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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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How to report a bug

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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14055 results found

  1. Triumphant adventurer

    Triumphant adventurer doesn't stay tapped when targeted by frost lynx. I checked the text of triumphant adventurer and nothing says it can be untapped by its controller.

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  2. Perilous Vault card style cannot apply

    Perilous vault card stile can not be submitted to the deck

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  3. Instead of Alchemy

    Can we just get Universes Beyond cards on Arena instead of Alchemy? At least Universes Beyond cards are fairly balanced overall.

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  4. Banning Heist

    Heist really shouldn't exist. It is too easy to abuse and use. There is a reason Gonti Lord of Luxury is the only card to have that type of effect. Heist should just be removed from Arena or all the cards should be banned.

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  5. Suggestion Make an historic brawl mode without alchemy card.

    Suggestion : Make a historic brawl mode without Alchemy card.

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  6. Sylvan Smite not adding counter

    Sylvan Smite has two sections separated by a period. Effectively:
    Add a counter to target creature you control. THEN do damage to target creature.

    Why is the spell fizzling when the second target becomes hexproof? The primary target is my own creature.

    It's buffing my creature, and then doing damage with that creature.

    If it were "add a counter to target creature and do damage equal to its power to another target creature" then it would make sense to fizzle, but the card text breaks it into two distinct sections.

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  7. auto enter event

    I play MTG Arena on my Smartphone (Android)
    After I quit playing a game I put my Smartphone in my pocket. After some hours I wanted to resume playing and recognized that a Seald Event was entered and i lost 3 games with it but I never played a single game with this Sealed deck. The cardpool from the 6 packs was untouched.
    I kindly request to refund 2000 Gems for the entry.
    Kind regards

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  8. I want fasterplayers

    Why do I have to play against slow players all the time?? !!!

    And give us a place to complain. This feedback interface is garbage

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  9. 2024.37.0.1241.1066268

    Player took murderous rider, I exiled his board using Karn stylex
    Proceeds to draw off murderous rider for the removal


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  10. Client crash during draft match

    During my opponent's first turn in a premier draft the MTGA client abruptly closed; no error message or anything, the window just vanished. I was able to log back in but I'd already skipped a turn, and lost the game that followed.

    I've never seen this happen before and have no idea what triggered it. Log is attached.

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  11. Roalesk, Prime Specimen as the Commander of the brawl, will prompt invalid Deck ,Deck validation failed.


    Roalesk, Prime Specimen

    as the Commander of the brawl, will prompt invalid Deck ,Deck validation failed.

    The deck is

    1 Roalesk, Prime Specimen (Y24) 26

    49 Island (SIR) 282
    50 Forest (WOE) 275

    I really want to play with this commander and look forward to your help.


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  12. Jet Collector's Ability Not Activating

    Jet's Collector's activated ability simply says that you can select creature cards in your graveyard, but in reality you can only select creature cards in your own graveyard, so the strength of the creatures is completely different.

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  13. Can't cast spell

    I was playing against analyst. Oponent Has done so mamy actions that my timer after all those "resolve" has ended. And when after oponent casting next spell I couldn't get priority to cast my spell.

    Android system

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  14. Mindslaver / Heist Bug Interaction

    I'm on a Mac and I casted Mindslaver and controlled my opponent's next turn in Historic Brawl. They had their commander Grenzo, Crooked Jailer on the battlefield and when his upkeep trigger resolved to Heist my library I couldn't see the cards that I was supposed to choose from. There was nothing for me to click on so I just died from running out of timeouts. I would look into how Mindslaver turn control interacts with Heist.

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  15. Cannot hide away stack to reach objects in play behind stack

    I am unable to hide the stack, the button is gone! Like why do we invest in this game when there are so many bugs introduced and not fixed. Where is the QA process? where are the unit and integration tests. .... what is development doing, has it turn into the wild west?

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  16. Thieves guild enforcer

    Had a game where my opponent had a thieves guild enforcer that I could not target or inspect in any way. I couldn't target it with spells/abilities, I couldn't block it, and I couldn't play it after exileing it from the graveyard with a spell that let's you cast creatures exiled with it.

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  17. Optimization Recommendation

    Good evening, sorry for my English on Google Translate, I'm studying for a degree in computing and information technology and I wanted to report something that I tested at the Magic Arena today. In your game there is the option to enter a code to redeem gifts and products through a space in the store, where this space allows a large number of characters to be typed, I was even able to copy 90 characters to that location, it probably has this capacity due to the need to increase the size of codes as the number of combinations runs out,…

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  18. Rotten Reunion bug

    Sometimes Rotten Reunion doesn't generate a zombie token

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  19. Draft Picks Not Appearing

    Several of my picks in the OTJ draft were not added to my draft pool. They were both Freestrider Commanders after I had already drafted one.

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  20. Game Crash after Trigger Funktion

    Wizards, please do something about this ridicoules crashes.

    Everytimes as soon i create more then 400 tokens, the game crash, the outcome is a DRAW and i do not get any quest points for the game.

    Why even supporting this kind of funtctions if this will be not supported by the Game?

    Build at least the option to disable the Graphics or somthing... that is really annoying

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