MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
14314 results found
Unfair function of Scurry Oak deck
Why I can create 5000 squirrels with my Scurry Oak deck?
I don't break any rule of game doing it, but when the number of squirrels is 40-50, my countdown timer starts and I lose my time.
Other decks can do his "magic" but this deck can't. WHY!!!!???
It's not fair.
14 votes -
Didn't recieve Mythic Wildcard when purchasing Mastery pass
I purchased the mastery pass with 3400 gems, and i should have received, among other prizes, 4 mythic wildcards.
I received all of the other prices, but not the mythic wildcards.7 votes -
Unable to cast instant fortelled card in response to spell
Please see attached video:
There was nothing that should have prevented me from casting this card in response to his spell on the stack. I had priority, it was an instant, cast during my end step, and I had the mana available to cast it.
8 votes -
Solutions to combat stalling / roping?
Does WotC actually do anything about players who stall / rope games anymore? Reading the forums, it seems like they cracked down on it once 3 years ago, but no longer take active measures against it.
I suggest adding a rope under the profile tab that gets shorter each time your account is reported for roping, and once your rope runs out, your account is banned. That way people know their are real consequences for their actions, and that WotC takes player conduct seriously.
51 votes -
Game Loss due to Opponent Combo off
Game timed out for me while opponent combo’ed off, lost when it went to my turn see linked video. I had zero response was on auto pass for opponents turn, timer started timing out for me, opponent finishes combo and turn my turn starts and I can’t respond to anything game auto selects demonic pact trigger targeting myself.
15 votes -
Game freezes
Game freezes while playing mid match on mobile device. Have to shut down and reload, it then changes my avatar to a random figure and all emotes and messages are blanked out.
34 votes -
Mac client won't run unless started from Epic Game launcher
Ever since the last update, when I attempt to run the Arena app directly, it starts up as a black screen and shows the Arena cursor, but then never loads the game. The only way I can launch the game is by running Epic Games and then launching from there and the game will start and run normally. This DOES NOT occur on my other Intel based MacBook Pro, where everything is running fine.
I've attached screenshots and my log file.
11 votes -
PLEASE Add Ranked Version of Brawl!
We need a ranked version for Brawl format. Everyone I've spoken to that plays MTG arena and at my local shop is lobbying for it. It would give players an opportunity to play a more similar format to Commander rather than the vanilla, standard format meta games. It would also add revenue for Wizards as you would gain a bigger player base. Win - win for everyone, please consider!
7 votes -
Permanent Phantom Draft
Create a permanent 'Phantom Draft' (aka, you dont keep the cards) that runs 1000 gold per draft with same 'break even' rewards that you have now.
Reasons Why Below:
This is simply to allow players who love to draft the chance to do so at least once a day via free gold.
Drafting is one of the, if not THE, most fun format of magic. But due to it's high cost of entry, is significantly underplayed. Especially on Arena where most players are free to play players.
As it stands, your current mythic limited rankings is less "who is the…
9 votes -
Standard Ranked doesn't level up my bronze rank
Standard ranked games don't update my rank. I have played several games, not updating any win or loss. Profile doesn't update. I would to like to get my right rank updated asap before the season ends
18 votes -
Got 20 gems instead of a rare
I opened a Kal pack and I received 20 gems instead of a rare. I don’t have the entire Kal rare collection.
11 votes -
Rank bug
no rank gaining
16 votes -
I cannot claim rewards from Jump In wins.
I cannot claim rewards from Jump In wins.
13 votes -
Jump start bug
Jump start not allowing me to continue after confirming my picks
9 votes -
Color Challenge Network Error
Can’t complete color challenge. I keep getting network error for trying to complete last challenge which is the pvp.
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Invalid deck error when saving edit. (Removed and added one Charmed Stray).jpg 153 KB -
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1,645 votes -
Bug ... "Jump In" event won't allow me to pick packs, or click the "confirm" button..also took my 1000 gold
Same as everyone else...Jump In event is taking 1000 Gold entry, but won't allow me to go further than picking one pack of cards. I can't pick the 2nd pack and I can't click confirm. I need either my 1000 gold back, or cards equivalent in value. Cause I know the event will be over before this gets resolved.
8 votes -
10 votes -
Black screen after update
Arena just updated and, after the mandatory update, doesn't start anymore. When I launch the game, all I get is the mouse cursor, that moves normally, on a black screen. No music, no titles, no messages, nothing. Just cursor and black screen.
I'm running the game on Windows 7. Worked perfectly just before the update.31 votes -
Jump In event - cannot select decks
I am using a Mac and launching MTG through Epic Games.
I entered the Jump In event and paid the fee. I selected the first deck and clicked Confirm Deck. When I selected the second deck, the Confirm Deck button was greyed out. I tried a different deck, and it was labeled "3rd" but still unable to Confirm Deck. I tried the last option, and it was labeled "4th" but I could not confirm the deck.
If I exit and reenter the event, I see my first deck selection, but the button is greyed out. (See screen shot.) I have…
27 votes -
Unable to choose second pack: Jumpstart: Jump In!
I played a few games of the jumpstart event, Jump In!. On my third deck choice, I was able to choose my first packet, but not my second.
On the packet selection screen, it showed that I had chosen the "Warriors" packet as "Packet 1" and the "Rock and Roll" pack as "Packet 2" but still requested I choose a packet. I tried choosing again, and it showed "Packet 3" over "Elves", and again I selected the other packet, "Roiling", and it showed "Packet 4". No resolution would get me out of the screen and into games, so I exited.
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291 votes -
- Don't see your idea?