Card bug
I made a play where "Minion of the Mighty" would call out "Siege Dragon"
But when attacking phase happend, Siege dragon didn't do the 2 dmg to opponents creatures (He had 3x non-flying, and had no walls).
Siege Dragon text says "WHENEVER Siege Dragon attacks" even though it was just played.
Xriot#39752 commented
I can confirm this behavior. When you play Minion of the Mighty with 6 power and select the Siege Dragon card to come out, it does not invoke the 2 damage to non-flyers. It's almost as-if since I didn't "choose him as attacker" in the game, that phase didn't invoke, since Minion of Mighty was chosen and he just came out automatically tapped to attack. As the card reads, it should still proc the damage though....