Titans Nest
Dear WOTC,
I tried out Titans Nest today and lost matches due to time out because it just takes too long to manually exile cards to produce mana. Can you please improve the handling in game of this card.
Thanks a lot
bobbycore3#35085 commented
This thread had a great suggestion. Essentially, please update to function the same as Escape.
StoneforgeMisclick#91458 commented
100% agree, it's basically impossible to use due to the combination of the following:
1) activating it doesn't add to your game timer the same way every other spell and ability activation does
2) it takes several seconds for the game to process the action
3) your turn timer doesn't pause while the game processes the action.All this together means any deck that relies on Titan's Nest is sure to time out on any turn that they want to use it for 8+ mana.
ghostmode#80828 commented
Totally agree, this one needs something done to fix it.
For this issue, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
Kallouskiwi#09671 commented
Titan's nest on the current client is completely unplayable in a serious deck.
Timeout (as has been mentioned) is horrible.
Two other cards that also have issue are unmoored ego and covetous urge (in a Thousand Year Storm)
When the cards go on the stack (or when trying to resolve exiling with Titan's nest) the clock runs down while waiting for the client to process the action.
Almost everything else in storm or mirror march have no issue with timing due to interactions, however these three cards seem to be VERY long.
If you have multiple cards taken by covetous urge, the client grinds to a halt and further actions in game take forever to resolve.Please fix!!!
Example of the interaction almost timing out can be seen in game 2 here.
https://youtu.be/iHEw6WWmEyc -
For this issue, please submit at: https://mtgo-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'Reimbursement Request / Report An Issue'.
Kambo_Rambo#35595 commented
Even though Titan's Nest is an activated ability, it does not add to the timer. The rope continues to drain down, and with all the animations and clicking required, it is nigh unplayable. Lost a draft match because of this bug.