Historic Brawl match making
Something is wrong with you matchmaking for Historic Brawl. I'm playing a 5-color Niv deck. I know it's one of the top-tier decks, and before the update I was mostly paired up with top-tier decks, like Golos, Bolas, Jeskai Narset, the Izzet Prismari head, mirror matches, Kinnan, etc. But now I ONLY get paired with one of three decks: the Prismari head (SO MUCH!), Jeskai Narset, or the mirror. That's it. The past about 30 games, have only been one of those three. Something's wrong. I play other decks and get matched against Golos, etc. , so I know people are still playing those other decks. I'm just never getting matched with them. And it's only since the update. Please look into and fix the match making.
Pastapockets#87184 commented
Stop playing WUBRG. PLay somethingn that requires neuron activation instead of ramp into 5 colour goodstuff boring mish mash.