MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
14458 results found
Daily Quest not counting spells casted
I am playing with a monogreen, and after a match it counts only some of the spells as the color of the spell requested to finish the quest.
6 votes -
Daily Quest Progress Stuck
Multiple Daily Quests progress stuck even when conditions are met.
139 votes -
Allow Direct Challenge URLs
Arena should allow URLs to open the client and prefill a Direct Challenge with format options, so that players can just pick their deck and go. This would allow Discord bots and tournament organizers to provide one-click match start solutions. The URL can be a HTTP URL that goes to a page that has an Open Arena button or auto-opens Arena; some OSes, like iOS, macOS and Android, can also intercept the URL and open Arena directly
For example, a URL could be something like this:
Starts a Direct Challenge between millenomi#90599 and example#01234 with Historic decks and Tournament…
6 votes -
Auto pass bug
When using the auto pass button on opponent's turn, it does no work. I still have to click resolve manually on each effect. I use arena on android os. Auto pass functions normally on my turn.
21 votes -
Opponent Executing Inifinite Loop Exhausts My Timer
Playing on mobile using a Samsung Galaxy S9. During game one opponent executed an infinite loop using Cathar's Crusade and Scurry Oak. I had a wrath in hand so I waited for them to make their tokens. I tapped out all of my mana so I could pass turn without having to resolve their triggers. Opponent made about 80 tokens then passed their turn. I noticed that my timer had been running down during their turn even though I was never passed priority while they made tokens. My turn started, I drew a card and they won the match as…
7 votes -
Ban Golos in Historic Brawl
With Golos now even banned in Commander!!! it shows that he is cleary to strong and no fun.
When he is banned in Commander where the powerlevel is so much higher, isnt there a good point of finaly ban him in historic brawl too ?
As Historic Brawl in Arena has no ladder, its basicly a "fun" mode to play so one commander where the best way is to "leave" should not exist.18 votes -
Sideboarding Rank-Up Error
When my opponent concedes during sideboarding in a BO3 ranked match, I only get 1 pip of rank and I believe they only lose 1 pip as well. This provides an incentive to concede during sideboarding against a poor matchup to save rank.
10 votes -
purchased cards from daily deals are shown as"not collected" when attempting to add them to decks
purchased cards from daily deals are shown as "not collected" when attempting to add them to decks
13 votes -
Vesperlark loop
Playing on Android, I cast a wrath of God into two vesperlarks on board, nothing in graveyard to get back. Opponent gives one vesperlark perpetual -1/-2, which starts the loop only on itself with no life gain or loss in play. I think that opponent should just time out his turn doing a nothing infinite-loop, but the match ends and declares a draw. Where is the draw? His turn should time out, my spell should resolve, ultimately leaving both larks in the gy. I feel I was cheated out of a win in an event match, which will result in…
7 votes -
no more 750 daily challenges
As of the last two updates, I am unable to receive any 750 daily challenges. Even after a challenge swap, I only receive a 500 daily challenge. How can this be remedied?
5 votes -
Arena quick draft
Quick draft not registering. I paid 2 times for quick draft.I play 1 game and when I try to play next round the quick draft is non existent. It asks me to pay again for draft .
12 votes -
Game keeps freezing and crashing on ipad
The game crashes or starts freezing up during every match on my ipad
38 votes -
broken friend match functionality. cannot play historic 60 card outside of tournament or friendly/ historic brawl
Hello, I see that you fixed the 3 game historic 60 card tournament feature (3 games) for friend matches. However, we used to be able to play a single historic match using the 60 card challenge match feature. However, that feature no longer allows the user to select a historic deck.
The second bug is the brawl match. This used to allow the user to choose friendly brawl decks. It no longer does. This feature has a second defect. Even if you choose a standard brawl deck, it displays the error: invalid deck.
Acceptance criteria: 60 card friend challenge feature…
17 votes -
Sparky needs upgrade, difficulty levels, and more
I play Sparky to get a feel for my decks, but the vs-AI mode could be a fun, more challenging aspect to Arena. There is really a lot of untapped potential here. Here are some thoughts.
- Give Sparky more recent cards. Maybe from the recent beginner decks. The cards feel underpowered and dated. It just isn’t challenging playing with the most recent cards against Sparky’s older sets. I have noticed that the programming only allows it to play cards that have direct interactions (for example, Pacifism on one of my creatures). It is not programmed to play cards with activated…
8 votes -
Mastery XP Card Rewards Not Being Received
After completing level 80 of the most recent mastery tree (D&D Mastery), I did not receive the Mythic Card reward, and have not received any of the uncommon card rewards since. (I am now on level 94 of the mastery tree.) There doesn't appear to be an issue with the XP wheels themselves. I am granted the correct amount of points, and it does roll over to the next mastery tree level, but without releasing card rewards. Please help!
23 votes -
Card stuck on stack
Often Cards stay in the Stack when a short disconnection happens in the mobile app. This bug made me lose a lot of games in the last weeks.
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151 votes -
Missing mastery pass rewards
I am not receiving the cards from mastery passs rewards after lv 80. The exoerience counter restarts as if leveling uo but no reward is shown even if I go to my collection.
2021.8.50.981.88695713 votes -
I believe, strongly, that your game is rigged. If you don't stop with these greedy, malicious, unfair practices I'll take my business elsewhere. Just plain let a random generator generate the cards and stop toying with your players.
28 votes -
Ban Tibalt's Trickery
Ban this card already, it's ridiculously overpowered and making the game no fun to play. Fix it now!
12 votes -
No cards appearing in draft
Playing on iOS . Received a text during draft. Return to draft to find no cards to choose.
16 votes
- Don't see your idea?