using the same mobile phone that creates the hotspot.…
2 votes -
Packs Page Glitches Out Every Time I Try to Look at My Packs or Open Them
I have a Mac. About a month ago after an update, every time I look at the Packs page or try to open a pack, the application crashes. It is very frustrating because the Mac is the device most open for me to use and the one I enjoy playing the game the most on. This doesn't happen on my phone or my Windows PC.
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?