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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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14060 results found

  1. Sheoldred in ONE draft

    I encountered a Sheoldred from DOM in ONE quick draft. I would appreciate a reimbursement.

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  2. Skrelv defector mite

    When skrelv gives a creature hexproof from a color it is functioning like protection from the color instead. Hexproof only states that spells or abilities cannot target the creature, but I'm unable to even assign a blocker to it if they have hexproof from the color of my creatures. Does blocking count as an ability or something? Or does assigning a creature as a blocker count as targeting the hexproof creature? I just don't understand why they are interacting like that.

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  3. 12 votes

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  4. Extend Timer longer than animations take

    Allow us to turn off animations or at least make the timer increase by more than the animation when we are taking actions.
    I was infinitely looping acerack to drain out my opponent (It's their right to wait through their slow death), but the animations of playing cards were taking so long that I was losing time even while advancing the board state. I resolved the winning spell that would drain for the last life, but the animation took longer than my timer and the game put an extra counter on a goose rather than draining my opponent for the…

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  5. unable to play instant

    Playing a quick draft game the computer didn't let me the opportunity to play an instant and a enchant with flash too in the attack phase. result 2 games lost. First time I have seen this. Please resolve asap.

    thank you

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  6. 運営はマッチングを作為的に操作しています








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  7. Stack Issues

    Its Uncommon but it happens. You will Have the mana to play a spell, And for whatever reason not even have the ability to play it.
    Sometimes a stack happens and with no modifiers on the board for casting instants, you will simply not have a chance to respond. When this happens it makes the game feel unfair, and rigged.
    This Must be a High-priority fix.
    Its literally counter intuitive to the game/mechanics/rulings. And it’s literally cheating when it happens.

    For Example:
    imagine going to tournament irl & you play a Planeswalker and the opponent doesn’t get to play negate.…

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  8. Mana Flooding EVERY GAME

    EVERY GAME I PLAY IS MANA FLOODED. Seriously guys can you not have the game manipulated and let it play fairly. I get it happens sometimes but it is clear that the game is rigged to have constant lands being drawn. Look at this picture. It’s like my deck piled all the lands on the top. Seriously fix this and let draws actually be random like as if it were a real physical deck. It keeps the game fair.

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  9. Game crash when connecting to opponent

    When connecting to opponent, the game sometimes crashes and when it happens you would think to just to reopen the game and reconnect to the match (encountered in ranked/historic brawl/unranked queue) but it just keeps crashing upon trying to connect and will only be able to get back into the client when the match is over.

    Have heard from reddit that the only solution is to login to the same account through another device but could not try due to my phone being unsupported.

    Please fix this it is very annoying and really spoils the fun.

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  10. counter spells not working

    Please attempt to cast a counter spell from somewhere other than your hand.
    I am playing on PC and casting counter spells with flashback using the Lier, Disciple of the Drowned ability simply not functioning.

    after reading other reports similar to mine, I believe ALL counter spells cast from anywhere other than player's hand are not functioning correctly. please help.
    In this game (log attached) I cast both Flip the Switch and Syncopate from the graveyard with Lier, targeting a valid spell, both times causing the "are you sure you want to target [[card name]]?" prompt to appear. After selecting…

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  11. Venerated Rotpriest Didn't Trigger for Oscification

    I had two Venerated Rotpriest. My opponent cast Oscification, targeting one of my Rotpriest. The opponent should have received 2 poison counters. They did not.

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  12. Pase de maestría no da carta mítica/bug

    En el actual pase de maestría hay un error que no muestra la animación de entregar la carta mítica, ni tampoco la agrega a la colección personal

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  13. Support for Infinite Combo Win

    Please add support for Infinite Combo victories. Just add a button that allows us to demonstrate the combo, then allow us to iterate that several times until needed. I've lost several matches where I've had the combo to win, but was timed out. Iteration isn't necessary, but demonstration of the combo, and declared victory should be added.

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  14. Hacking or cheating

    First turn this 7 mana card comes out?? Come on. Their first land isn’t even tapped.

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  15. Elesh Norn Card Styles

    why aren´t all the card styles available for purchase?

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  16. Unable to Connect, Login, etc. Authentication failed: Timeout.

    Unable to Connect, Login, etc. Authentication failed: Timeout. Waiting for server. There's a white box spinning. Game has been working all day. Took a break and now it's not working.

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  17. Temporary Lockdown keeps auras exiled

    My opponent played Temporary Lockdown that exiled me several creatures and Auras.
    Later, I have exiled it with Fragment reality with no creature on the batlefield.
    My creature came back on the battlefield but not my Auras.
    I think I should be able to attach my Auras to my creature entering to play at the same moment…my Auras stayed exiled…


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  18. Sideboarding

    I was sideboarding during a bo3 Explorer RANKED match on my Android phone and i wasn't able to remove cards from the main deck. Obviously I lose the match

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  19. Abilities & Acitvated Abilities Not Working

    2 recent cards I use don't work.

    I'm not given the option to and can't pay to activate the abilities.

    The other one is that abilities do not activate when they are supposed to and have lost matches due to this.

    I thought at 1st it would show up afterwards but that didn't happen.

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  20. Slow performance on Android

    The gameplay gets very slow on game (not so much on the main menu) while palying on Android. The selection of cards is very slow, the animations runs slow on frames and my turns take forever to be played as the interface is so laggy

    I played a lot in mobile while Kamigawa where the latest and a little bit while New Cappena but since I didn't played until this last weeks of New Pyrexia and now is almost unplayable.

    I used to play in a Poco F3 and now I'm using a Xiaomi 12T Pro

    Both phones have a…

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