see screenshot.. this is pretty typical for the disgusting lack of attention to detail of the programmers ..lazy programing is all it is
um, most of the time trample creatures have a red aura that flickers, and at the very least it should be showing up as a symbol.. the fact that the card says ... does not tell me AANYtHING! um theres plenty of room in the upper left to put the numbers and more symbols etc.. putting just some of the symbols is not ok, if you dont want to put all the ability symbols then just DONT USE SYMBOLS at all and that way ill be forced to always read the card instead of relying on the stupid dam symbols.. the most important ability of this creature was TRAMPLE not indestructible.. and honestly the way the artifact is displayed almost 96% behind the creature, i cant even tell at a glance which artifact is even attached to it.. maybe MOVE THE ATTACHED CARD FURTHER OUT SO WE CAN ACTUALLY SEE IT!