Earn a new deck stuck at 0:00:00
The earn a new deck quest feature is stuck at 0:00:00 left on the timer with no way to earn a new deck
Playing on PC
GosuNudge#94332 commented
I see a lot of responds to this problem. Here the same. Windows PC, got a black screen first, set it to UTC +0. Then I could play, but earn a new deck tomorrow is stuck..
DuergarDude#62909 commented
Same since the last update I had to switch my timezone to UTC, and the deck quest doesn't show.
Rybomm#15331 commented
Same problem. Have only received one starter deck.
MisterJeef#55307 commented
Like so many others, my 'Earn a New Deck' reward has been stuck for days. I've tried reinstalling.
Hero_0f_Time#90193 commented
I have had the same issue for the past few days - It says "Earn a New Deck Tomorrow" and the countdown is at 0:00:00.
Any fixes/updates?
Hero_0f_Time#90193 commented
I have had the same issue for the past few days - It says "Earn a New Deck Tomorrow" and the countdown is at 0:00:00.
Any fixes/updates?
StaticGamer#94236 commented
I am having the same issue. I only got the first two decks (RG and WU), and once the August 2021 update hit my timer has been stuck at 0:00:00.
teemoking#08826 commented
Two-color deck quests not be executed after patch progresses. The time is displayed at 0:00:00 and the message 'Get a new deck tomorrow' comes out. The quest has not been completed for three days now and this message has been maintained.
teemoking#08826 commented
Two-color deck quests will not be executed after patch progresses. The time is displayed at 0:00:00 and the message 'Get a new deck tomorrow' comes out. The quest has not been completed for three days now and this message has been maintained.
teemoking#08826 commented
Two-color deck quests will not be executed after patch progresses. The time is displayed at 0:00:00 and the message 'Get a new deck tomorrow' comes out. The quest has not been completed for three days now and this message has been maintained.
teemoking#08826 commented
Two-color deck quests will not be executed after patch progresses. The time is displayed at 0:00:00 and the message 'Get a new deck tomorrow' comes out. The quest has not been completed for three days now and this message has been maintained.
PapaProne#07348 commented
I have this problem as well
capdaddy#13286 commented
Ever since the large update a couple days ago, my quest to earn a new deck has been stuck at 0:00 and no new deck quest has been given. I just started playing MTG Arena a couple weeks ago and those dual-coloured cards are so important to many decks, and I would like a chance to earn them. This is kinda sapping my will to play until it’s fixed to be honest.
capdaddy#13286 commented
Ever since the large update a couple days ago, my quest to earn a new deck has been stuck at 0:00 and no new deck quest has been given. I just started playing MTG Arena a couple weeks ago and those dual-coloured cards are so important to many decks, and I would like a chance to earn them. This is kinda sapping my will to play until it’s fixed to be honest.
Gyrosupernova#51361 commented
I've been stuck ever since the last update.
CheshireChester#72148 commented
"Earn a new deck tomorrow!" is bugged and won't progress. The timer is and has been stuck on 0:00:00 after unlocking the first three two-color decks ever since the latest patch took place (August 2021).
Additionally the only way to get the game to launch properly without ending up stuck on a black screen with your cursor is to change the time zone to UTC+0
Platform: PC
baketa#56478 commented
same problem…
please help me… -
JonKruperTattoos#58869 commented
ios my earn deck rewards is stuck at 00:00:00. Yesterday and today it has not changed
Shel#87832 commented
Same problem .... the latest update got me good. :(
momo#20592 commented
I have completed the individual colors challenges, all 5 of each 5 colors, but... when it came to start acquiring the 2 color decks, I got 3 of them before the last patch but now I can`t get more of them, the timer for a new time to get a new one is stuck in 0:00:00, and I haven't gotten all the 2 color decks, a friend of mine who had more time playing, he was not able to get those 2 color deck, but when the patch came out they all pop out in his deck list, but for me only one more showed up 08/26/21, I play both in PC and in IOS