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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1595 results found

  1. Fix/Update Existing Problems First before Alchemy

    Seriously WOTC? Why on earth would you make a new format when your existing platform needs so much work. If you want to add new features, add the ones your player base has been begging for, not ones the game would be perfectly fine without. All you’re doing is creating more of a mess for yourselves in the long run and slowly but steadily eroding your player base

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  2. No Alchemy WHY?

    William Gaston
    Dec 10, 2021, 11:51 AM PST

    Alchemy is a terrible decision, and I hate it beyond words. You just have a major championship in Historic, people get excited about the format then you wreck it by introducing Alchemy cards and changes to nerf or boost cards that affect cards we already spent wildcards on for historic. The Alchemy cards should only be played in Alchemy, I don't think they should exist at all....especially if you want people to be able to go back and forth between MTG arena and paper MTG. I've been playing this game off an…

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  3. Ban Tibalt Trickery

    Turn two Ulamog, Ugin, Genesis Ultimatum, etc. Who thought this was a good idea? Love the idea of a red counter with a drawback, but the wording should have been an opponent's spell. Turned a good idea into a sigh worthy trend.

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  4. Matchmaking sucks! I am tired of constant mirror matches

    Matchmaking in Arena is unbalanced and unfair and most of all unfun. Constant mirror matches suck! Constantly playing against the same decks regardless of opponent sucks! please do true natural random matchmaking. skill based and deck strength matchmaking sucks and isn't fun.

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  5. Separate Alchemy and Historic brawl.

    Separate Historic Brawl and Alchemy please. Alchemy cards may be fun for some people but the drafting of cards ruins my enjoyment of the game. Please just give us access to historic brawl without alchemy.

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  6. Solutions to combat stalling / roping?

    Does WotC actually do anything about players who stall / rope games anymore? Reading the forums, it seems like they cracked down on it once 3 years ago, but no longer take active measures against it.

    I suggest adding a rope under the profile tab that gets shorter each time your account is reported for roping, and once your rope runs out, your account is banned. That way people know their are real consequences for their actions, and that WotC takes player conduct seriously.

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  7. Historic Brawl as Direct challenge

    Just some quick feedback/request. I would love to be able to direct challenge friends with Historic Brawl.

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  8. Alchemy makes me quit Arena

    I'm a long time magic player and have spent several thousands of dollars on this game but after yesterday's Alchemy announcement I am sorry to say that I am done playing constructed on Arena. You're losing me as a customer.

    I don't like the idea of digital cards changing so that they don't match the real world physical cards. This is a cognitive load that is unnecessary. Change the card name to something else if you're planning on rebalancing cards. Paper and the original digital version of the card should be in sync. I'm done with constructed on Arena. I'm…

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  9. 2v2


    I would really love to get more of my friends playing with me online. I am sure that adding a 2v2 mode would be a lot of fun and a good way to get my friends playing. Right now if you wanna play with friends you play a couple of games and then you get bored. But playing with each other would be a lot more fun and I'm sure would make me pull some all-nighters :D.

    Hoping I can get some balls rolling this way :)



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  10. historic alchemy

    please split historic into a second format with no digital rebalancing whatsoever. digital cards are ok.

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  11. Provide an eternal format for MTGA

    I am not opposed to Alchemy or Historic being a unique digital only format, but an eternal format where cards are unchanged needs to be implemented on Arena. Pioneer and/or Modern being the most logical. It could even be another unique format (Pioneer plus fetch lands because shuffling isn’t an issue in digital) like Historic was prior to the digital only cards. But consistency with paper cards and allowing cards to live on post-standard rotation is something that a significant portion of the player base wants, and I believe is necessary for the long-term health of MTGA.

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  12. Break Out not functioning correctly

    The card “Break Out” from Murders at Karlov Manor is putting cards on top of my library instead of into my hand, which is not what the card says to do. It is now a net card-disadvantage and is unplayable.

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  13. Historic without alchemy

    I would love to play historic, but I hate alchemy and how cards are balanced for historic. Can we get a historic without alchemy or alchemy balanced cards?

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  14. Alchemy

    Terrible idea to have rebalanced cards affect historic. Leave our beloved format alone, this is nothing but a blatant money grab which will alienate a giant part of your playerbase. Ridiculous that someone even came up with this idea let alone that it was approved, all in the name of lining your pockets even more. Don't you think you make enough money with arena already??!!

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  15. MTG Arena "Error Updating Data"

    I am still getting the "Error Updating Data" issue.

    No, it's not my connection.

    No it's not proxy settings.

    No, it's not the firewall.

    No, the VPN did not help.

    Yes, I did switch to the Epic Games Launcher.

    None of these have helped. I still can't play this game. My connection is 200+MB/sec downloads and yet this game chokes my install at under 10mb/sec

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  16. ログイン不能/I can't log in

    From October 23, 2024 (Japan time), I cannot log in from a line using a specific internet provider.
    It seems that access from "nuro hikari", a famous internet provider in Japan, is restricted and I cannot log in to the IOS version and the mac version.
    I can log in to the iOS version by using the phone company's line.
    I am having trouble because only certain internet providers are restricted. Please fix it.

    日本の有名なインターネットプロバイダの 「nuro光」という回線からのアクセスが制限されているようでios版、mac版とログインできません。

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  17. Stuck on "Checking for active matches"

    I'm having an issue with MTG: Arena on PC. whenever I launch the game on PC I get stuck on an infinite "Checking for active matches" loading screen. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times. I have installed it on different drives and i have tried using both the epic games launcher as well as the direct download from your website. However, when I access the game on mobile it works perfectly fine. I much prefer the PC experience and would much like to be able to resume playing there. Thanks in advance.

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  18. Permanent Pauper Historic Format!

    Many of us look forward to pauper events, but it's never enough. It would be awesome to be able to use our thousands of common wildcards to build pauper decks. Imagine being able to play pauper in free or ranked mode.

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  19. Can not sacrifice ollenbock escort during combat

    Playing on iOS iPad
    Premier draft
    Opponent attacks, I declare blockers, ollenbock escort and another creature. Before damage I want to sac the ollenbock escort to pump the other creature. I am not given the option to sac the ollenbock escort and both my creatures die.

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  20. Hullbreaker Horror Should be Banned

    Ok Hullbreaker Horror should be banned because: There are no counter-measures, because there are no cards in the valid sets to solve this issue: 1) I can't search opponent's deck and exile/destroy it. 2) There are no land which can destroy a creature (even there is Hullbreaker can bounce itself) 3) There is no emblem which can protect you from this creature 4) There is no ability counter spell in current valid format. So this card is cheating/bugged/joy killing... I have also this card in my library but I don't like this kind of gameplay. So I think I have…

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