MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
1314 results found
game crash
the game crash and when I try to join the match, the game crash systematicaly I cannot select deck or anything when I click on play button
version : 2021.12.0.3961.902937
15 votes -
Emotes unequipping
Every time Arena crashes (which is often because it's an unstable mess) it unequips all my emotes. Either fix this, or reimburse me the paid for emotes as they are essentially a faulty product.
13 votes -
waiting for server
game loads and then stays stuck with a black screen saying "Waiting for server". Its been happening for the last two days. a friend has the same issue for a week now..
My internet and laptop are fine; this is an issue with arena..
Please help
312 votes -
Game Constantly Crashing on Mobile
I am getting fed up with how often I have to restart my game client on mobile or how many times I am basically issued game losses on the ladder when trying to climb to mythic because Arena decides thats all the sudden i can’t click on anything anymore but also it’s my turn and if I don’t respond I’m now roping out and I don’t find this out until it’s warning me that I’m just about to lose that I need to completely restart and 90% of the time the game has ended and my rank is lowered. It’s…
10 votes -
unable to login
Message: Unable to login: authentication failed. Attach failed to drop other attach. Timeout.
Both on pc and on phone.10 votes -
Can't report bug
I can't seem to report a bug about the game getting stuck. The site doesn't seem to explain further as to why my bug could not be submitted.
31 votes -
Black screen
Android mobile device. App opens only to black screen. Turned phone off and back on, didn't work. Uninstalled and reinstalled app, didn't work. Maintenance performed on 01/27/2022 and game hasn't worked since.
8 votes -
I can´t instal mtg arena
I can´t instal mtg arena passed 13/03/2020
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846 votes -
loading initial scene crash
loading initial scene crash
47 votes -
Auto pass bug
When using the auto pass button on opponent's turn, it does no work. I still have to click resolve manually on each effect. I use arena on android os. Auto pass functions normally on my turn.
21 votes -
Mac client won't run unless started from Epic Game launcher
Ever since the last update, when I attempt to run the Arena app directly, it starts up as a black screen and shows the Arena cursor, but then never loads the game. The only way I can launch the game is by running Epic Games and then launching from there and the game will start and run normally. This DOES NOT occur on my other Intel based MacBook Pro, where everything is running fine.
I've attached screenshots and my log file.
11 votes -
crash when hitting play button
When I click on the Play button (main screen), the client crashes (crash report enclosed).
8 votes -
Error Updating Data
The game is stuck on startup.
It says : "Error Updating Data - Please check your connection and try again".Obviously my connection work just fine. I think this is a bug.
Thank you for your time and patience
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590 votes -
All of my emotes are gone
Playing on iPad, the client crashed while I was in the middle of a game. When I logged back in, all of the emotes I had were gone. When I go to the emotes page in my profile, it displays a message about how I can unlock emotes along with a confirm button. Clicking confirm takes me back to my profile. While on the emotes page, however, I can see behind the message that I have 0/10 stickers and none of the text emotes beyond the default ones. Please restore all of the emotes I had collected. Thanks!
16 votes -
Daily quests, wins and mastery xp disappeared
My Daily quests, wins and mastery xp disappeared. Reinstall didnt fixed it Screenshot added
52 votes -
black screen with cursor
Black screen with cursor, after loading screen...
63 votes -
Cant log in mobile
I cant log in. Tried reinstalling the game but its the same. How do i fix this?
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18 votes -
Mastery tree problem - I did not receive my cards
I using orb in mastery tree. But I did not receive the cards
best regards,
Armando10 votes -
Getting: "Authentication failed for _username: Timeout" error when trying to log in on both PC and Android.
Getting: "Authentication failed for _username: Timeout" error when trying to log in on both PC and Android.
16 votes -
Bug on daily mission!
Since de the last update my daily mission dont update, it are with same number mission complete.
15 votes
- Don't see your idea?