Black screen on match start
While in the menu everything is ok but when match start the screen become black but the sound still ok (if i move the cursor i can ear the sound of card mulligan).
The only whay to not concede is to set the resolution on the lowest, but usually cause visual bug on the board or/and artwork on the card disappear.
Please fix this issue, i'm loving this game
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Zork#25393 commented
Black Screen during matches?
Found that running Firefox ( watching Twitch ) causes it. Think there's an issue between HTML5 and Unity when Arena is fullscreen. (Testing when Arena is windowed haven't seen it yet ).
Acer Aspire E15 / nVidia GeForce 940 MX (2GB VRAM Latest Driver) / Win10 (fully updated)
ハナ〇#85723 commented
Living Silver#78144 commented
Black screen only happens during some matches, but not others. It's frustrating, because I need to concede the game. I can see my cards and cards that the opponent plays, but nothing in the field.
RedVampire#23769 commented
Black screen on launch. Did not get to password screen. Uninstalled several times. And file folder deleted after uninstalled.
Y-I#23415 commented
RicardoSilva#04070 commented
Desde o dia 18 de Setembro, dia em que fiz o download do ultimo update, que cada vez que carrego o jogo so me aparece o cursor e um ecran preto...
nem som nem nada...
ja ficou assim uma noite inteira...ja desintalei, instalei...tudo de raiz e nada da sempre o maldito ecran preto.
Acho que vo esperar pela proxima atualizacao... -
Kellaine#97432 commented
I had the same issue after the last big patch.
I ended up uninstalling arena, and reinstalling it to fix it...
(((don't forget to delete previous versions from you download files. I do not know why, but it would not fix until I did that and re-downloaded the install file,)))
Hope this helps
ImmortalOSIRIS#44366 commented
I had this issue before myself. I uninstalled the game and re-downloaded a newer version of the installer. I've noticed that if you are using an older version of the installer it has trouble updating the game with the installation also.
DoctorFireFarts#72027 commented
Crashed in the middle of a premium draft game, and then got this message when logging back into the client. Not sure if there was sound or not because I don't play with sound enabled.
Jelin2187#07202 commented
Crashed in the middle of my premium draft game
Merlin#04229 commented
Today's 190MB patch seems to have fixed it.
LordoftheAbyss#78141 commented
These are the logs I have got from approximately the time I ogt kicked out of the draft.
Likgiao#48325 commented
Happened also to me
Boccinato#70316 commented
Same issue. I launched Arena and it said that I needed to update for compatibility. Exited, ran Launcher, when it started Arena in the background I can see that it got to 83% or 84% of something, but the main part of the screen says that my connection to the server is lost and I can Reconnect (does nothing) or Logout (does nothing) or Forums (opens web browser to generic MGTA forums page, useless).
Urso#94296 commented
Erro de conexão após draft
pk87#61265 commented
Lost also Draft game because of this error yesterday. After update works for a while but know it appear again and again lost a draft game
LEON#96449 commented
23:30 - not able to play - lost 10.000 Gold
Maloew#98731 commented
I have the same or a similar problem, when I open mtga it gives me a loading screen like normal, but when it should bring me into the game I just get a black screen with sound.
Shay#79072 commented
crash after 1 game
Neutronux#53475 commented
Update works. Still we lost more than a full day for the season pass (and they charge money for skipping a level). No refund, compensation or what so ever?