Ban Tibalt's Trickery
Please ban Tibalt's Trickery in historic. It's everywhere and ruins the game instantly. Reading through some comments, it's clear I'm not the only one who feels very strongly about this.
Thoma$#16061 commented
This free casting card is ruining arena. I just run the timer down every time I cue into playing against this garbage deck since this is the only recourse we have. 3 out of every 4 decks in historic are playing this crap. I want to play magic and not against a slot machine. So sick of playing against this. Please ban this card!
Sly#50468 commented
Agreed please ban tibalt’s trickery. I instant conceed or if I have time roped them most possible will they keep saying Good Game and I don’t answer the to play against. Horrible feeling. Those players don’t lime to play magic anyeway. They troll us with this stupid Tibalt Trickery in Ulamog.
Miracles82#82604 commented
Hello, I have an urgent request to ban Tibalt’s Trickery in all formats. This card is so broken! Multiple hostile Emergent Ultimatums on turn two (!) is not cool. This can’t be how WOTC meant this game to be. Uro was fine, even Oko was fine, but this card is not fine! Looking at reactions on internet I’m clearly not the online one that hates this card, every normal player does....please help!