Error Updating Data
The game is stuck on startup.
It says : "Error Updating Data - Please check your connection and try again".
Obviously my connection work just fine. I think this is a bug.
Thank you for your time and patience
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Vassourada#83856 commented
Same here. I did everything (flush DNS, using VPN, disabling Firewall, deleting manifest docs...)
AlmostPicard#58812 commented
Same problem here for two days. I've uninstalled+reinstalled, tried installing through Epic, and restarted my computer. I don't know how much more fully I can "fully relaunch the game client".
meowkung#68986 commented
same here on aug 26
Katsuwo-CT#88235 commented
According to Wizard Customer Support Twitter, "Error Uploading Data" problem is supposed to be solved by "fully relaunching your game client". But I don't know how to do this. I tried some way involving uninstall and reinstall, but all attempt didn't work. Please tell me how to solve this problem...
Karashar#35167 commented
Same problem after the update I was able to log into the game build a deck, I left the game and was unable to log back in.
organic#83272 commented
Game hung after showing a winning screen in standard ranked.
After restarting the game keeps displaying "Error Updating Data - Please check your connection and try again".
Tried to log in from another PC - same result.
Probably game corrupted server-side user data when it crushed. -
Gryphyn#84636 commented
Concerning : Error Updating Data: please check your connection and try again
Had completed a game and click to exit, message disk/write problem detected message, click retry, then click forum check status there was no errors at that time
Closed everything down, restarted the computer, Windows 10, 16 GB mem, i7-6700HQ@2.60GHz, 4 cores, 8 logical processors
Still getting the Error Updating Data: please check your connection and try again
<Host Drive (Install default C:)>:\Program Files\Wizards of the Coast\MTGA\MTGA_Data\Logs\Logs
[2077] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Payload') is missing!
[2077] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Payload') is missing!
[2077] [UnityCrossThreadLogger]==> Event_GetActiveMatches {"id":"d04f807c-4232-4129-aa4d-507acd44ac0e","request":"{\"Type\":613,\"TransId\":\"d04f807c-4232-4129-aa4d-507acd44ac0e\",\"Payload\":\"{}\"}"}
[2083] [UnityCrossThreadLogger]8/25/2021 12:09:17 PM
<== Event_GetActiveMatches(d04f807c-4232-4129-aa4d-507acd44ac0e)
[2086] 8/25/2021 12:09:17 PM LoadWrapperScene
[2086] Caches cleared
[2086] [UnityCrossThreadLogger]==> LogBusinessEvents {"id":"5bb9012f-74a5-4d41-8da1-679ffd3dcc10","request":"{\"Type\":1909,\"TransId\":\"5bb9012f-74a5-4d41-8da1-679ffd3dcc10\",\"Payload\":\"{\\\"ClientSessionId\\\":\\\"2a9f328f-b32b-4047-a455-312b94d1ab99\\\",\\\"MatchId\\\":null,\\\"SegmentName\\\":\\\"Wrapper.InitialLoad\\\",\\\"SequenceId\\\":1,\\\"Duration\\\":0.0330499,\\\"FrameTimeAvg\\\":0.0,\\\"FrameTimeStandardDeviation\\\":0.0,\\\"FrameTimeCounts\\\":{\\\"over_35_ms\\\":0,\\\"over_50_ms\\\":0,\\\"over_100_ms\\\":0,\\\"over_500_ms\\\":0,\\\"over_1000_ms\\\":0,\\\"over_3000_ms\\\":0},\\\"WorstFrameTimes\\\":[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],\\\"HighReservedMb\\\":0.0,\\\"LowReservedMb\\\":0.0,\\\"CollectedMb\\\":0.0,\\\"AvgGcTime\\\":0.0,\\\"FirstGcMb\\\":0.0,\\\"LastGcMb\\\":0.0,\\\"LowGcMb\\\":0.0,\\\"HighGcMb\\\":0.0,\\\"NumGcs\\\":0,\\\"DetailedLogs\\\":true,\\\"EventType\\\":22,\\\"EventTime\\\":\\\"2021-08-25T18:09:18.0156586Z\\\"}\"}"}
[2086] [UnityCrossThreadLogger]==> LogBusinessEvents {"id":"b1c0e169-a681-48c3-926d-a65ce8d6a6d4","request":"{\"Type\":1909,\"TransId\":\"b1c0e169-a681-48c3-926d-a65ce8d6a6d4\",\"Payload\":\"{\\\"ClientSessionId\\\":\\\"2a9f328f-b32b-4047-a455-312b94d1ab99\\\",\\\"MatchId\\\":null,\\\"SegmentName\\\":\\\"Wrapper.LoadSequence\\\",\\\"SequenceId\\\":0,\\\"Duration\\\":0.0350803,\\\"FrameTimeAvg\\\":0.0,\\\"FrameTimeStandardDeviation\\\":0.0,\\\"FrameTimeCounts\\\":{\\\"over_35_ms\\\":0,\\\"over_50_ms\\\":0,\\\"over_100_ms\\\":0,\\\"over_500_ms\\\":0,\\\"over_1000_ms\\\":0,\\\"over_3000_ms\\\":0},\\\"WorstFrameTimes\\\":[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],\\\"HighReservedMb\\\":0.0,\\\"LowReservedMb\\\":0.0,\\\"CollectedMb\\\":0.0,\\\"AvgGcTime\\\":0.0,\\\"FirstGcMb\\\":0.0,\\\"LastGcMb\\\":0.0,\\\"LowGcMb\\\":0.0,\\\"HighGcMb\\\":0.0,\\\"NumGcs\\\":0,\\\"DetailedLogs\\\":true,\\\"EventType\\\":22,\\\"EventTime\\\":\\\"2021-08-25T18:09:18.0216587Z\\\"}\"}"}
[2087] [UnityCrossThreadLogger]8/25/2021 12:09:18 PM
<== LogBusinessEvents(5bb9012f-74a5-4d41-8da1-679ffd3dcc10)
[2087] [UnityCrossThreadLogger]8/25/2021 12:09:18 PM
<== LogBusinessEvents(b1c0e169-a681-48c3-926d-a65ce8d6a6d4)
[2098] Valid Camera component required on Canvas - Content
[2098] MainNav load in 256ms
[2098] 8/25/2021 12:09:53 PM Coroutine_StartupSequence
[2099] [UnityCrossThreadLogger]==> StartHook {"id":"0a4b4f3f-3a1a-4ee7-8271-fbfd94da4a36","request":"{\"Type\":1,\"TransId\":\"0a4b4f3f-3a1a-4ee7-8271-fbfd94da4a36\",\"Payload\":\"{}\"}"}
[2120] [UnityCrossThreadLogger]8/25/2021 12:09:54 PM
Error response for message 0a4b4f3f-3a1a-4ee7-8271-fbfd94da4a36. Server Error Code: InternalError Message:[2121] Starthook Response failed! Error: , Exception:
[2210] Ignoring Deprecated Client BI Message Social.OnlineFriendsOnConnect
[2210] Ignoring Deprecated Client BI Message Social.ChangeSocialMode -
maxIX01#42515 commented
Same issue here.
Error occured after winning a standard ranked match.
I hope you will fix the problem soon :) -
Nogrul#83019 commented
Same problem here, tried disabling Windows Defender, Uninstalling and reinstalling on Epic, resetting my internet connection. None of the above worked.
Smirfes#38173 commented
this just happened to me after loosing a Standard 2022 ranked match.I've already tried to re-install the app on iOS but it didn't work.
My connection is fine otherwise I wouldn't be here writing this :)
Osiris#90155 commented
I tried a few things - restart, reset winsock, dns flush, etc. All my other games are working. Hopefully they are aware of the issue.
Slugivan the Destroyer#66973 commented
Also frustrating that the MTG Arena Status screen makes no reference to this problem and claims that the game is fully operational. As with others game was working fine a few hours ago but then it wouldn't let me start a new game and restarting Arena gave me the above error repeatably.
Slugivan the Destroyer#66973 commented
Did a full reinstall but this did not fix the problem. Clearly I would not have been able to redownload all the game files if there was a problem with my connection.....
Ase#06990 commented
I'm getting this error on Windows 10 after the Aug 24th update. I played a couple of games without issues but then after playing the midweek standard 2022 event and getting a win the game crashed and I have been getting an 'error updating data' screen since then. Tried reinstalling, launching from epic games, using VPN, turning the firewall off, updating windows, changing the proxy settings on windows, uninstalling, deleting the registry and reinstalling, deleting the manifest file on the MTG Data folder, running as administrator. Nothing has worked or made any difference.
zharek#24532 commented
The same issue here after today's update on PC and restarting the game once.
Android did not work right after update.Deleting the update manifest file helps on Windows...
Lanetolsun#70605 commented
Same with Derringer, happened after my first loss of standard 2022 mid week magic(Everything was ok when i won .... ) , i concede, then connection got lost and never came back. Since i can write here you know my internet is OK.
klopturix#08789 commented
I got the the black screen bug, change my local date, worked for a draft, and now this :
I'm on win 10 pro, last version of the soft is installed+ -
Derringer8808#88861 commented
I updated the game then started up fine on my Android. I won my first match of standard 2022 mid week magic and then got an error message saying Error Updating Data. Now I can't play at all. Tried restarting the game but same message appears.
Jesús#72114 commented
Same for me, in Windows version... After playing some matches without error.
And delete that file doesn't work
Jamez#44425 commented
Following the comment by worked for me. The actual file(s) to delete are:
C:\Program Files\Wizards of the Coast\MTGA\MTGA_Data\Downloads\Manifest_39841652dc16278da5893053aa6d484d.mtga