MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
If you receive an error message that your attachment did not upload, please check to make sure it is smaller than 50 MB.
14456 results found
Enable Timer for Loops
I just played a game (attached log) where my opponent created a loop with scurry oak + prosperous innkeeper + Heliod, sun-crowned. He proceeded to click through the cycle many times, well beyond when normally a delay timer would kick in. This gained him any desired amount of health, squirrel tokens, and +1/+1 counters on one creature. However, this did not win them the game outright. As he did not get a timer, and continued to demonstrate the loop for some time, I just conceded so I could leave and play more games, even though technically I should have gotten…
6 votes -
Rank Progress Error
No matter how many times in win or lose in rank standard or historic I do not gain any rank. No progress is added or subtracted.
iOS17 votes -
Matchmaking always making mirror matches
I have played today exactly 20 Historic Brawl matches, and 16 of them mirror matches. It's awful, tedius, completely unacceptable. This has made me absolutely angry and I want to vomit.
15 votes -
Product Suggestion
Please please please STOP with the pairing algorhythms and the obvious cheating that Arena does. Just give us random pairings by rank - thats it - no further manipulations. Let us draw cards randomly as you can with a computer and let actual skill determine who wins and not your obvious manipulations. What you are doing is reprehensible to a competitive player. The game is good if you would just stop the behind the scenes manipulation of what is happening.
8 votes -
XP not awarded after completing daily challenges.
Issue percieved today. Stuck at level 79, did not recieved any XP from the daily wins.
13 votes -
Fallo en Recompensa de Maestría
Buenas , estoy en el nivel 90 de maestría y me he dado cuenta de que no recibo recompensas de " Carta poco común " al subir nivel. No se desde cuando pasa pero me he percatado recientemente.
Gracias y un saludo7 votes -
BO3 rank point bugged
In Rank Constructed BO3.
The opponent disconnected in the first game and I won the match.
However, the rank point did not increase by two, only by one.21 votes -
*** - Unable to Login - Timeout and Attach Failed to Drop Other Attach - ***
Before I uninstalling MtG: Arena, I couldn't open Shop or Mastery due to "Crashing with a Unity Window (red exclamation point)". I uninstall MtG: Arena and re-installing it back. Now, I can't login with either timeout or "Failed to Drop Other Attach" error. What to do?
11 votes -
Daily wins not recorded
I have won four games with an AFR Premium draft deck since the last daily quest reset, but only two daily wins have been recorded. Log file after my fourth win (after which the counter still said 2 wins) attached. I am not 100% certain, but I believe that a daily quest has completed in the same time, so it appears that it is only the daily wins that are not recorded. A restart of the client did not change anything.
14 votes -
Prosperous Inner Keeper/Scurry Oak/Heliod Sun Crowned infinite combo
It break the game and won't let play
11 votes -
After completing a Standard ranked match there is no rank confirmation/progression
Standard ranked game completed successfully but no rank details appeared and when checking in profile, there was no change in rank. Match won, should have advanced.
14 votes -
Game got stuck after opponent timed out, registered as a loss for me.
After my opponent used his/her time out, the game got stuck. After I reloaded Arena, there was a loss next to my name.
9 votes -
Since the new patch (09.02) been having extreme timeout issues. One long game ended in an infinite timeout with no resolution and had to quit the app (ios). Next game same thing happened immediately, no lands were even played. Switch modes from ranked to play and was able to start a game but the timeouts were slower than normal (several times thought I was stuck in a loop again because the timeout counter wasn't starting). That game finally ended in an infinite timeout. No defeat or victory screen on any of these
13 votes -
Draft win not counting
I just started playing a Quick Draft in Arena. I played three matches, winning the first, losing the second and winning the third.After the third match, the Rank ladder didn't show up. So, when it returned to the Quick Draft screen, my progress showed only a single win.
15 votes -
The description for the shroud ability has a grammatical error
The description for the shroud ability says "can't be the target of spells OF abilities" instead of "can't be the target of spells OR abilities"
5 votes -
Network error
Getting a network error, can't join queue, please try again when I hit the play button. This is happening after maintenance on Sept. 2.
17 votes -
Mana ***** / Mana Flood emote
I guess the shuffler is fine, but I sometimes win due to an opponent flooding or getting mana-screwed. Sometimes I'm the one stuck on no or all lands for 5 turns.
I wish I could emote this issue and that my opponent could answer "sorry!" as a respone.
We're not really playing magic when this happens, we're giving away a win due to the fickle whims of the RNG.
I wish to emote this, to convey my frustration or express my sympathy.39 votes -
standard 22 isnt working after latest update
standard 22 is not working after latest update, everything else is okay
13 votes -
can't enter any matches,not even a bot match. stuck on loading/matchmaking screen indefinitely.
can't enter any matches,not even a bot match. stuck on loading/matchmaking screen indefinitely.
17 votes -
Waiting for a game indefinately after game got stuck
I was playing Historic brawl on pc and the game randomly got stuck. No actions could be taken, no turn timers went off and I could not concede. After being stuck for 10 minutes I fully closed the game and on relaunch I cannot join any game mode. I get stuck on waiting for a game on pc and mobile. The longest I waited was for 18 minutes for another Historic Brawl game. I think my account still thinks I'm in that first game and won't let me join another.
6 votes
- Don't see your idea?