Couldn't win game even though I brought them to negative hp
Couldn't win game even though I brought them to negative hp.
I kept attacking my opponent until they were at -200 and still couldn't win.
I had to concede because he had more cards in his deck.
Joebro425#72229 commented
I had this happen and couldn't figure out why it was happening. They didn't seem to have an enchantment or artifact that prevents them from losing. They also didn't have a creature that prevents losing since they used a "exile all creatures"(including their own) spell and still didn't lose. The green enchantment/articact you can't see in the picture was Monster book or something with a similar name.
Gothacka#88224 commented
@ ZombieMonkey#21084
I had one glance at your screenshot and can see why. READ THE CARDS.
ZombieMonkey#21084 commented
I won 4 to - 7 but the game continued and I lost -3 to -16. This is either a hack or bug.
Gothacka#88224 commented
Yall are dumb lol. Every single example I read in the comments is just a white deck player with Book of Exalted Deeds and you've all voted this non-issue up by 62. Read the cards. I bet most of you had no way to beat the tactic but still refused to concede too.
Peeves#34234 commented
This is stupid. Same issue with my game! WTF!!!
jinxe#15299 commented
i have no idea how this is possible. i'm concerned and a little worried to play another game
mthope713#55292 commented
I just her the same happen to me. Then opponent won after reducing me to negative up.
wraycode#79029 commented
retro#87197 commented
Opponent had gone into negative and was still able to attack went another turn and stayed negative
1 peu oué#43350 commented
Playing on a iphone i brought my opponent to negative and the game continued after that i brought my opponent to have 0 cards in his decks(supposed to be a lose when that happens) and still the game kept going i had to surrender because the guy wouldnt concede
KingXorn#31389 commented
My opponent was pushed into the negatives, and the game continued playing. I survived the next turn, and then I hit him again, pushing him further down. He still did not lose. The next turn, I get pushed to -2, and the game ends and says "Defeat".
m_garbellini#12551 commented
Playing on iOS. Same result, brought opponent to negative and did not win the game.
Kinger1021#05603 commented
snoops#49507 commented
I had the same problem though my opponent was -23 and he was able to kill me when I hit 0. Glad to see it wasn’t just me but angry for all these people who had to deal with this ridiculous problem. I am running iOS 15.4.1
Log file 2022.15.10.477.929304 -
Myzery#45872 commented
I had them at negative but they were able to still play.
Josh.Lky13#75618 commented
Same issue he had a creature that had a counter but I expelled it but he still didn't lose
[Deleted User] commented
Your opponent has the card on the field that would answer your question, and a counter from a previous copy on the Angel of Enlightenment
Matt Martin#10637 commented
Got an opponent to negative 250 and game didn’t end
Dazer83#20911 commented
Exactly same story for me, the opponent didn't surrend and waited untill I get 0 cards. Nice fairplay attitude.
giankruiz#62945 commented
cant win even reachin oponent negative hp