Level up but didn't recieve Mastery Pass Reward Mythic
Level up 60 but didn't recieve Mastery Pass Reward Mythic card

ArthurXIV#09365 commented
Same, at ELD mastery level 60 i got 2 orbs and 1 pack but not the mythic rare.
It sounds like you may need some more troubleshooting advice, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'Technical Troubleshooting'.
Duey Crim#46625 commented
Also did not receive my 101 lv mythic rare prize. If i did, it was not displayed and i have no idea what i got.
For this issue, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'General Questions'.
Crossfire#77714 commented
I didn't receive my mythic and rare wildcards for leveling to levels 101 and 103, respectively, with the throne of eldraine mastery pass. I don't know what log to upload for the mythic wildcard, but the attached log is for when I reached level 103 right now.