Black screen on match start
While in the menu everything is ok but when match start the screen become black but the sound still ok (if i move the cursor i can ear the sound of card mulligan).
The only whay to not concede is to set the resolution on the lowest, but usually cause visual bug on the board or/and artwork on the card disappear.
Please fix this issue, i'm loving this game
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MColon89#40370 commented
continuously crashing...
Greifenherz#71992 commented
there was a short cannot fonnect message - after a reconnect, the opposing player did nothing, the hourglass being endlessly there - i won't give up - otherwise I#d lose a game
DarkNinety#63340 commented
Game freeze many times this week when i was almost win. I would like to know how to fix this. I'm trying get golg for mastery pass but with this problem don't let me get.
ResloDan#39322 commented
Game hang in the midst of ranked play.
playing an elementals deck with field of the dead,
about to ddeck myself out with jace in hand. I play gruesome menagerie to pull back risen reef, healer glade and thunderkin awakener.
Bunch of risen reef triggers go off, along with omnath triggers along with field of the dead triggers. It processed eached one until it got to field of the dead adn the game had "trouble communicating with server" and it did not load or start a timer from there
Arzzet#62058 commented
I had a game crash and that causes a PC reboot, and I'm currently waiting 3 minutes to reconnect the match, that was a paid booster draw, and it was the turn where I had the chance to win the match ( and I was about to win, he had 7 cards in library and I had 2 merfolk secretkeepers and the mana to cast those, he doesn't run counters and I knew 2 of his 3 cards in hand and none of those could avoid him to lose, it was almost 100% win condition, but I needed that turn because on next turn he could cast forever young from his hand and refill the library. I've lost potentially 1500gems to that. I'm so upset. Still waiting 7 minutes now for reconnection...
I never ask for those things but I paid 20€ for 3400 gems to play draft, and now 1500 of those are pontentially gone ( at least I get 1 of the 2 matches lost ) I need to know if is any way to compensate that as I invested real money into that draft, or reset the lose counter and start again as it wasn´t my fault to lose that match.
Thank you -
Astronomer#38719 commented
New update fixed the bugs that were crashing the game.
CapDelfa#69279 commented
the game disconnect from the network and next don't allow me to reconnect to the game. the screen keep looking as waiting for the game. i losta relly import game, i espext to have back 4 line on ranking standard.
GuitarFender#91666 commented
The game closed in the middle of a match in the metagame event after opening the game he did not return the match and I lost the game because of that. I invested 2000 gold and felt harmed by the poor performance of the game, would like to receive the input or the value of the input.
WrightJustice#15002 commented
Latest update (October 10 2019) seems to have also fixed things for me.
Ruckous#22903 commented
The latest update seems to have fixed the issue for me. Thank you Wizards
Boro#90633 commented
MTGA CRASH and i couldn't enter the game. i want my gold back because of this, the event was lost !!! and is not fair
Flex#80347 commented
Game randomly crashed both for me and my opponent.
HS Arena Player#88837 commented
looks like it stopped thank god :)
allwaysdreaming#44119 commented
game crashed and timer wouldnt time out
Xanndurrr#69118 commented
I am experiencing an issue in which my program causes my entire computer to crash, without fail. This has occurred seven times within the last 24 hours. I have gone as far as to completely optimize my disks on my computer as well as cleaning up every disk. I have turned off every background process imaginable that could be affecting my performance, and yet it still freezes. I can't even go into deck editing without my entire program causing my computer to utterly freeze. The screen will remain on whatever it has frozen on until I restart my unit. I would appreciate any help or tips as I am an every day user of this game and have put a decent chunk of money into this game.
wimkok#70023 commented
Same here. After 1 game in traditional draft/sealed match, the game crashes before the start of the second game. For ranked draft, I have to restart Arena between every match to avoid crashing. This was since the October update.
GoboWarchief#75134 commented
My error log
GoboWarchief#75134 commented
My error log.
Edit: Nevermind, evidently this site is also filled with bugs and wont accept my log attachment either.
GoboWarchief#75134 commented
Same issue here. Crashes every game without fail. Sometimes before the game starts, sometimes when drawing my hand, sometimes mid match. Rarely, and I mean RARELY, I can finish a game (1 game, not a match). But then without fail it crashes when I attempt another game.
warlock#96530 commented
Same. Every single game.