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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1181 results found

  1. ボーナス を使えない

    それが適用されたり 選択できる選択肢がまだない。


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  2. Serra the Benevolent should be banned, because it creates endless unwinnable matches

    Serra the Benevolent stops a players life points from dropping below 1 as long as you have a creature on the field. They become immortal. So if they don't block, and you don't have enough Fell/Murder cards to take out all their creatures, it's physically impossible to win. And if you have a life stacking deck, you stack so much life you also become immortal. So you can have matches that last literally forever, or until one of the players gets frustrated and ragequits. This is not fun, and not how the game should be played. No card should create…

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  3. Bloomburrow Alchemy 11 Uncommons

    The set collection shows 11 uncommons in Bloomburrow Alchemy, but there are only 10.

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  4. Card style

    I recently purchased the card style for "Mazemind Tome "at the store, but it is not being applied. Since I used gems to make the purchase, if you do not intend to fix this bug, I would like an immediate refund.

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  5. card style

    A lot of cards doesn't have card style. Others the style disappeared.

    The Nulldrifter card style is gone. Card styles for fetch lands have disappeared. Selecting the card style displays the template without extended image. See the print.

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  6. Game is becoming copy/paste decks

    Game is playing the same overpowered decks you can find build guides for online. I'm not spending another dime on this if I have to search online to find decks I just lost my *** to only to have another one become more overpowered and beats the **** outta the deck I just built. It's not fun. You can't take the time to build your own deck (the most fun part of the game) and have any chance of winning.

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  7. Wild cards not redeeming properly/Lost wild cards

    Deck building hang while attempting to craft cards. Took 3x the wild cards needed and still hasnt given me cards. Please refund my wildcards.

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  8. Aggiunta collezione carte all'acquisto di un bundle del mazzo

    Quando ho acquistato il bundle del mazzo elfi sullo store di arena, ho speso 10 gemme. pensando che le carte mancanti che avevo già in 3x venissero aggiunte alla collezione, così da andare a 4x. Così non è stato, è vorrei una spiegazione in merito

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  9. basic land styles not showing in my deck builder

    I bought the snow covered lands on 18/12/2024 for 3000 gems, i cannot find them in my deck builder AT ALL. I have no filters or anything, they just are not showing up and I'm quite mad

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  10. Nazgul Commander Bug

    You can't add more than 1 Nazgul to any of the commander formats, you should be able to add up to 9 due to it's effect.

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  11. Progress2Next Rare/Mythic Wildcard not shown

    In the "Packs"-Screen its not shown how many Packs I need to open until I get my next Rare or Mythic Wildcard. The progress xx until next Rare and xx until next mythic Wildcard simply does not appear.

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  12. scene of crime bug

    The land " Scene of Crime " can be sacrificed without paying mana, even if you should pay 2

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  13. repartition jeu

    vous allez dire que le jeu est totalement aléatoire, j'en doute fortement !!
    ces derniers temps les répartitions des cartes sont beaucoup trop extrême.
    on pioche beaucoup trop souvent les cartes a faibles probabilité...
    ex: 2 cartes rouges 5 terrains rouges on pioche 4 terrains rouges sur 7 cartes..
    ex: 2 terrains sur les 14 premières cartes , puis 7 terrains sur 7 !!!
    ex 3 terrains verts 4 cartes rouges
    a quoi bon drafter , construire un jeu, on ne peut pas en profiter ??
    aucun plaisir de jeu ...

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  14. Full art lands

    Hello, I purchased full art mountains in the shop for gold (LCI290) but I can't find them in my collection even by pressing the > arrow button, as if that art does not even exist. This happens for all lands and the only one that I can use as full art is the one I set as Default immediately after purchasing (MID272). Is this a common issue? I would like to use the full art lands that I spent my in game currency to acquire.

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  15. There was a bug when opening the pack

    There was a bug when I opened the Pioneer Masters's a 5 pack.
    The message "OK" will appear.
    The pack disappeared and I didn't get a card.
    I'd like five packs of gems, please.

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  16. There was a bug when opening the pack

    There was a bug when I opened the Pioneer Masters's a 5 pack.
    The message "OK" will appear.
    The pack disappeared and I didn't get a card.
    I'd like five packs of gems, please.

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  17. 2 votes

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  18. FDN Set Collection Incorrect Totals

    In the Set Collection tab, Foundation is showing 60 Rares to collect, and 20 Mythics. There are 129 Rares in MTGA for FDN, and 34 Mythics.
    (It may be that you are only including collector numbers up to 271, and not the FDN cards with collector numbers > 442, which are also part of the set.)

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  19. Mythic Card Reward Not Received

    I did not receive the mythic card reward earned from the mastery pass for both levels 24 and 39.

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  20. duplicate protection

    There appears to be an issue with duplicate protection in the foundations set. When purchasing standard packs I now am only getting gems instead of missing rares for the set. I have no copies of a number of rares, while many others I've got 4 of.

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