Enchantments detaching from creatures causing cards like Kaya's Ghostform to fail.
Enchantments detaching from creatures causes Kaya's Ghostform to fail. E.g. destroy a creature with Ghostform attached, it detaches from creature, creature is destroyed but does not return.

Axis Sunsoar#02520 commented
Similar issue here, Kaya's Ghostform vs. Minions return. Opponent cast Minions return on a creature of mine. I cast Kaya's Ghostform on the same creature. the creature died due to combat damage, and both enchants triggered, but I was unable to choose their order. I have all my auto options disabled, and minions return seemingly triggered first, removing Kaya's enchant from the creature. I would have preferred to choose the stack order, and have Kaya's ghostform trigger first, "fizzling" minions return. Log included.
looking at death triggers, I see the following on https://blogs.magicjudges.org/ftw/l2-prep/rules-and-policy/all-about-triggered-abilities/"If multiple triggered abilities are waiting to go on the stack, the active player puts all her triggers on the stack first, then the nonactive player puts all her triggered abilities on the stack on top of them. The nonactive player’s triggers will all resolve before any of the active player’s triggers will resolve."
It appears as if I was wrong, and this works as intended. to clarify, if my creature died on my opponents turn, would Kaya's Ghostform have triggered, and Minions return fizzle?