MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions
This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here.
How to report a bug
1. Give us the steps to reproduce the bug
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks
How to submit product suggestions
- Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
- Enter your feedback
- Add any relevant screenshots/videos
Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests
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14314 results found
Auto Pass Priority With Scavenging Ooze
My opponent cast a Languish while I had a Scavenging Ooze on board and 3 open green mana. I activated it, exiling a creature from my graveyard, and after the ability resolved, it auto pass priority, resolving the Languish. There were plenty more cards in graveyard, and had I been able to activate it again, I could have exiled another creature in my graveyard and saved the Ooze.
5 votes -
Won't load past "Loading initial Scene"
Few days ago I was playing just fine. Left for a little bit to run and errand and when I came back my game will no longer load past the "Loading Initial Scene" page in the beginning. i've checked every for updates and I've unistalled/reinstalled arena and nothing has worked. I just dont know what to do anymore
11 votes -
Game is a 100% rigged
You pay with money to buy data and in return you get better odds in every match you play for a period of time till it ends and you pay more and repeat the cycle. The algorithm is rigged with match making/card draw/ starting hands and several others. Decks that have a 70-90% chance of win on tabletop is a 20% chance to win in Arena unless you pay for more data as a rigged cash cow! F-you, Wizards made me quite…34 votes -
ICR Duplicate protection for events
Really need to place duplicate protection on ICR's received from FNM events etc. There's no reason these should give duplicates, especially as the game continues to grow there's always some rares that folks are going to need. I mean I get making money, but come on this is just kind of a slap in the face.
23 votes -
Cannot tap land for mana
I couldn't tap a forest for adding mana, it was like it doesn't exist in the game
14 votes -
Exert abilities don't always trigger
It has happened to me, many times already, that when I exert Glorybringer it doesn't fire the 4 points of damage.
I'm on a windows PC.
The matches in which the exert failed to fire were always ranked (best of three).
There was always a target creature to target and no rules-changing permanent affecting abilities whatsoever.
Once it was targeting Nicol Bolas, The Ravager; another time (different match) it was targeting Terror of the Peaks and a third time targeting some other creature I don't recall.
It's been happening since the last days. And since the last days I'm playing…7 votes -
activated abillities wont activate
Activated abilities wouldn't work. I couldn't activate the abilities of any of my creatures in my deck.
21 votes -
XP Not adding properly
I had 25 / 1000 toward my level, I finished a daily quest worth 750 xp (lost the match, so no other XP was awarded) and now I am at 575 / 1000. (PC Platform)
16 votes -
MTG Arena
Since about 11th of March 2021 (noticed a client update), MTG Arena is temporarily corrupting my install drive on Windows 10 (Insider Preview Build 21332, used to work just fine until the last maintenance/update). I start the game client, try to access the store or start a new game, i get the spinner which freezes (the game freezes) showing as Not Responding in task manager. At that point, my install drive start reporting incorrect folder sizes, some folders cannot be accessed..etc. The Data folder in MTG Arena ,for example, is empty. If Windows is restarted, everything reverts back to normal…
5 votes -
Stuck at loading initial scene: PC
Upon opening MTGA the program hangs at "Loading initial scene" on PC. Resets, computer restarts, uninstall/reinstall does not solve the issue.
35 votes -
Upkeep stop not functional
Playing on mobile. Control the scarab God. Set upkeep stop to activate ability with trigger on the stack. Game automatically resolved TSG trigger without allowing activation. After scrying, upkeep stop would function as normal, giving priority before draw step
9 votes -
Card missing from collection
Give us the steps to reproduce the bug:
Open packs.
Notice the cards that you get.
They don't appear in my collection.
I am missing an Orvar, the All-Form. I noticed that Koma, Cosmos Serpent didn't appear in my collection at first. I waited a couple of days and it appeared. However, this is not the case with Orvar. I wonder what other cards I am missing.Could you please give my account some wild cards to account for the missing card(s)?
I will NOT continue to pay money for virtual cards that disappear.Note which platform you’re using:
Android.…13 votes -
Deck image reverts to vanilla card style if alternate/showcase style is applied.
When I select alternate/showcase card styles for my deck image, the art reverts to vanilla after saving. This happens with any alternate card style, e.g.,
-Throne of Eldraine: adventure showcase card styles
-Ikoria: mutate showcase card styles
-Theros: God/demigod showcase card stylesThese alternate/showcase styles are sought after because they are rare and usually not free. I would prefer to get the most use out them as a reward for obtaining them. That includes using them for my deck images.
10 votes -
Did not receive XP after leveling up
Playing on Windows PC. I have no idea how to recreate the bug, but have attached my log. After levelling up on March 11th (around my 10th win for the day), I stopped receiving XP (after 15th win, mastery shows I still have 0 XP into new level where it should be ~5*25 = ~125 XP).
10 votes -
I just downloaded the recent update and now I cannot play mana. I can select mana but I cannot play it. Everything else seems to be working properly, but without playing mana I cannot play the game...
7 votes -
Lost connection to server during ranked match
Connection to server was lost during a ranked match, it was not on my side, it was a server issue. my game reconnected to the menu, and my rank didn't change.
I start another ranked match and win it, and instead of ranking up, it acted just as if I lost...
Fix your servers please, you can't just crash me like that and then denying me the next win like wtf???14 votes -
Can no longer drag cards to the table. (Mac)
On my mac in Arena after the most recent update when I pull cards from my hand and drag them to the table to play them they turn orange but don't go down they go back to my hand. The only way to play cards is to double click them from my hand now. Was this by design, counterintuitive to what I'm used to in this game.
5 votes -
What about a 2 vs 2 mode in mtga ?
First, I hope you are having a nice day !
I was thinking about a format like the two-headed giant in commander, but in the direct game mode !
Rules would be the same as the two-headed giant mode in general :
Each team has a shared life total that starts at 20 life.
Each team takes their turn together, meaning they draw as a team, attack as a team, block as a team, and go through all phases of the turn as a team.
-The team that goes first skips their first draw step.
-Teams do not share any…
10 votes -
Game Rigged ???
I have in my Deck 2 cards of a monster, During play I draw one of them and get to put it in my graveyard. Then, 2 turns after, I scry my deck , see that second same monster card and decide to put it at the bottom of my deck. 2 turns after that, I draw a card and it s that same monster, meaning like I have a third card of that monster but only have 2 in my entire deck. That game is rigged as *&^#$#. And that happened more than once.
24 votes -
Tibalts Trickery Ban
I'm tired of having turn two mountains dropped on my head. The latest was during a historic game where somehow, the opponent mulled down to 3 cards, and played a land first. I used my first turn to thought seize a Trickery from their hand. Next turn they draw Trickery and counter a spell, then somehow land an Ugin and Ulamog on the field at the same time. Totally fair with how little effort and engenuity is needed for this to work. Reminds me of the old days when people tricked out Emrakul turn two in modern with various cards.…
21 votes
- Don't see your idea?