Give some incentive to players to display better sportsmanship.
Would be good for the game to give some incentive to players to display better sportsmanship.
As of now, see too many players "concede" instead of taking the final attack that will defeat them. Don't want to penalize these players, as that is their right -- but would like to incentive players to be better sports about playing games to their conclusions.
Those that "concede" rather than play one last round (especially without a "good game" message), really fall into the "rage quit" arena.
Overall, maybe those that play through the end of a game and loose should earn some bonus tokens, coins, badges, more messages, etc
Thanks for making an awesome game!
Peeves#34234 commented
Brilliant idea. I hope this gains traction.
ghostmode#80828 commented
sometimes I play a losing game to the end if I want to make sure the opponent is willing to know when they have the final blow and take the swing. that's sometimes more important to me than if they can play reactively with no intention of closing out the game until I concede. I don't personally like that attitude, and it has nothing to do with the deck one is playing. I played against someone who's win-con was that I would eventually mill out first by naturally drawing, and we both saw that and it was frustrating, funny, and fine. A concede on my part was appropriate. I also often let opponents take their turn just cause they might want to, but I try to judge if they'd prefer I concede maybe if they're playing a slower win-con and I see they are aware of my possible tricks and waiting but have an overwhelming victory and maybe we both are comfortable to move on.
So, by the way, you might see that there are situations it wouldn't be appropriate for incentive to see a game through. That game was my loss, but neither one of us wanted to wait 45 minutes for it. it's a neat idea, but i think an unfortunate reality of playing awesome MTG combos online is that you have to get lucky to find a game where the fun move actually wins you the game, or come across an intuitive opponent who is either nice or wants to see the combo too, for laughs.
-some random guy, not WotC staff