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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

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Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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14369 results found

  1. Missing card

    Crazy I just got those card and it’s missing . Who knows how many other card has disappear from my collection.

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  2. Game Timer Bug

    Game Timer Freeze
    so my oponent was losing the game i was going to do the final blow and then he just stoped to play and let the timer go down

    at one point the timer have go to Zero and he did not lose a timer counter and the timer stoped and stay there for infinit time.... forcing me to drop the game and give a free win to my oponent

    it about time you hire a real programer

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  3. Angel of Destiny

    Angel of Destiny Broken at High life levels. I had a game I had to concede with a 200/204 Angel of Destiny where our life totals were over 1000 because this card is broken. Not sure what triggers it is failing, but a high life totals or if too many triggers go off this trigger does not fire. Gave my log if it helps, but from what I've seen many people have complained about Angel of Destiny and either it cannot be fixed or they don't care

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  4. Opponent 100% tapped out but cast Reject

    My opponent was completely tapped out, no mana available, but somehow cast the spell Reject when I cast a creature on my turn.

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  5. 2 land again!

    4 out of 6 games 2 land starting draws.... LOL what a Joke

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  6. 31 votes

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  7. Display name

    It would be nice to be able to change one's display name. Personally, I would even be willing to pay to change my display name.

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  8. Blocking players

    Please make it to where we can block recent players some people are sore losers and just exit the game when they realize they can't win. Then you have to wait for all of their time outs to expire before winning this has happened to me numerous times even with the same players I just want to Block them so I never have to play them again.

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  9. rigged

    You delete my comments after how I exposed your cheating with this rigged game.... wow, thats really low....

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  10. Going second ruins gameplay

    Went second 7/8 of my last games, wiping me out of two drafts. I find that going first or second is bursty. Either I’m going 2nd all day or 1st. At this point I’m stepping away from the game and might try again in a few years if bo1 ever starts to rotate position.

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  11. Direct Challenge (7/31/2021)

    Can send challenge, and accept. Typically one user is getting stuck at deck selection and the other bounces to the vs screen before getting kicked back out. After that opponent is greyed out for direct challenge. Have to close and reopen arena to reissue. Then sometimes said must finish current match while sitting on the home screen. Tried doing other non-direct challenge match and went fine. Did not resolve issue when returning.

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  12. rigged

    Game is rigged!
    Here is an example, I built a mill deck to force the opponent to concede and first game, I get my opponent down to 6 cards left in deck and guess what he pulls? Thassa's Oracle... No response when using the 6 word communication chat in Arena which tells me that I was playing against a bot.... I mean seriously... That's not luck.... its called rigged!

    Another example, I build a shock deck that is mainly raw damage instant sorcery cards! I get mana flooded and none of those cards that are mainly the portion of the…

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  13. magic Arena is SCRIPTED

    Most scripted game of all time.

    best of three is best of mulligan.. 100% of the time you get no land, or you draw 20 lands in first 20 cards..
    every time a get diamond tier1 and I'm 1 game far away from mithyc, the MAGIC happens and I start loosing every f**kin game..
    all my favorite cards... BANNED... uro, teferi, fires.. even brainstorm!!!!!
    this game is all aggro and thoughtseize... this is magic on Arena in hystoric.
    No way I'm going to spend money or resources on standard because you ban cards every week ...

    you will never have…

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  14. Illegal Cards Being Played In Standard 2022

    Users are using cards inside the standard 2022 game mode that are not standard 2022. I've had players use murder as well as other cards such as the Ilysian Caryatid. Please fix, as it gives other players an unfair advantage in the mode, as these cards are not legal.

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  15. Continued crashes on iPad '

    This game has crashed multiple times during gameplay, both during events and regular play. Normally I’m able to get right back into the game, and not have been roped out. The past few days it has kicked me out and not let me in until I reboot my iPad, or it has black screened me. This is extremely frustrating. Again this occurs on the iPad, during both events and regular play.

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  16. Allow permanent land art purchase

    I appreciate land art can be occasionally unlocked through the store or by playing certain games like Quick draft, but ideally I'd like to have the facility to spend coins/gems to unlock any land art I wanted, any time I wanted.

    I'm not asking for this for free, it's just under the current system purchasing land art is periodic and at best only a small selections of lands are available.

    It would be great if we could purchase land art sets anytime or craft individual basic land cards.


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  17. Lair of the Hydra holding priority

    Even though Card:Lair of the Hydra states "{X} cannot be 0", it holds priority and threatens activation even when it is not possible to produce the at least 2 mana required to activate; e.g. when it is a turn 1 play and the only permanent on board

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  18. MTG Arena with lobby with custom match room and match history

    When will MTG Arena bring match history, lobby and custom game room creation?

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  19. Receiving cards after already having 4 collected and in inventory.

    When you open packs, the cards given to the player are presumed to be random from the set they come from. I just received a card "Cleric Class" from the new expansion Adventures in the Forgotten Realms, after having already collected 4 of them, and the card is now nowhere to be found. I have not received gems, nor gold, nor a wildcard for this card. If the player is receiving cards that have already been collected to the maximum amount, why is the player not receiving a wildcard or gems or gold for the card that is received? There…

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  20. 5 votes

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