bronze tier 0
saw some other people had this problem but no solutions, stuck at bronze rank 0 and no way to rank up. any updates to this problem?
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neeTHREE#69784 commented
Same problem here. I've opened a ticket.
JieYinRobert#59177 commented
I’m struck at the Bronze Tier 0. Now matter how I play the Ranked, it still at the Bronze Tier 0 and tell me that I must play a game this season to receive your season rewards. I think I meet a bug.
Exotic#09417 commented
same problem too, it's frustrating
JieYinRobert#59177 commented
I have the same problem.
Sekaba#67394 commented
This is my win just now, still rank 0
Sekaba#67394 commented
I've got the same issue, any clues as to how to fix it yet?
Winning or losing doesn't change anything to my rank at all.
It goes for both the Best of 1 and Best of 3. -
Djulian#70234 commented
I recently installed MTG Arena on PC.
Finished the tutorial & color challenges.
Started playing "Standard Ranked", have a at least 20+ games played but my
constructed rank is still stuck at "Bronze Tier 0". Win or lose it doesn't move. -
Djulian#70234 commented
Started playing MTG Arena on PC few days ago.
Completed tutorial & color challenges.
Started playing "Standard Ranked", had a few victory,even completed some daily quest, but my rank is not moving, still stuck at "Bronze Tier 0".
Thank you. -
Djulian#70234 commented
Started playing MTG Arena on PC few days ago.
Completed tutorial & color challenges.
Started playing "Standard Ranked", had a few victory,even completed some daily quest, but my rank is not moving, still stuck at "Bronze Tier 0".
Thank you. -
Djulian#70234 commented
Started playing MTG Arena on PC few days ago.
Completed tutorial & color challenges.
Started playing "Standard Ranked", had a few victory,even completed some daily quest, but my rank is not moving, still stuck at "Bronze Tier 0".
Thank you. -
DARKWIZARDSHADOW#89836 commented
I cant climb in the ladder, mtgArena are not taking register of my ranked played games. Still in the profile section figures "you have to play minimun one game for the season reward" and i played like 30.
When i win or loss, in the image figures BRONZE TIER 0 with a grey icon, and the ladder dont go up nor down.
DARKWIZARDSHADOW#89836 commented
I cant climb in the ladder, mtgArena are not taking register of my ranked played games. Still in the profile section figures "you have to play minimun one game for the season reward" and i played like 30.
When i win or loss, in the image figures BRONZE TIER 0 with a grey icon, and the ladder dont go up nor down.
Viking#73678 commented
I won in standard bo3 against two separate opponents. The first one took me up a tier and one step into it. My next match I won in bo3 didn't increase my rank at all... Does posting here even do anything? I've never received feedback on any of these unless it was people posting that whatever given bug happened to them too...
SirSmokealot#69785 commented
Lovely bug, I was supposed to rank up from Gold to Platin and my NEW rank was Silver ! Yeah, nice from 2020 the bug and when I post a new one it gets deleted instantly. Way to go to lose your Playerbase.
cetiberiojr#12866 commented
Happened today with me... didn't rank up after 3 wins... :(
Mido100#02393 commented
Same here ...twice...
CmdrSlayer#54827 commented
Same issue here
Javlink92#09696 commented
Same. Have you received any feedback from wizards back?
Ansu#82523 commented
after winning two traditional standard games and loosing one my rank didn't change.
Makorito#98253 commented
Traditional standard ranked games don't update my rank. I have played several games, not updating any win or loss. Profile doesn't update