No rewards after draft ended
After draft ended, there was no rewards popup. Not sure if I actually received the rewards or if it was a visual bug.
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
scramsby#29213 commented
This same thing has happened to me twice. If an event ends (for which you get no email notification or anything) when you're still in progress, it's like you never entered. You still have the cards but don't get any gem rewards at all. This is especially frustrating if you've racked in some wins and would have earned a good number.
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'General Questions'.
horse#40084 commented
I started a draft yesterday. I played about 3-4 games and recall having about three wins and one loss. I logged in today to continue the event, but I am unable to continue. The menu suggests that I am not in a current draft event and I would have to start over. Even worse, I was not awarded any gems for my event progress. I could have minimally earned back the gems I used to participate in the draft. If nothing else, please restore gems or provide a draft token, since I have to pay for the gems needed to participate in drafts, and in that regard I lost money.