Deckbuilding: Can't select basic land as default like favorite sleeve
The option to set one of each basic land as default like it is possible for sleeves is missing or I can't find it.
When building a new deck MTGA suggests basic lands. They are all the same basic land which is fine for me - but they are not the version I like. Since I get displayed a zillion forestst from editions back to the stoneage it even takes a while to find the lands I need.
What do I have to do to set 1 basic land of each type ( Forest, Island, Plains, Mountain, Swamp ) as my default land to be used when deckbuilding?
Alternative - can I hide cards I don't need or where the artwork is offensive?

Robotor#66377 commented
I wonder why this still doesn't exist in the client yet. It would be really great for limited especially lol
MagicGee#34747 commented
Please, just like sleeves...
Icy Manipulator#51353 commented
Please lord wizard, please.
MColon89#40370 commented
Wizards! Why hasn't this been implemented yet?!?!
Kuyuyun#15639 commented
よろしくお願いします -
Murdoctor#39989 commented
Yes, we should have the ability to select default basic lands, and also have the option to "disable" lands we don't want from showing up while building/changing decks. Even just the ability to mark lands as "favorites" and only having your favorite lands show up by default would be OK.
Memnarch Pure#36663 commented
Please add this feature, Wizards!
Avod_Rashod#38806 commented
I hope they someday add this feature, what is the point of getting different land skins if you have to manually add each and every one every time you make a deck. Also with this feature you would be able to change the lands pretty easily just remove all of them and then suggest land would replace the ones you took out.
Superhaste#52619 commented
Please make an option to set basic land arts as defaults... is this so complicated?!
Viszeron#04886 commented
Why is this taking so long -- every set adds more basic lands that we have to scroll through just to get to the lands we want -- so frustrating!
Syntaxbad#80957 commented
YES PLEASE! I specifically do not purchase basic land bundles that I would otherwise buy simply because I can't do this. I bought exactly 1 bundle and am terrified for more basics to be added to my collection because they will displace the "most recent" default which seems to be the only way Arena chooses basics. This is especially important for Limited. No one wants to have to re-add basics of their choice every single time they make a deck. Would be such a simple feature that would make SUCH a difference (and would encourage sales of alt basic lands).
binaryzero#32765 commented
+1 Yes, please.
Nonvictus#90415 commented
Yes, please! Option for setting a default basic land preference would be AMAZING!!