game freeze
playing theros sealed. game froze. claimed connectivity issues. I have gig internet. Cerberus pet still works. opponent just stopped playing. don't want to concede because it will count as a loss.

Kambor#92586 commented
Kambor#92586 commented
Similar issue. Sound and idle animations are still playing, but nothing is happening. I can't even concede, and my only option seems to be force-closing the client. Happened while opponent had priority after they played a creature with boardwipe ETB. Has happened before at irregular intervals.
nes#31408 commented
same issue, game freeze only option is to concede
Queeny-90#16939 commented
freeeeeeze all the time... :(
(and winter is still to come :) ) -
Queeny-90#16939 commented
Bug still persists: game freezes mid match after playing some time.
I stopped playing any format with entry fee due to Client freezing so often.Last lines of log file:
[27483] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[27484] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[27905] The character used for Underline is not available in font asset [Font_Title_Phyrexian].
[28223] The character used for Underline is not available in font asset [Font_Default_Phyrexian]. -
Queeny-90#16939 commented
Bug still persists: game freezes mid match after playing some time.
I stopped playing any format with entry fee due to Client freezing so often.Last lines of log file:
[27483] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[27484] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[27905] The character used for Underline is not available in font asset [Font_Title_Phyrexian].
[28223] The character used for Underline is not available in font asset [Font_Default_Phyrexian]. -
Queeny-90#16939 commented
Bug still persists: game freezes mid match after playing some time.
I stopped playing any format with entry fee due to Client freezing so often.Last lines of log file:
[27483] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[27484] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[27905] The character used for Underline is not available in font asset [Font_Title_Phyrexian].
[28223] The character used for Underline is not available in font asset [Font_Default_Phyrexian]. -
Queeny-90#16939 commented
Bug still persists: game freezes mid match after playing some time.
I stopped playing any format with entry fee due to Client freezing so often.Last lines of log file:
[27483] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[27484] Look rotation viewing vector is zero
[27905] The character used for Underline is not available in font asset [Font_Title_Phyrexian].
[28223] The character used for Underline is not available in font asset [Font_Default_Phyrexian]. -
jank SUX#35943 commented
Game continues to freeze, requiring a force quit and restart. Sometimes it's not apparent the game is frozen and I lose a turn.
On a MacBook Pro 2021 running Monterey 12.6
Adi#68234 commented
I had freeze like bug crash which prevent me from playing anything on the board and timer was working just fine. I had this problem before as well in my previous drafts and today is the same issue. I lost match becasue of it - my opponent gain advantage and I lost match. I am spend gems to play this draft but but becasue of this bug/technical crash I lose matches which normally I could win and gain less reward(s) that I should. This is unfair because my opponent victory is based on bug which PREVENT ME FROM PLAYING ANY CARD ON THE BOARD. Hope to receive some sort of recompensation for it. My opponent name was "Ishtuna31" I think - please check it.
oGGi#96343 commented
Issue Report Log file for the freeze...
oGGi#96343 commented
Game freeze after short connectivity issue.
SilentSavant#30695 commented
Game froze and opponent won after getting three free turns. I also gained a free turn, which is dumb. also, card froze while trying to view
NanoEggo#95723 commented
Same issue. I cannot attach my log. Retry
NanoEggo#95723 commented
Game freezes while playing. Log attached. Just for you to know, I wasn´t roping (opponent was spaming Your go) opponent. I hate that kind of behavior. Thanks
Belisarius#30312 commented
Game freeze while playing
Lykos#77690 commented
I should have got a screen shot, but I have attached the log file, and from that, you can check my last match I was in.
During my opponents attack phase, when one of their card few out and hit my avatar, it froze right there on my face, and the game ceased to be responsive. I recognized this from before and quickly clicked the game till I got the not responding do you want to close, so I closed and reopened the game
The game loaded back up and I was able to finish out the match. In the past with freezes, the game never recovers. It simply has entered an unrecoverable state.
Also I should state that on load back into the gamer, I'm stuck with just basic emotes and Ajani as my avatar. I have to go in after the match to add back all my emotes.
3gsXtz@/#15170 commented
suddenly freeze after creature attacs
but pet is moving now -
Scaly Injun#33781 commented
Been having the same issue since the new update last week.. I thought that it might be something related to Cache, so i restrated my IPhone, but it happens again - 5 times since yesterday...
Amarethus#68143 commented
Froze again