Level up but didn't recieve Mastery Pass Reward Mythic
Level up 60 but didn't recieve Mastery Pass Reward Mythic card

BiSwagrin#47996 commented
Level 18 of LOTR mastery pass, i didnt recieve any mythic card whatsoever, and the funny thing is that this might be something recursive...
Please fix this.
Grandpamuenster#40435 commented
The Log file - would not attach - Where do I send it?
Grandpamuenster#40435 commented
I didn't receive my master pass Level 51 Mythic Card Reward - This is for March of the Machine (Issue still happens) Please grant me a card...this bug needs to be fixed.
Captain Miraculous#90232 commented
This also happened to me on the Brother's War Mastery Pass level 60.
FistofCury#34912 commented
I also did not receive my mythic card reward when turning level 53 on the New Capenna Mastery pass
Moorloc#65015 commented
New to MtGA and just completed level 11 of the New Capenna Mastery Pass but did not receive my mythic card reward. I did receive my XP and gold reward for winning the match and completing a daily quest, but no card. I am not sure if the one from level 8 was awarded as I was very new to the game and was still working out what was going on (actually, I still am). From comments this looks to have been a problem for 2 years now. If you are unable to award it, then change the reward to something else that will work please. Thank you.
Underground Sea#08193 commented
Same issue here. I reached level 8 in the New Capenna Mastery tree and didn't receive a Mythic Rare Wildcard.
Adri_Opi#44679 commented
Same issue here. I bought the mastery pass (Neon Dynasty) a few days ago and never received the mythic card rewards. I've realized when I reached level 90 and didn't get the mythic card reward. So frustrating!
Pandacorn#55115 commented
This has happened to me for every mythic rare card I was supposed to get in the new Kamigawa Neon Dynasty Mastery Pass. As soon as I level up i check my collection and there are no new cards that are Mythic rare. I'm at the point where I don't want to pay for the next Mastery Pass if I'm not going to get all the prizes. Also it's stopped showing me when I get some of the level up prizes. Really frustrating when I've paid for the pass and don't get the mythic rares.
Adi#68234 commented
I have the same issue - I am level 75 and I haven't acquired mythic rewards yet. Only 3-4 days remained to the end of Crimson Vow Mastery Pass.
Adi#68234 commented
I have the same issue - I am level 75 and Is haven't acquired mythic rewards yet.
Seowk#78545 commented
Same problem: i gain no wild mytich cards from mastery (lvl 99)
Erazo#44004 commented
they did not give me my mythic
delverofthemany#69431 commented
I have purchased the midnight hunt mastery pass and never received the mythic rare wildcards from the pass. I am very disappointed. I have contacted xsolla but they were no help. How do I get this resolved?
Versyn#81709 commented
This has continued to happen and was reported a couple of weeks ago when I leveled up earlier. Still don't see a fix or comment from WoC.
Bartholomew_Bumfiddle#85654 commented
same here
Bartholomew_Bumfiddle#85654 commented
Didn't get any mythic rare ICR from midnight hunt pass yet (lvl34 at the moment). Thank you for your feedback.
Kreksus#11798 commented
Same, when I first purchased MH mastery pass at level 15 I didn’t get my 4 mythic wildcards
VolldeSchmonk#90033 commented
Same at lvl 70 from Forgotten Realms Mastery Pass. Also checked collection, no new mythic.
Zant#76561 commented
Same, when I first purchased STX mastery pass at level 30 I didn’t get my 2 mythic wildcards