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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

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How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

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6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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14456 results found

  1. the script is rigged

    I demand a refund of my latest draft. Look at the screen shot and tell me what kind of scripted nonsense is this?

    I drew 13 cards and ELEVEN OF THEM ARE LANDS! The same opponent that I played against in the first round, I drew TWO LANDS from 14 cards!

    I demand a ******** answer or I swear I am forming a committee to press a legal suit against WOTC for SCRIPTED CHEATING of players money and time.


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  2. the script is rigged

    I demand a refund of my latest draft. Look at the screen shot and tell me what kind of scripted nonsense is this?

    I drew 13 cards and ELEVEN OF THEM ARE LANDS! The same opponent that I played against in the first round, I drew TWO LANDS from 14 cards!

    I demand a ******** answer or I swear I am forming a committee to press a legal suit against WOTC for SCRIPTED CHEATING of players money and time.


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  3. Valkmira bug

    Valkmira vs Battle of Remembrance: same thing as Revenge of Ravens, suppose to 1 damage from opponent source and did not. if could join screenshot it would be great.

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  4. Valkmira bug

    Valkmira vs Revenge of ravens: suppose to prevent any 1 damage from opponent source, did not work at all

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  5. Matchmaking Terrible

    I have been spending this season testing your matchmaking system.

    I got to Mythic my first month playing this game. After that, I could barely win a game in platinum and I wanted to understand why. So I made all the "meta" decks.

    First I started with Mono-green, which gets beat pretty bad to Mid range Orzhov. I played 6 games and got Orzhov for 5 of them.

    So I decided to play the Orzhov deck for 6 games, and got Blue control (which I hadn't seen until playing Orzhov) for 4 out of the 6 games.

    Then I went…

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  6. unable to move cards to block attack

    In 1st phase of tutorial & unable to block... therefore unable to move any further in the game :s

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  7. 18 votes

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  8. Blood on the Snow cannot be played with manually tapped non-snow mana if you have other snow mana to tap

    I tried to cast Blood on the Snow with three non-snow mana and three snow mana as I intended to activate Faceless Haven with my remaining snow mana afterwards. It would not cast and only gave me the option to cancel or auto-tap, with the auto tapper automatically tapping the maximum amount of snow land and leaving me with three floating mana.

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  9. 5 votes

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  10. Sideboard

    On iOS, you are unable to access or add cards to the sideboard when creating a deck for historic brawl.

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  11. game is rigged

    Tested 50 games each!
    I play brawl only. With that being said, lets start with match making!
    Decks have a algorithm pre-set and deteremens what deck you go agaist!
    Example, if you play with Esika, God of the Tree then 90% of the time you will go against the same deck or Magda, Brazen Outlaw. tested 50 games!!!!
    Second deck i played with 50 times is Lurrus, of the Dream. Not s single time i got the two decks above but instead two to three other decks....

    I mean seriously, your not eben trying to hide the fact that your…

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  12. Graphics options

    There should be graphic options to disable "unnecessary" visual effects, like the battlefield ones, and the visual effects for trample creatures and such, a way to disable all animated effects that aren't important for playing the game could really help performance in old PCs/phones this could bring a better experience for players even to players that have good machines would appreciate not waiting soo much for opponent turn to end, and can bring even more players. I think that some players would indeed opt to disable animations (even the ones that doesn't experience lag) for a more "fluid" gaming. Some…

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  13. Land draw in sealed is just scripted.

    In the 50% of the time you draw wrong land that makes you die doing nothing. 16 lands, 8 per color, you draw 6 of the same color, this happen 50% of my games, this is not fair and you die doing nothing because most of the time you keep drawing other color cards. The game is scripted, just assassinate you to make you pay more for gems. FIx this or i'm gonna uninstall, this is a scam, non way is just misfortune, probability is a different thing.

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  14. Card description vanishes instantly from right click

    We would like to report a problem when checking the details of the card by right-clicking during the match.
    If you press the right click during a match, the explanation of the card will be displayed for a moment as if you had hit repeatedly, and the explanation screen will disappear instantly, so you will not be able to read the explanation.
    I had no such symptoms until a few weeks ago.
    I tried exchanging the mouse, exchanging the right-click and left-click decision functions in the Windows mouse settings, and installing clickcancelar (an app that automatically cancels abnormal double-clicks), but…

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  15. Graphical Error Spontaneous Resizing of Game Window in Fullscreen

    Spontaneous Resizing of Client Window in Fullscreen Mode
    when playing the game occasional the game will freeze/ experience a lag spike before resizing the game window. objects in the window remain full sized and crowd the screen. a workaround for this is to open the graphics menu which causes the graphics to reset to normal however the game will continue to lag and even repeat the action sometimes crashing or forcing me out of the game as the round timer timeouts before the lag stops or graphics are displayed properly again.

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  16. App is crashing a lot since last update

    Hey MTGA development team. Since your last update, the game is crashing a lot. It already happened in different parts, homepage, deck editor and mainly during battles. The game just close out of nothing. I have and updated android version on a Samsung Galaxy S10.

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  17. alternative payment system

    Xsolla payment system for PC is absurd. It works irregularly, often for no reason hanging. They have appalling customer service. I inadvertently typed wrong credit card number and they have banned me from purchasing anything else.

    There must be an alternative to Xsolla or I cannot buy anything from your company.

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  18. Storm Combo Timer Problem

    I was playing a Grapeshot deck. My opponent was at 81 life, so I had to storm off in a round. Even though I was non-stop playing, my timer ran out. I had to dig through my deck really hard and had only gotten my counter somewhere into the high 30s. I decided that since the timer was about to run out I'd at least show my opponent that I had the Grapeshot in hand with a lot of stacks and hope they would resign.

    They did not, and after the timer ran out, the remaining grapeshots went to my…

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  19. We need Four Player Free for All private games

    Many of my friends and I have agreed that until Four Player Free for All private games are added MTGA is the inferior format. It's why we tend to play paper instead when we get a chance. Once this format is added to private games I think a lot more of my group at least will transition to MTGA.

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  20. Scute Swarm creates unbalanced game.

    Scute Swarm should be considered overpowered as it unbalances the game. I don't like the idea of banning cards but if ever there was a card to ban.. The screen shot below went from a fun balanced game to absolutely ridiculous in just 2 moves. This happens quite frequently when dealing with this particular card. If you lack removal for one or two turns it's game over. At least with a card like Book of Exalted Deeds you have a series of specific actions to take to make use of a whammy card. Scute Swarm does not nearly so much.…

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