Ban Tibalt Trickery
Turn two Ulamog, Ugin, Genesis Ultimatum, etc. Who thought this was a good idea? Love the idea of a red counter with a drawback, but the wording should have been an opponent's spell. Turned a good idea into a sigh worthy trend.

CounterSpellRageQuit#20736 commented
Wizards of the Coast, you have outdone yourself this time. This is the most fun I've ever had playing this game. Especially when it gives the opponent absolutely no chance to compete. Take a look at some examples of the mayhem and bedlam that ensues sub turn 5. Not a broken game at all, just pure fun! I'm sure the other person is having a great time as well. Especially during ranked / event matches. LOLZ
Ezrael#11247 commented
Ah yes, since I go second, I manage to get out a single Merfolk Windrobber. But since my opponent went first and they're using this god awful broken card, they play Kjora Bests the Sea God (Which makes people rage quit even when played normally) on turn 2. There is literally nothing I could do even if I had saved the 1 mana I had. I would like an explanation from anyone who thinks that is fair and promotes fun gameplay.
Monastario#11958 commented
It does not matter if the card is overpowered or not. The only thing that this card is based on is luck. Basically, you either lose on turn two or you have the counter or answer to the threat and the opponent concedes. So the game ends on turn two most of the time, the question is only if you win or lose based on luck. Where is fun in that? Is it supposed to be a fun match? If I want to play something random, I can throw a coin. Just pathetic...
Magmatic#59666 commented
Here we go again... another time it occured. And during an event even, great...
Magmatic#59666 commented
Yeah, second turn and game's over? Is it really about killing any fun in the game to have cards like this one?
R-Cane#44667 commented
I have to totally agree with stopbreedingnow#42667. It's like they dont know what they are doing or just dont care. Which gives you cards like Ugin or Tibalt Trickery. It's like with pc games these days, the players are the actual playtesters, only that with PC games they usually dont take a couple of month to do repair something that is obviously broken and sometimes even apologise for something that was obviously botched. I used to be a diehard MTG player 20 years ago. Today I only play it out of nostalgia and because I dont have to pay anything for it.
JBANK#41495 commented
I agree. This card is completely broken and is one of the worst cards ever created.
I am exhausted from surrendering to turn 2 Ulamog. -
stopbreedingnow#42667 commented
the new game/card designers are talentless ,just friends of friends, nepotism reigns clearly.. magic might as well just lose "colors" since they become more meaningless with every new set.. they gave red a counterspell now.. they have been giving haste creatures to basically every color when it used to be confined to red... they are giving direct damage spells to white when those used to be confined to red as well.. every color is losing its theme , and when you play against a certain color you no longer have much of an idea of what to expect.. its getting pretty ridiculous.. maybe they need to get back to the core values and theme of the game back decades ago when it still had a cohesive theme for each color... maybe try to seek out some intelligent people and hire them based on merit not on the fact that its your buddies cousin and you want to hook them up with a job!