MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
1161 results found
Cannot select decks
Cannot select decks in traditional standard decks, but that decks are available for standard play
9 votes -
Missing Cards
I woke up this morning and started playing some MTGA mobile (iOS) and shortly noticed that may of my decks are missing cards. I played some last night, built a new deck, and after playing a game with it went to bed. On reflection I had cards missing then too. Not all my cards were available to build with. Many of the missing cards are from starter decks, but not all the cards will be missing from a single deck, some will be left. Also, some of the decks with missing cards are still playable. Those missing cards are still…
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38 votes -
didnt receive any cards after opening packs
Upon opening 10 packs of the new set i did not receive any cards from the set, can you please have a look at this and maybe reset it?
8 votes -
Missing decks and missing cards collection
While playing again mtga this year on mobile. I found out that lots of my cards in my collection were missing. Including decks that I built last 2018(my red deck with lots of rares and mythics) my esper deck, and my boros feather deck card inside have missing cards inside. You can also see my scrnshots that my other preconstructed decks also have missing cards inside.
Hope to get a feedback from you guys
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50 votes -
unable to import deck
I can't test decks that i just built. Each time I try to select an other deck, the application shut down.
6 votes -
対応お願いします。6 votes -
aquired cards from packs not showing up in my collection
I have cards not showing up in my collection that I aquired from opening packs. My most recent is Doom Blade.
23 votes -
Standard 2022 too predictable, same cards, same decks, boring boring boring
Hi. Can´t you design a more predictable standard game? Every game is turn 1 shambling ghast, eye twitch, extra turn, blood in the snow, same boring decks, same cards... I do not play for fun, Ive been forced to play decks to achieve victories to win daily coins. So I do not build decks for my fun, Arena forces/direct a player to a kind of playstyle, so there is no individuality, everyone just playing to win. I like standard because I like new cards, new sets, but you have designing powerful/broken cards that there is no reason not using them.…
5 votes -
Missing cards
I bought a bunch of Strixhaven packs and as I opened them I made notes on the new cards I'd like to incorporate into my decks (or build a new deck with). But several of the cards I made notes of don't show up in the deckbuilder as an option for me. I have checked online to see if I wrote down the wrong names, but those cards are listed on general websites as Strixhaven cards so I don't know why they won't show up in my deckbuilder.
Some of those cards are:
Time Warp
Tendrils of Agony
Weather the…25 votes -
missing cards from collection
for the past 2-3 months i've played to build a decent collection so i can make some decks.
Some cards are dissapearing from my collection, even when i have used it.
cards of the events, cards of drafts (yes, the ones that should stay in your collection), cards from packs or even for the daily rewards.So far i can name 7 cards that are missing. some of them just 1 copy. but others 2 or more.
i've noticed that if the cards arent put in a saved deck... some of them just dissapear.
how can i leave the game…
139 votes -
Missing cards in starter deck
Finished the quest to get Selesnya Conclave deck today and none of the cards were added in my collection.
The deck is completely empty, appart from the basic lands.
I had none of the cards before and none of the cards were added after getting the deck: every number to the left of the cards are red.
87 votes -
Historic Tournament Match - Direct Challenge Deleting the Bo3 cards of the SIdeboard
A friend and I were playing Historic Tournament DCs and the client deleted the part of the sideboard that was marked as Bo3 in the Builder. They did not appear at sideboarding in the match and they were deleted afterwards from the decks in the builder. We tested this several times, and it always happened; however this didn't happen in regular direct challenge, just in tournament mode.
19 votes -
Deckbuilding: Can't select basic land as default like favorite sleeve
The option to set one of each basic land as default like it is possible for sleeves is missing or I can't find it.
When building a new deck MTGA suggests basic lands. They are all the same basic land which is fine for me - but they are not the version I like. Since I get displayed a zillion forestst from editions back to the stoneage it even takes a while to find the lands I need.What do I have to do to set 1 basic land of each type ( Forest, Island, Plains, Mountain, Swamp ) as…
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237 votes -
Missing card
Crazy I just got those card and it’s missing . Who knows how many other card has disappear from my collection.
8 votes -
A player had unlimited turns by using two cards, grinning ignus and birgi, god of storytelling.
My opponent just kept on return and casting without limits in 1 turn! What the ****. Poor game balance, this is a bug. Because they had unlimited turns, they were able to kill me. So stupid, who thought a card combo like that would be fair.
10 votes -
Decks disappeared, can't import or build new decks
After the update and hot fixes yesterday, all of my decks disappeared. I can't use the big + button to create a new deck, and I can't import a deck either. Clicking on any button on the Decks screen does nothing except Collection, which does show up properly.
Also if I try to "Add to decks" for a draft deck, that doesn't do it either, the deck doesn't show up in Decks. My wife's and son's accounts signing into the same client on the same computer do not have the same problem.
Please help! I can't play any constructed or…
40 votes -
New cards missing
I’ve been missing several cards (notably rare and mythic rare) cards from new packs I just opened.
On at least 4 occasions, I opened a pack to find a card that I really want to add to my existing deck, then go into deck builder immediately, and the new card is simply missing. I search by name, rarity, colour and nothing...
This seems to happen quite often.
9 votes -
Card styles don't work
I'm using iOS and purchased card styles of "Ruin Crab", "Hypnotic Sprite" and "Brazen Borrower" at 4/30/21. But they don't apply at playing, only apply at deck building.
10 votes -
Card missing from collection
Give us the steps to reproduce the bug:
Open packs.
Notice the cards that you get.
They don't appear in my collection.
I am missing an Orvar, the All-Form. I noticed that Koma, Cosmos Serpent didn't appear in my collection at first. I waited a couple of days and it appeared. However, this is not the case with Orvar. I wonder what other cards I am missing.Could you please give my account some wild cards to account for the missing card(s)?
I will NOT continue to pay money for virtual cards that disappear.Note which platform you’re using:
Android.…13 votes
- Don't see your idea?