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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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14125 results found

  1. IOS friend request/challenge bugged

    I’ve tried to friend request a buddy from work we wanted to challenge each other but couldn’t friend each other we’re both on IOS I have an iPhone 11 he has a iPhone 12. When we couldn’t friend each other via display name we tried email and nothing worked. That when we tried challenging each other and still that was bugged too. So I’m reaching out to support to help us.

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  2. Error Card text in japanese lang

    I found Nylea's Intervention text error.
    it search land fform deck in english, but error are search plainswalker in japanese

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  3. Unexpected disconnect during draft game

    There was sudden "Waiting for the Server" overlay during premier draft game, several seconds later screen faded out and draft menu has appeared with game loss.

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  4. Friend tab is not working on iOS

    Ever since the update making the friend tab reappear it is just not working on iOS (phone & tablet).
    Friends are not appearing in the tab, it is not possible to set status to offline or busy, message cannot be received or displayed.

    Despite not visible it was still possible to challenge friends and the actions were working fine before the update.
    The issue does not seems to occur on PC as the friends are properly displayed and message can be sent.

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  5. Friends list

    Deleted my friends list and won’t show friend requests on iOS or allow me to send them

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  6. Can’t see sideboard in draft game

    I can’t see my sideboard in draft mode. I will add a picture. IOS.

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  7. Friends list broken, cannot challenge friend

    Friend on iOS can add me as a friend but I disappear immediately, as if I'm offline. Earlier it just said he had no friends, which is rude

    Anyways, we've tried direct challenge through friendslist with identical settings but it won't start. Just gives us cancel button

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  8. New update - Cannot see friends, cannot add friends

    I have no idea what to put this under. After new update today, cannot see friends added. Cannot add friends. When try to add by username, says invalid, also when friend tries to add me. Try adding by email, both of us, just takes back to main screen, no error, no notification of added.

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  9. Friend list

    Cannot connect to friend list. Updated today across all devices.

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  10. Game crashed during premier draft

    MTGA crashed during drafting. After that I couldn't restart the game immediately to rejoin a draft (An error occurred... screen appeared). I request full reimbursement for the draft.

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  11. Economy - Expensive and Unfair

    This article articulates very well, the economy issue. I have spent more money on this game than any other ever, and I still feel wholly incomplete.

    This, even compared to buying physical cards. At lest there I could trade.


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  12. Commander in MTGA

    This feedback is more a request, i don't know how hard it is to make this happen but i think it will be a HUGE deal for the magic community. I love magic since the first time i play it and my favorite format is Commander which i play a lot with my friends in another platform and i looking forward to soon play on MTGA. Last night i got so HYPED just to think about it, to gather the cards and build a custom commander in MTGA. So if it is possible and if somebody is reading this my…

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  13. Wildcard redemption flexibility

    It would be good to have some flexibility with wildcard redemption. One or both of:
    1) wildcards possible to redeem for lower rarities (with a warning message), e.g. mythic wildcard redeemable for rare card.
    2) crafting of higher rarity wildcards from a suitable number (6?) of lower rarity wildcards, e.g. craft 6 common wildcards into 1 uncommon wildcard.

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  14. Match REPLAY Option - please add this to the MTGA Client!

    An option to Replay a recent match, to go around and brag about a mythic win over your opponent should be available in the game!

    I just had this experience, that I wanted to share... and.... blah - not possible!

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  15. "Friendly Brawl" Not really supported?

    Is there a "Find match" option for friendly (Historic Legal) Brawl that I'm missing? Just burned a bunch of wild cards for mystical archives that I thought Id be able to play in my new codie deck- but I can only play this deck with direct challenge? Feels bad. Maybe add a find match for this format or warn me in the deck builder that this deck will be practically unplayable? If there is a find match somewhere its too hard to find. Burned two mythic wilds.

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  16. Daily quest not tracking spells cast

    Daily quest "Cast 25 Green or White Spells" has been stuck at 14/25 for several matches. Have restarted game twice without success in getting tracker to update.

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  17. Better Bot Matches

    Has anyone considered being able to select different levels of difficulty for Bot Matches. For example, one option would be for players to be able to select a level of difficulty up to the current level they have attained (e.g. Silver, Gold, etc.)
    When experimenting with different decks and card combinations against the Bot, playing an opponent at a similar level would give a better indication of what is likely to be competitive against real opponents.

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  18. Lend decks to your friends

    Hey, so you know how as a heavy magic player and collector you've always had this friend or bunch of friends who would have a blast playing, but didn't have the time or money to invest in their own deck?

    Playing with pre-mades quickly got boring because they always need a bit of work and polishing to truly shine, so they end up becoming your new deck testers.

    Could this become a thing in MTG Arena? I for one would love to give my friends who are new to MTG a chance to get a good taste on the game…

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  19. Music Keeps Cutting Out

    Music continuously cuts out on all boards. Sometimes it will cut out after playing a card with a specific sound effect, and other times it will cut out right after the initial mulligan selection is made. For example on the new Strixhaven board, as soon as the mulligan selection is up, the music permanently cuts out. I tried reinstalling MTGA with no luck. This is extremely annoying, as the music of the boards really sets the mood of the game for me. Please fix this.

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  20. 750 Xp from quest not giving 750XP ( PC )

    Atm finished my daily quest for 750xp and not gave 750 xp , cause i'lll count on my daily win to lvl up my mastery and i was aproximatively at 200 xp before and after at 725xp, 200+750 is not 725.
    I'm playin on pc.

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