Unable to sideboard or rejoin game
I tried to concede from game 1 from the Std Metagame Challenge, and when I tried to click settings I missed and closed the window, closing the client. When I reloaded the client, the game was still active and so I conceded the game as normal. However, I was unable to see my deck (only my sideboard), or confirm any deck configuration, instead seeing the screen as shown in my file. I couldn't rejoin the game after multiple attempts, and could only concede from the settings.
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Game where sideboarded out shock and dragonfire.PNG 3918 KB -
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Glitch in MTG Arena 4-23.png 2791 KB -
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trickyboy#82359 commented
I do have the same problem and on any companion that I would have. See attached screenshots of the issue. It is a problem really as you cannot sideboard on the BO3 game which sucks.
Hoping for consideration to be addressed soon.
Efficacy#89095 commented
Same issue again, this time in standard event!
EDIT: Possible WORKAROUND for future players -
1) Alt-F4 out of the broken sideboarding screen to exit the game
2) Restart it
3) RepeatThis allowed me to rejoin the match once the sideboarding process timed out and it was ready to deal my opening hand. I had no chance to change the sideboard, the changes could not save, but I was able to play g2 & g3 with my mainboard.
It seemed like the game had to launch after sideboarding was over. If you wait too long, you will time out and auto-concede.
Pelli#12261 commented
the same.
Did wizzards communicate anything about it? -
CaptainCautious#02277 commented
In any BO3 format, if I use a Companion I cannot sideboard. It comes up with a blank screen, it says Username1 and LongUsername and I have to wait for the sideboard timer to time out then it goes to the next game. Happens consistently in any BO3 match with a companion.
Sconler9east#71478 commented
same problem
can't sideboarding after reconnectbut I used Kaheera as companion
Reptar#06847 commented
Same issue. Internet went down during game 2, could not sideboard, despite multiple restarts, forced to concede.
Polo#03826 commented
Also happened to me during sideboard, both after games 2 and 3. I lost, of course, and this has been an issue since the release of Ikoria almost a month ago.
Efficacy#89095 commented
Same problem. Crashed during g1, was able to reconnect and play it out. Sideboarding was unusable and game forced a concession.
mikestra#18764 commented
Also experience this every game the client crashes or is closed in the middle of the game. Unable to even submit the deck to play another game. Only option is to concede.
M3RLIN#05217 commented
I'd really appreciate if Wizards made some effort to fix this. This bug has caused me to lose multiple matches and it's really getting on my nerves that they seem to consistently overlook patching this issue
SelesnyaHipster214#23104 commented
Same for my Zirda deck. It is very frustrating and I've lost several matches now because of the bug.
For this issue, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
H3jj3H#04376 commented
In a ranked game bo3 in game 2 and 3 my deck was registered as it was in game 1 even though i sideboarded heavily. In this game my hand consists of 3 of my sideboarded cards, shock x2 and scorching dragonfire agaisnt my control opponent.
I hope some kind of refund on my ranking will be made for this bug since it affected my games against my opponent quite drastically
bunnyquest#80763 commented
I forgot the steps to reproduce!
1. Lose network connection during your match.
2. Reconnect client to server
3. Go to sideboarding -
Pelli#12261 commented
Is there ant news for the companion bug?
Pelli#12261 commented
Pelli#12261 commented
after the first bo3 match, he gives me some problems with the companion in the sideboard. I can't use the sideboard and the timer doesn't run.
It sounds like you may need some more troubleshooting advice, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'Technical Troubleshooting'.
Social#68217 commented
I just got a similar bug. I have Lurrus in my sideboard, but not as my companion. In game 2 I changed my deck so that Lurrus was eligible to be my companion. I set everything up and submitted, but my deck was unchanged from game one. My untapped.gg overlay was even confused and showed the deck I actually submitted, which was different then the deck I had to play.
griffin#89063 commented
Same issue for me