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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

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3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

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6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1174 results found

  1. Paradox engine broken combo

    I see it's a felt issue: I've been playing against an artifact deck using Paradox engine, I don't mind losing, I would just like to play. After 4th round he took a 5 min long turn repeating the same combo over and over again where I had no say in anything. Either you ban it or you make it something like "congratulations, you win the game". At least we won't lose more time.

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  2. Gems when not all rares collected

    I received gems instead of a Rare/Mythic when I had collected all the cards from that set, knowing there is still one I want - hence why I'm buying that set - and because the second pack I I opened gave me another rare. It clearly says on the gem card that I would have had to have collected all the rares and mythics.

    This is not my screen shot, but it shows the same thing for the gem card.

    I want my rare/mythic please.

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  3. Didn't receive mythic mastery level 64 reward

    Didn't receive mythic mastery level 64 reward. Checked collection after and nothing was there as receiving the reward.

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  4. 82 votes

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  5. Wrong pet showing

    If I choose the Peaceful Pup pet for a deck (using the deck editing tool, since Pup is not my Default Pet) the game will actually show Hunter's Hound instead of what I chose.

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  6. Card not in collection

    I have two Cosmos elixers in my collection. When i try to build a alchemy deck it says the deck is invalid becase it contains cards not in my collection. There is no option to "craft" the missing card. When i remove one of the cosmos elixers, it does not give me the error.

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  7. Color challenge Network error cannot

    Color Challenge: Network Error

    With the rotation of what is standard, I went to update my decks for basic play and I can only use the basic starter decks. I used to be able to update these decks and all I receive is this network error saying unable to update.

    I cannot play other players with basic starter decks, unless I just feel like getting destroyed every day all day. Brawl decks I can edit just fine. Standard 60-card deck play through color challenge though does not let me do anything.

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  8. Received 20 gems in rare slot of Theros pack despite NOT having all of the rares from that set.

    I just finished a Theros Beyond Death booster draft event. I went back to the main screen, clicked "Packs" and opened my prize packs (one at a time). One of the packs (I believe it was the third one) gave me 20 gems instead of a rare, with the mouseover text "You have collected all of the rares from this set". Except I haven't collected all of the rares, I'm still missing about 70 rares to complete my playset. I feel like a kinda got screwed out of the contents of that pack, since I didn't get a rare after…

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  9. Opened pack gave 20 gem reward instead or rare/mythic

    Opened a KHM pack and received 20 gems even while I had numerous missing rares/mythics in this set

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  10. Can't remove card from deck

    I can't remove an the original Cosmos Elixir from a deck after Alchemy altered it. 2021.12.10.3971.904583

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  11. Brawl

    Inconsistencies with the Brawl format.

    Hello everyone, my name is Onnik Islikaplan, and I’m an aspiring content creature. Specifically, my category of content is Tournament Organizer. I’ve been organizing a few tournaments within a Facebook group, and all of the matches are played on Arena. Currently, my next tournament is for the format of Historic Brawl.

    At least, that’s what I’d like to call it. Unfortunately, myself and all 90 of my participants have been experiencing several complications when it comes to practicing for the tournament. The way the tournament will be run is by Direct Challenging each other, but…

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  12. Cannot Add to Decks

    The "Add to Decks" button does not work in several event pages.

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  13. Code packs

    I did not receive over 30 packs after I redeemed all of the free codes.

    I tried to restart and even uninstall but still no packs.

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  14. 27 votes

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  15. Rare, Mythic cards missing from collection after opening packs

    New rare and mythic cards received when opening new packs do not show up in my collection! I understand that when you get the 1st copy of a card, there is a "1st " icon highlighted yellow above the card. In multiple instances, I will receive a rare card in a pack that DOES NOT have this "1st card" icon. (meaning I should now have more than one copy, right?) However, when I go to my Collection after opening packs - There is ONLY ONE copy of the card in my collection. This just happened to me when opening a…

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  16. Mastery Pass Mythic

    1.   Level 76 of the AFR Mastery Pass did not reward a Mythic card (did not receive any card).
    2.   Android phone.
    3.   Did not receive any reward for level 76 even though pass is purchased. 
    4.   Should have received a mythic card from AFR set.
    5.   2021.8.0.950.884923 patch. Have seen others confirm similar results on reddit.
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  17. Unable to Select Cards From Pack During Draft

    I was recently drafting Neon Dynasty and encountered an error I have not observed before. While drafting pack 2 pick 2, I found that although I had been passed a pack, there were no cards from which I could make a selection. I tried clicking on the table to see where the packs were, however the draft table would not display. I could still open the adjust options menu and change my draft display, however the error selecting a card remained. I quit the application and reopen the program to see that I now had 6 packs waiting for me…

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  18. Mastery Pass Mythic ICR Level 80

    I did not receive the Mythic ICR at Level 80 or the Uncommon or better ICR at 80+

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  19. Unable to join event

    Attempting to complete the color challenges to get the new starter decks as my current starter decks are not available to play in standard mode. I attempt to play the 5th round (pvp) and receive the alert “network error unable to join event try again later. I have attempted to restart the game and delete the old starter deck of that color without success. Bug is occurring on iOS.

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  20. Missing cards

    I am missing cards from my collection. Half of my decks are saying they are missing cards.

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