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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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1595 results found

  1. Feature to Report players

    I am constantly matched against people who, when they're losing, use all 3 or how many ever they have of the 30 second time outs to just troll and make me waste my time. There needs to be a report feature where toxic players such as them receive some sort of penalty to discourage the action. It happens to me so often its ridiculous. especially since I try to burn through my turns as fast as possible or even concede if I know I will loose.

    Please , and thank you!
    - Samurai Cope

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  2. Please add MTGA to the Multimedia Games Database to approve it for streaming on adult websites

    It would be very much appreciated if Magic: The Gathering Arena could be added to the Multimedia Games Database so that streamers could be permitted to stream it on Chaturbate. (link is 100% safe for work)

    Some other noteworthy games that are on their database of approved games by their respective developers include:

    League Of Legends
    Cult Of The Lamb
    Serious Sam
    Return To Monkey Island
    Hotline Miami
    Enter The Gungeon

    You can search for these and other games that are permitted on their website if you need to verify that they are valid.

    Whether just streaming…

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  3. Ban exquisite blood

    Why hasen't this card been banned? This card in combination with a card that has 'whenever you gain life opponent loses that much life' creates an infinite loop that stops when your life total is zero. Infinite loops shouldn't be part of this game that is just lame.

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  4. Kill the Mill

    I find mill decks to be an abomination of the game. The entire strategy around them is based on avoiding to actually battle other players and instead force their game to end because they run out of cards. It's a very anti-magic style of play which I want nothing to do with. As a result, the massive resurgence of this format has made the game unbearable for me to play. For over 20 years I've always appreciated the strategy component of magic that allowed me to go head to head against other players in a chess match like a battle…

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  5. Remove Alchemy cardd from Historic/Brawl formats.

    I need to express my extreme dissatisfaction with MTGA/WOTC product Alchemy and request that you remove the cards from the historic and brawl formats.
    I understand people like Alchemy, and so they should play the Alchemy format. They should not be allowed to dominate other formats with these cards.
    I am INCREDIBLY distressed when ever I have to endure this inordinate disadvantage. I feel like all the time I spent building decks is wasted when playing Historic Brawl and a card hits the board that has onboard tutor effects, or allows a player to pull from a wish board/side board…

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  6. Alchemy

    I can't see why we need another format, that is also messing with existing formats. This bombardment with new cards (and lame digitalonly mechanics) is becoming more and more tedious.
    Alchemy is just a slap in the face of every enfranchised player, as it implies that you are going to care even less about quality carddesigns.
    That leads to a situation where if Standard is in a good place,
    Alchemy will only set itself apart from standard by the new (*******) cards you shoved into it and if standard is in a bad place and needs to be changed you…

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  7. Mana ***** / Mana Flood emote

    I guess the shuffler is fine, but I sometimes win due to an opponent flooding or getting mana-screwed. Sometimes I'm the one stuck on no or all lands for 5 turns.

    I wish I could emote this issue and that my opponent could answer "sorry!" as a respone.

    We're not really playing magic when this happens, we're giving away a win due to the fickle whims of the RNG.
    I wish to emote this, to convey my frustration or express my sympathy.

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  8. Mill is NO FUN


    I made a thread on the forums.

    I will not buy any cards if they are just going to be milled into the graveyard.

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  9. authentication failed

    I can't log in and it keeps saying authentication failed when the internet works for everything else

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  10. Historic should have different alchemy rules

    Only cards currently banned in historic should require the alchemy version. For instance, omnath sure only allow the alchemy version in historic. But it makes 0 sense to nerf standard legal cards in a format as powerful as historic.

    It’s crazy, if historic was weaker than standard sure. But why ruin perfectly good cards that weren’t even too good in standard.

    Leave the nerfs to alchemy for non banned historic cards, alchemy is a super cool format but should not change historic unless it’s enhancing it.

    This really really makes 0 sense.

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  11. alchemy

    Not only is Alchemy ruining historic but now it's ruining draft also, commander legends baldur's gate alchemy is the only non-rotating premier draft available and I hate it.

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  12. Default Basic Land

    Please allow us to preset the selection of a particular art of basic land for deck building, it's has been 'coming soon' for a very long time now.


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  13. Alchemy is garbage

    Alchemy is garbage. I have deleted my clients and won't be reinstalling them until this change is rolled back or I am refunded every cent I've ever spent on this game.

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  14. psychic frog horizon hideaway event

    Suggestion for the horizon hideaway event
    Remove the gem paywall, if you cant remove it then greatly reduce the amount of gems needed, why anyone would think its a good idea to make it so users and consumers of your product have to pay a fake currency to be able to pay a temporary fake currency to get limited time offers is astounding to me

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  15. A permanent opt-out feature for the in-game "did you have fun" survey

    Hello MTGA players and devs,

    The in-game "did you have fun" question shows up a lot more recently, typically once every three to five games. There's a skip button for those of us that don't want to answer, but then a few games later it just asks us again.

    Would it be possible to get a more permanent skipping feature? Some kind of checkmark in the game settings where we can opt out of being asked?

    Kind regards,


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  16. Matchmaking Terrible

    I have been spending this season testing your matchmaking system.

    I got to Mythic my first month playing this game. After that, I could barely win a game in platinum and I wanted to understand why. So I made all the "meta" decks.

    First I started with Mono-green, which gets beat pretty bad to Mid range Orzhov. I played 6 games and got Orzhov for 5 of them.

    So I decided to play the Orzhov deck for 6 games, and got Blue control (which I hadn't seen until playing Orzhov) for 4 out of the 6 games.

    Then I went…

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  17. Two-headed Giant mode


    Let me just start by saying, I’m not sure if this is the right method of contact for my inquiry but after hunting for a contact method for a long time, this is what I stumbled upon. I wanna say thank you for all the hard work you folks do and the amazing products you create. I love magic with all my heart and I’ve made so many friends because of it. That’s actually what my inquiry is about.

    Mtg duels. The old client of MTGA, had a 2HG mode and it was amazingggg!! I loved it. Me and…

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  18. direct challenge

    Daily gold rewards should be achievable in Direct Challenge mode, not just Play and Ranked.
    Much of the fun of playing Magic is playing with friends, but the need to spend time grinding for gold to keep decks competitive clashes with playing with friends.

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  19. Alchemy issue

    2 suggestions for Alchemy issue :

    Standard, Historic, Alchemy (standard/historic) in a separate mode.


    Arena Historic (Bo1) with Achemy and Traditional Historic (Bo3) without Alchemy

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  20. Black screen after update

    Arena just updated and, after the mandatory update, doesn't start anymore. When I launch the game, all I get is the mouse cursor, that moves normally, on a black screen. No music, no titles, no messages, nothing. Just cursor and black screen.
    I'm running the game on Windows 7. Worked perfectly just before the update.

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