MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
564 results found
arena code is already been used
I participated in the prerelease and got an arena code, but it says it's already been used. It's an impossible bug because I never showed it to anyone and it's still unopened. Please help!
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Codes not working
I’ve entered my promo codes with purchased decks and haven’t received anything within the game. I have secondary codes but it won’t give me anything or enter those.
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Psychic Frog’s Horizon Hideaway appears to be mispriced
The Psychic Frog’s Horizon Hideaway shop appears to have had the wrong gem cost applied to it as the entry fee is 2800 gems and the rewards after maxing out progression are capped at 3100 gems worth of stuff, which is utterly ludicrous compared to the value of an actual Mastery Pass. Please address this issue before the store closes in two days.
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2 votes
BUG Cannot purchase Preorder Items in store.
Every time I try to purchase any of the Bloomburrow preorder Items, I get stuck with the "Waiting for the server" animation and have to force quit MtGA.
MacOS Sonoma 14.5
Mac Mini m.2 pro 16GB RAM2 votes -
Horizon Hideaway Shop Options Disappear
I only ever bought 1 MH3 pack from the Hideaway, but now the option to buy any is completely gone. I also can't get any mythic cards even though I purchased 0 of those so far. I bought the draft token, some avatars, sleeves, and one pack.
Also the normal support ticket intake appears to be broken. Is this going to be seen by anyone? Should I contact support? I wouldn't have spent gems on this if I wasn't getting more than one pack out of it.2 votes -
Getting GEMS instead of Mythics in MH3 packs when I still need TWENTY-FIVE Mythics for completion
I'd like to get MYTHIC MH3 CARDS from the Mythic packs I bought instead of Gems. I still need TWENTY-FIVE Mythics to complete the set. Why am I getting Gems?
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opened packs
I opened 10 MH3 packs and 4 of the rares were given to me as gems even though the set is not complete. I have never had this issue with the past sets and usually do this to complete the rares.
It was my understanding that, "If you open a booster pack and already have four copies of all the rare and mythic cards in the set, you will receive gems instead."
Can I get a refund?
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Unable to change payment method or make any purchases and no error message is seen or page opened.
Clicking change payment method doesnt open a page and clicking anything in the store does not get any notification or message
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unable to use store
Unable to get to the checkout screen of the store with RMTs tried re install and everything gets stuck on the waiting for server wheel of death
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Cannot purchase planswalker bundle
I cannot buy a Planeswalker bundle via PC platform. When clicking on the price button -> confirm purchase and Price button again, the page goes into "waiting for the server" and never comes back. I cannot exit this "thnking" page, but i clic esc button, I see in the background it goes to the settings menu, but cannot click on any thing. If I click esc again, goes back into the store (always in the background, with the "waiting for server" on the main page.
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Paying 2800 gems to START shopping is horse s**t.
Making people pay for the ability to shop is predatory, and super douchey. Be better than that.
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2300 gems for the chance to shop for asthetics?
Are you guys really that hard up? You don't even offer options to earn gems but you want people to pay you money for card styles?
You may have just placed the straw that broke the camels back in regards to me spending another dime on this game.2 votes -
750 gems
I bought 750 gems but they weren't added to my account. I've restarted my app on both my phone and PC but they have yet to be added.
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horizon hideaway pass bug
Before I purchase Horizon hideaway pass for 2800 gems, on Jun11, I already have assess to Psychic Frog's Horizon Hideaway. I was able to purchase stuff with ticket won during quest. I thought purchasing hideaway pass would give me more access to other prices. After I purchased the pass, there is no different in the hideaway. I don't know if it was a bug that I can access hideaway pass without paying 2800 gems or the 2800 gem purchase doesn't do anything. In short, I have 2800 gems less for nothing
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Psychic Frog Horizon Hideaway’s not giving proper credit for prior achievements
I bought the Psychic Frog’s Horizon Hideaway pass for 2800 gems today (June 11). It says “ During this period, you will earn Horizon Hideaway tickets even if you haven't yet paid for entry to Psychic Frog's Horizon Hideaway; you can always pay the entry later if you decide you want to shop after all…” I won 11 matches and completed my daily quest. I should have gotten 45 + 5x2 + 5x1 = 60 tickets, but I only got 56 because it did not give me credit for the matches I won before I bought the pass (the pass…
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Store error
For a long time now, I can't buy anything with my Steam wallet.
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Mythic Reward Mastery Pass
When winning the Mythic card reward in the Mastery Pass Outlaws of Thunder Junction, I keep receiving Uncommons instead of Mythics. This happened several times - I was under the impression that this had been fixed with one of the latest patch updates.
Any updates on this one?
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crashing problems with the shop
Everytime I try to go to the shop the game crashes.
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store error unknown error keeps popping up when I'm trying to
buy wild cards2 votes
- Don't see your idea?