Traditional Standard Ranked play does not reward ranks
Both today and yesterday BO3 standard ranked did not reward me any ranks when I won the Bo3s. The usual rank gained/lost interface does not show up but quest rewards interface does. Checked my rank yesterday after 2 won Bo3s and did not gain any ranks.

Urban#06569 commented
Am lately facing the same issue.
Any solution at hand? -
Kuri#85674 commented
Won a ranked BO3 match, opponent scooped after game 2. He had won game 1 then was about to lose game 2 and scooped. I did not earn any progress in the tier for the win, I closed the game relogged in and still no progress is being shown. Obv disappointing, is this something being fixed asap? Or an old issue? I’ve never had this happen to me before to my knowledge. Not much reason to play ranked if when I lose I lose progress but when I win I don’t get any. Using an iPhone 11…iOS. I see many ppl have the same issue and no response from any mods? Should I assume that I won’t get a response to mine either? This is a deal breaker just a few days before the season is over when ppl are trying to make a push to get to mythic or whatever their goals are. Hope this gets resolved ASAP.
stefs#13479 commented
Same problem again.
Geraldopower#90634 commented
me too, today when i won some standard match i didn't receive any ranks up and i didn't earn the gold for the win
P.S. I'm on PC
anfri#68843 commented
In my case, it only happens when I lose the first game and then the opponent concedes / times out at the beginning of the second game
gubbi_nz#33889 commented
Bo3 and Bo1 ranked do not contribute rank. Am on IOS.
WhiteKnight#77991 commented
Started not receiving any rank advancement after the switchover for October 2021. Still stuck at Silver 1 after more than 10 wins. Has not even registered my first win.
GolbeZzZz#61698 commented
i have this problem. BO3 ranked does no give me any ranks when i win and probabl nothing happens if i lose
Hypolite#33028 commented
Same here, just now. Only in Bo3 standard ranked.
Rakdoskiss#57357 commented
Yeah I have the same issue still after two weeks. I reinstalled and I still have the same issue. It always says connected to server after teh game and doesnt show the rank interface.
AlexHHS#70518 commented
Me 2. Exactly the same way :(
Pake#30996 commented
Reinstalled and still have the same issue. You guys don't even bother.
After each ranked game, when I press the play button I have BOT MATCH preselected even if I just played ranked bo3.