Earn a new deck stuck at 0:00:00
The earn a new deck quest feature is stuck at 0:00:00 left on the timer with no way to earn a new deck
Playing on PC
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Nerdstats#09361 commented
Still and issue on my account.
Manderlin#69401 commented
My new deck timer has been stuck on 0:00:00 for about a week now. At first I thought it just wasn't a daily thing I was supposed to get, but then I noticed my fiancé has been getting quests like these every day. He even had one that gave him 5 decks for one quest. At this point I'm falling so far behind because I'm missing opportunities like this.
MartianHobbit#80168 commented
Still an issue here, going on nearly 5 months now
Lurkinator#02279 commented
Still an issue...
Alkren#32434 commented
For a very long time, I can't get new decks. The daily évent is stuck on "waiting for a new deck, earn a New deck tomorrow" and I never get any.
Dhokuav#40963 commented
I cannot unlock dual colour decks for Standard due to a bug in my quests. The quest for a new deck keeps saying "New quest tomorrow" with a timer that says 00:00:00.
I really hope this can be fixed. See the attached images. -
KBone#39520 commented
Still an issue, reading some comments from paying customers, myself included. Its just salt in the wound when you don't see any response about it either. Uninstalling this right now.
Belcavage#53373 commented
I have a brother wife and friend who have all been able to earn the dual colored decks but my timer on the mission just stays stuck at zero
Talanthlas#79991 commented
I’ve had the same issue and contacted support. They just added my comment to another thread and basically said they don’t plan on fixing it. Why would they fix some thing that gives away free cards?
DragonSpanker#85480 commented
whoever is paying wages of this trash support team; you wasting your money. they are so incapable they cant even reply tickets.
Krewlty#74159 commented
As a MTG fan since 2013 and new to arena, not being able to earn new decks is seriously frustrating. Please do something about this issue.
mbeardsley#63941 commented
This has been going on for many months now...how about an update?
Or at least a statement that it is being worked on? -
BerNi#16918 commented
Since september still there. Please fix ist.
battlegiraffe#23532 commented
I’m having this problem too. I haven’t unlocked any of the two color decks and am stuck playing with just single color decks. As a new player this is seriously turning me off from the game. =(
battlegiraffe#23532 commented
I’m having this issue too. I started playing a while ago and stopped after unlocking the single color decks only. I started playing again this week and the unlock deck feature is always stuck at 0:00 wait for tomorrow. I’m a new Magic player and this is really turning me off from the game. =(
TableCloth#21182 commented
2022 has come and this bug is still persistent. I have not earned any "new decks" and it continues to say that I will "Earn a new deck tomorrow" along with the (00:00:00) timer to it.
Ringun#93756 commented
Over one and a half thousand people affected, still #6 of all bugs/suggestions, and you cannot find the bandwidth to fix it. I know SW development is hard but shouldn't digital MTG be big enough to overcome these challenges?
twhman138#88531 commented
I just started looking up info about the deck quests because a friend mentioned that he had gotten one recently that had some cards he liked. My deck quest timer has been at 00:00:00 for months now and I figured that with the number of updates that came out that the deck quests just weren't available any more. Is there a way to fix this or unlock the ones I've missed? Problem is there for my account on mobile and PC.
ThunderAntoine#96399 commented
Je suis concerné également, pourriez-vous s'il vous plait débloquer mon compte ?
Merci d'avance -
Andre Luis#41319 commented
Same here
Platform: iOS