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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

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3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

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6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1160 results found

  1. Flooded Strand Old-Border Card Style

    I purchased the Flooded Strand old-border card style for 3,000 gold, but it will not let me select it for my deck or as a favorite. I performed the exact same steps for Polluted Delta and it let me both favorite and select that card style, but the "heart" button is missing from Flooded Strand.

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  2. I expended my wildcards to create a deck and it's gone

    I expended my wildcards to create a deck and it's gone, all those wildcards left my account but those cards that I craft just dissapear, looks like I never even done those cards, but my wildcards are not there anymore !! to finish my deck I would need 8 more rares wildcards, and now the counting is reaching about 33

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  3. Tags to group and filter cards in order to make deckbuilding easier

    Hey there, my name is Rafael and i'm currently studying product design.

    I love Magic but i have a pain point at arena - the deckbuilding takes a lot of time because of the huge amount of cards.

    I've always wanted a way to custom filter my cards as the function that i use them in the deck, such as "spot removal", "card draw", "ramp" and so on.

    So, i developed this flow to show what i think that could work.

    I believe that we're going to be able to save a lot of time by doing that, since many…

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  4. Every booster should have a code for arena

    Every single physical booster pack should contain a code for arena to give the same pack there. I really only play arena but it’s so incredibly infilling to open a digital pack and I would love to buy more physical ones but I only play arena. I know you want to double dip and make people buy both but I imagine there are a lot of people who would buy more if we got the codes. Right now I don’t like to buy either.

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  5. missing text on cards

    On Mac OS when I did my last update the week of January 22, 2024 all of the keyword ability text is missing from my cards. The update was over 8G which seemed high. See attached as an example.

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  6. A

    I crafted an Urborg, Tomb of Yarmouth and now it will not show anywhere in my card collection. Please fix this. Thank you.

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  7. Down // Dirty art is backwards

    In the Deck Builder, the pioneer masters card Down // Dirty has its art backwards. The art for Dirty appears on Down and vice versa.

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  8. Wildcards from pack opening wheel are not added to acocunt

    Wildcards from the pack opening wheel are not being granted to my account.

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  9. Purchase Cosmetics in Collection

    Store and collection COSMETICS are missing for purchase! Where are the Kaito Bane of Nightmares Cosmetics he has a borderless,showcase and hologram only 1 appears in collection!? Where are all the Dominaria United cosmetics the stainglass lands,sleeves and card card cosmetics are gone and never came back . Cosmetics are supposed to stay in the collection for purchase or return in 3-6 months for purchase . Arena cosmetics are not the same as PAPER COSMETICS DIGITAL COSMETICS HAVE NO COLLECTABLE VALUE.

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  10. 73 votes

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  11. daily deals

    I purchased a card during yesterdays, "daily deals". I still do NOT have the card. its been over 8 hours.

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  12. Karten aus Deck-Code nicht gutgeschrieben

    Ich habe aus meinem gekauften Starterset Herr der Ringe den Code eingelöst um die beiden Decks auch in der Arena zu erhalten.

    Nun habe ich festgestellt, dass ich nicht alle Karten erhalten habe. Die Decks sind zwar vollständig, aber wenn ich schon eine benötigte Karte hatte, wurde mir nicht eine zusätzliche vom gekauften Deck dazugerechnet. Somit habe ich viele Karten nicht erhalten obwohl ich noch nicht vier davon habe.

    Finde das sehr schade, da ich Geld für die Decks ausgegeben habe und dachte ich könne damit meine Sammlung in Arena aufstocken. Würde mich wirklich sehr freuen wenn die Karten noch…

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  13. Deck Boximage Glitches

    After the new patch on Oct 3rd the same issues with selecting card images for deckbox covers are still occurring in my Arena Client

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  14. Mana screwed forever

    Seems like more than half of the games I win or lose is because either my mana is way too much or non existent or that’s what’s happening to my opponent. We aren’t evening battling eachother in this game, we are just gambling on who gets mana screwed worse and loses. How long do you expect players to tolerate this! My patience is wearing very thin! Why doesn’t Wizards of the coast tell us how much mana we have to put in our deck to play this game because obviously NOONE CAN DO IT RIGHT.

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  15. Preconstructed deck errors

    When the new two-colour preconstructed decks were added to my decks recently, there was some error with the import. Several of the decks are missing their names (see attached screenshot), and the Morbid Machinations deck was missing its rare land - I had to use a rare wildcard to create it. Can anything be done to fix these errors?

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  16. Can't select anything in sideboard. Game stuck at 0:00

    Draft Bo3 queue. After going to sideboarding I can't select any cards from my sideboard into main. I can, however, move cards out of my main deck. Once the sideboard timer hits 0 it didn't move to the following game.

    Would like compensation for the draft.

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  17. The window screen mode sometimes doesn't coordinate

    I am using the PC version.

    When I enjoy playing games in window mode and come back after looking at other windows, sometimes the screen is not positioned like the attached screen. (The game screen is a little up on the window)

    Please fix it.

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  18. 精神掘りの通り魔の画像が黒くなって非表示になっている。 The illustration of the Mind Drill Assailant has turned black and is no longer visible.



    The image of Bloombarrow's Mind Drill Assailant is hidden and blacked out.

    Well, to be honest, it's a card that I don't plan to use very often, so it won't affect gameplay, but I don't want it to be left alone, so I'd like to report it just in case.

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  19. adaptive automaton

    I purchased the extended art for adaptive automaton from the daily deals today, but received the old border frame instead.

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  20. +2 (765) 576-7261 Silver & Red Liquid Mercury In Johannesburg, ZIMBABWE, ZAMBIA AND SOUTH AFRICA, Botswana (Gaborone), Lesotho, Malawi

    【+̲2̲7̲6̲5̲5̲7̲6̲7̲2̲6̲1̲】About Our Silver Mercury Company
    Silver Liquid Mercury for Sale +27655767261 product silver mercury in South Africa, Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town
    Silver Mercury Suppliers. 1763 likes. We Southern Africa's prime silver mercury suppliers. Our product comes in 34,5kg Flasks 0655767261,
    Silver Mercury 99% Virgin is used to make fluorescent lamps, thermometers, barometers
    Price for silver mercury R 2,999.99 to R 105,000.00 call +27655767261
    We are South Africa’s top Silver Mercury Supplier. +27655767261-10 years of service excellence to small & medium size mining concerns, we boast of competitive pricing, product value, friendly & convenient service( Sizes come in customized Half kg,1…

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