MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
1350 results found
Can't resume Quick Draft after 9/12/24 update
I started a Quick Draft before the 9/12/24 update, but hadn't played any matches with my draft deck. Over the past couple days, I've tried going back into Quick Draft, but the app freezes up on the "Waiting for Server" screen. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, but the issue persists. And it only appears to be an issue with Quick Draft--I've been able to play a couple Standard matches without any problems.
Also, I'm playing on a PC, in case that info is helpful.
6 votes -
Maestry pass rewards
No rewards after leveling! 2 week and the problem is still here. Do something. Give me my rewards
5 votes -
Auto quit out of game
While in a sealed event on an Iphone, Arena dropped me out of the current game I was in with no warning and returned me to the home screen of the app. I hit play and started a new game, arena did not connect me to the game I was bumped out of. After that new game was complete the game I was kicked out of was recorded as a loss. This may be that the Wifi shut off shortly but I had cell service with data the whole time.
3 votes -
Foundations Jumpstart event
I went into the event thinking it was the same as paper packets, not realizing the packets were changed for Arena. I'm sure other people did as well. Having people going into an event thinking they were getting one thing but it being changed without knowledge doesn't look good for a company. I was wondering if anything was being done about this?
4 votes -
Missing mastery pass rewards
I've been missing mastery rewards pass everytime I level up. Can somebody help me resolve this pls?
5 votes -
Two games disappeared halfway through
At 2 separate occasions my game disappeared. Once in a ranked pioneer game, once in a duskmourn premier draft. In detail. I was playing these games. A waiting for the server message came up, then the screen went black. I restarted the client and found myself in the main menu, without an ongoing game. In ranked it is not a problem, but in the premier draft it may cost me prizes. The premier draft was around midnight UTC on october 26. The explorere ranked was earlier that day.
3 votes -
Frozen Premium Draft - can't quit, can't re-enter
Background: the first day of Duskmourn Premium Draft, I tried to enter. It showed the screen that said waiting for others to join the draft, but no one ever did and MtGA became unresponsive. I was able to force an exit from MtGA and restart. All other events that I've tried are availiable to me, but not Premier Draft.
When I navigate to Premier Draft, the box I select says "Resume." I can get to the next screen, which shows how many games I've won and lost (none, none) and says "Start Draft." When I select "Start Draft" MtgA crashes,…
5 votes -
kept getting waiting for server message
kept getting waiting for server message when trying to do any game actions during a game in a draft. restarting the program did not work to fix the problem. the first time i was kicked from the game i was in, and after restarting that time the same game did not start from where it left off. after joining a new game i kept getting the same message. i am currently unable to use the program.
3 votes -
Foundations Jumpstart unable to play on mobile
I did 2 or 3 foundations Jumpstarts, on the last one after winning a match it kicked me to the home screen. When I went back to the event page it shows the reward card as checked off, but the resign button is missing and in place of the play button it's been replaced with a home button that takes me back to the home screen. As it is, I am unable to continue the lastest deck i selected nor can I resign to start a new one.
3 votes -
Missing rewards from mastery pass
Paid $20 for mastery pass and missing 2000 coins 400 gems and at least 6 packs
5 votes -
There is no midweek magic.
It is past 2:00 PM PT time and midweek magic isn't showing up as an event I can play.
3 votes -
gem reward
When I opened packs that gave me gems, it did not increase my gem total. The same thing happened when I just got a reward of a card that was already in my collection, which should have also awarded gems.
3 votes -
Draft Crashed and lost me a game
I'm playing on MacOs and the game crashed on me while playing a match in the current Premiere Draft, which lead to me losing it.
3 votes -
3 votes -
got game loss from "Cancel buttom"
clicked the cancel botton in my draft game search, and ended up with a loss. I'm very close to mythic and this kind of thing happening is very frustrating, although I respect why they don't edit peoples ranks.
Also ****** to get a loss and potentially not the get the gem rewards that I might have otherwise gotten.
3 votes -
Cards changing during drafts
During my first SNC draft, I picked a Psychic Pickpocket P1P4. However, what showed up in my pool was a Brokers Veteran. I figured I had just misclicked.
However, after completing the draft and building my deck, I encountered a server error and had to build my deck again. This time, the Psychic Pickpocket was in my pool, and the Brokers Veretan was not.
Parsing my logs with (attached), I see two separate draft pools. This was pretty bizarre, it may have affected my picks but I'm mostly concerned about the integrity of the draft format.
no_memory.jpeg 132 KB -
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1E4443C5-F9F6-478F-AE32-AB4D9FB74077.jpeg 3983 KB -
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Log20220511_210944.log 48742 KB -
draft bug 2.png 4076 KB -
draft bug 1.png 3070 KB -
Cabaretti land changed back to jackhammer.log 67 KB -
Jackhammer exchanged for cabaretti land.log 61 KB -
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屏幕截图 2022-05-01 233331.png 1515 KB -
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Player.log 9637 KB -
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1,867 votes -
The game registered one 2 wins and one loss instead of 2 wins
During my current premier draft, the game registered 2 wins and one loss instead of 2 wins. This is the second time today that I have encountered a similar issue.
3 votes -
quick draft currently waiting
quick draft stucked to "currently waiting" screen.
can't face opponents17 votes -
Premier Draft FDN Win counted as win and loss
Premier Draft FDN Win that counted as a win but also counted as 3rd loss
3 votes -
summoning sickness runaway together Could not attack with my burnished heart -
during round 4 of my premier event draft - my opponent cast a Runaway together targetting my Burnished heart with summoning sickness and his Fanatical Firebrand - In response he sacced his firebrand and targetted my Wary Thespian - killing the thespian and did not bounce the heart
The turn after and the next one my burnished heart was still suffering from summoning sickness preventing me from attacking!3 votes
- Don't see your idea?